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Everything posted by pussylover

  1. Have you tried a urinal with it? Without it?
  2. Her content was a blessing to this forum and it's such a shame she hasn't posted recently.
  3. Have you tried holding her lips open?
  4. Do you prefer to approach the urinal from the front or the back? I can see merits to both approaches. Facing the urinal, you're taking a "I'm one of the guys" approach to peeing into the urinal, but you are (unless you're very skilled at aiming with your fingers or wearing a dress/skirt), exposing your rear, a part of the body that definitely looks different in females. However, despite being "one of the guys," you'll have a good view of their anatomy peeing, but it'll be harder for them to see yours. Backing up into the urinal, you're pulling your pants down, bending over, and ex
  5. Good to hear you've found a better way of doing it! In videos of women peeing, if they shake it off, they twerk, whereas a man shakes his penis. I've heard of women (who may have had penis envy) shaking their lips after peeing, when twerking may have been marginally more effective, although it's usually done for suggestive reasons. I wasn't sure if you were more into the freedom or (masculine) fashion of peeing standing - sound like it's the former?
  6. Do you shake with your hips or your fingers?
  7. You know how cruising at the urinal used to be a thing for gay men? Someone should bring it back, but unisex.
  8. according to https://www.hopculture.com/beginners-guide-lambic-style-beer/
  9. The difference is anatomic but not a result of the prostate or urethral length. The male stream spirals because the male urethra is flat, while the female doesn't because it's circular.
  10. Mc5Hc1klqt8 Found this video on yt. Guinness World Record? Edit:
  11. Do some women prefer their men cut? Strange - I know some men feel violated they lost a body part without their permission.
  12. Or course - I only wonder since most females tend to approach from the back rather from the front. It would be quite the uncommon experience for 2 females to find each other at the urinals, both standing and aiming forwards.
  13. Did she do it from front or behind? "Hover" in North American English generally means behind - same as in UK?
  14. Sometimes it's caused by cum sticking to the male urethra, but I don't think this was the case here since it happened at the end. It's more likely his urethra was a little misaligned from the beginning, which was overwhelmed by the strength of his stream, but as his stream died down, became apparaent.
  15. Footage sounds great - but perhaps you should reconsider a face reveal. My opinion, of course.
  16. This kind of begs the question - can't the woman's room save space with a big grate? Equivalent to a trough
  17. If it wasn't clear enough, I want to iterate that I don't think a woman peeing in front of you is a literal ask to have sex with you. Just that if a woman you know starts peeing in front of you she might be expressing interest in you. She also might be very desperate or very drunk.
  18. I'm not sure that I like this comment. It sails too close to the "she was asking for it" territory for my liking. When a woman pees in front of a man, either she is desperate enough to damn the consequences - in which case, it's strictly utilitarian. I didn't think that one through. By making a pass, I meant flirting, not asking for a groping. Bad, careless, wording. My fault.
  19. Perhaps it's related to how female sexuality is supposedly more plastic - her preferences liable to change over time and experience based on what her body needs this season, whereas a man's brain may have assumed he has found the best marker of fertility? The article goes on to say, "Dr Griffiths also points out how, in a 1982 medical journal, it was found "urine fulfilled many different functions for urophiles."" It appears his sadomasochism hypothesis may have been in reference in his belief that "Urophiliacs typically derive sexual pleasure from urinating on (and / or being urinated
  20. Attraction to both men and women is common and completely acceptable. You're right that I could have worded what I wrote better. I actually had read her profile and wasn't surprised that she in particular is bisexual, but how bisexuality translates to the peeing kink.
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