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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I suppose not terribly mean, but the rudest thing I ever did was pee on a girlfriend's bikini panties while she was still in them.
  2. If I worked for that motor club and knew it was you that called, I might want to make you wait just long enough that you'd be a "desperate damsel in distress". If nothing other than to make my job a little easier (or at least a lot more fun), I'd want you to mark which tire you wanted me to work on.
  3. You pose an interesting question. I might have to think some about this one. :geek: And, should the design be gender-specific or, in the name of equality, be the same for men and women?
  4. Sephora, I can only hope to see you wearing all those medals. You deserve to be on the receiving end after giving all those golden efforts.
  5. I suggest you keep us up to date on this thread. No need to send us all over the place. I'm sure a lot of us will keep checking back.
  6. Not just liked it, but loved reading these. A few more stories like them and you'll make up for your long time away.
  7. Don't think anybody can wet their panties like you can. (And I've tried.) At least, I know no one has as much fun with it as you do.
  8. In a casual situation, I'll usually say pee, sometimes piss. In a slightly more formal setting, I might say relieve myself. On the water, perhaps I'll say I need to use the head (marine toilet), even if I'm going over the side. On a hike, maybe water the trail. Of course, I could take after one of my hiking partners and just say I have to urinate. Although, I could never say it as cutely as she did, drawing out every syllable. And, around my friends with a medical background, there's always micturate.
  9. I think that's going to be me in a few years. Of course, we can always blame my behavior on senior moments, can't we? In the meantime, I may as well prepare for old age by being brazen whenever I get the opportunity, as well as sneaking views of young ladies peeing as much as I can.
  10. As an editor, I'm usually pretty good at catching these errors. This was one of those times I was paying too much attention to the story to care about such minor details.
  11. Not the kind of pissing match I'd prefer to jump into, but I have to side with Steve on this one. He's doing exactly what his job as moderator calls for, to monitor this site for questionable content and protect it from legal difficulties. I don't think any of us want this place shut down. Jodi, since you've already called him on the carpet, it might be best if this matter is settled there.
  12. Welcome, lojoboy. There's no reason to be embarrassed, especially around us. We all have to pee and there's no better place to do it than outdoors where you can some enjoy lovely views. Even better when you make a few of your own.
  13. In the coming weeks, I'm going to be spending a lot of time on small boats. There are guaranteed to be some long days at sea. I just hope I'll get to share them with some uninhibited crew.
  14. I trust the sight of a powerful stream wasn't bad, either.
  15. Don't worry, Jodi. I'd be glad to hold you.
  16. I've been know to stand in the shower and aim towards the far side of the tub across the room. Most of the time it lands somewhere close to the drain, except for those when I'm a little too full and seriously splash the back wall.
  17. Welcome to our friendly group. Looking to see more of you, too.
  18. Hope you're not still afraid of trees. If love to climb one with you someday.
  19. A continuation of a mostly true story I first posted two months ago I couldn’t wait for Tuesday evening to roll around. All afternoon I was restless and looking forward to the club meeting. I made it a point to get there early, in case Joanne did likewise. She arrived less than ten minutes after me, so we exchanged a quick friendly hug and talked long enough to agree to go out for coffee after the meeting and discuss our plans for the weekend. Since last Saturday’s hike “wasn’t a date”, I hadn’t spoken with her since I dropped her at her car that evening. I was a little nervous she might h
  20. When I've gone small-boat sailing, I'd sometimes have female crew. They'd often hike far out to kept the keep the boat upright in the wind and waves. Occasionally I'd see them dunk their butt beneath the water. I've long suspected they might be sneaking a quick pee, but, thanks to your explaining, I guess there's more to it than just that.
  21. A warm welcome to you, chubbybirb. I, too, hope your shyness goes away soon. Usually all it takes for me is a long walk or two with an overfly full bladder.
  22. I'm a firm believer in fairness, too. It's something I usually insist upon on hiking trips with a partner.
  23. You just need more opportunities. Get outdoors more, take a long walk or explore places in your yard, even if it's only under the cover of darkness. Just picture every situation as a possibility and go enjoy your new-found freedom.
  24. What's your best game, greedyneedygirl?
  25. Good for you, Steve, for trying new things and exploring worlds outside your comfort zone. Speaking as a writer, what I might suggest to make the writing easier is that you incorporate into it what is familiar to you, like situations, locations and props. I suspect there will be lots of scenes with bedding, furniture and, especially, carpets.
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