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Everything posted by glad1

  1. It's been a while since I've been here. Hope for now this will do.
  2. Lilipee, I might have to take you to the movies. Of course, I'd buy us the biggest drinks just so we fully enjoy the most exciting scene in the film. You know, the one that takes place offscreen.
  3. They say life imitates art. This almost happened to me, too. I was hiking in the hills north of San Francisco and encountered a young woman in a field just off the trail. While I didn't catch her squatting, she wasn't yet back upright. I couldn't really really ignore her, so I said "hello." She smiled as she replied to me (I suppose what else could she do) and started up a conversation. We must have talked close to half an hour, before all the water I'd drank on the climb kicked in. At first, it was manageable, then tolerable, then finally, as I was rocking side to side, overdue. I looked
  4. I hope the next time you're caught, it's much more the way you fantasized. Take it from one who's been there.
  5. Actually, I didn't pay all that much attention to it until recent years. At the time (remember I was very young, needed to pee and couldn't do so without help), it seemed a pretty natural thing to me. It wasn't until a good bit later that I grew, er, feelings there.
  6. What follows below is a mostly true story. Some of the incidents I've embellished, some I've changed to protect identities and some things, well, they happened so long ago that I don't remember now what exactly took place. While there may not be enough “action” to satisfy a great many of you (and you know who you are!), I want you to know that most elements of the story really did take place. I'd seen her at our hiking club meetings and out on the trails several times before, but had never gotten to talk to her alone until this evening when she came up to me as most of us were heading for th
  7. I had my first hospital experience very early in life, far too young to mention here. I'd gone in to have my tonsils removed and had to stay overnight. Within a couple hours after coming out of surgery I had to pee. I was told I wasn't suppose to get out of bed. Not sure what to do and trying so hard not to wet the bed, I called for the nurse and explained the situation. She hurried back with a steel bedpan, not a urinal (for reasons I still don't know) and got me sitting up in bed, then helped me pull my pajama bottoms down. I must have still needed her assistance because she gently held
  8. My thoughts, too, about EP. You could have conversations on most any topic, not just pee, and I thought I made a lot of friends there. Even if they were only virtual, what we talked about was real.
  9. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm going to spend a lot more time on the hiking trails. I'm hoping a few of the women I've met here will be doing the same thing.
  10. That's the same thing I'll tell my hiking partners out on the trail. It's amazing how many times I give them the opportunity to turn their backs, but they don't.
  11. When I led groups, one thing I'd always get across to my fellow hikers was that they stay well-hydrated. I'd tell them the best sign for knowing that was that their bladder should be full in no more than two hours and we'd plan our rest stops accordingly. You being the hyperactive sort, I'll bet those stops will come much more frequently. :biggrin:
  12. Lilipee, I'd love to have you join me for a hike. I'd see you stay well-hydrated. I'd even see you could step off the trail any time you wanted to. I can assure you it wouldn't be you, but me, who'd do the sneaking. :biggrin:
  13. Then, you must like hiking trips, especially the overnight ones that involve tent camping. When your full bladder wakes you in the middle of the night, you have a choice between stepping outside to pee under the stars or staying comfy and use an empty water bottle.
  14. Justin, I'm pretty sure you'll fit right in here. A great many of us are both fascinated by girls peeing as well as love having them watch us.
  15. This seems to be one of those cases where life doesn't imitate art. Instead, it appears to be a few steps ahead, at least from what I see. Maybe I've been fortunate to have been around a number of women who, even as they approach middle age, remain young and curious.
  16. I welcome you to this site and would like to think the Creator who made us all (in fact, gave us the ability to pee) would have no problem with us enjoying something that has been divinely gifted.
  17. A woman I dated told about the time she was in the hospital and had to use a bedpan. She overshot the pan, wetting the bed and floor in front of her. Said she was embarrassed, but from the way she told the story, she must have been excited about what she did. From what I recall :biggrin: , she had a pretty strong stream, too.
  18. That's why I always have an empty liter-size water bottle under the seat. It's come in handy on more than a few long road trips.
  19. It seemed your friend must have been rather inexperienced at this. Or, at least he didn't know what you and I do, to always carry along a larger cup.
  20. Hi, Jae. A warm (and, if you'd like, wet) Peefans welcome to you. :) I'll look forward to hear more of your stories. Not saying I'll be desperate or anything :wink: , but I'll put in my best effort to wait until you next stop by.
  21. Welcome to the club, Jae. :) It sounds like you'd fit right in on one of my hikes. You already seem to have mastered the most important part, leaving your mark along the trail without peeing yourself.
  22. I'm a male, at least the last time I looked (You're welcome to confirm this. :biggrin: ) and I do something similar, although it's best I stay sober. So, I tend to drink lots of water and go for long walks, and go and go and go. On the other hand, after having a few beers, I'm pretty sure I can pee twenty feet. Ask me to prove it, if you don't believe me
  23. Welcome, drunkenprofessr. I'm sure you'll like it here. We look forward to your contributions.
  24. glad1


    It's always nice to see another friendly, fun-loving newcomer. I wish you a most enjoyable time on this site and a nice warm, wet Peefans welcome.
  25. I hope that you felt emboldened by their brazen act that, when they returned into the building, you went over to the same place and covered their tracks. :thumbsup:
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