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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Not only willing, but able!!! :wet: Or, would someone prefer a private show?
  2. A so so image of you? Not even :meh: close!
  3. Very nice! I see you're well endowed in more than one place, even if it's nowhere close to a bladderful.
  4. I often do this on a hike, when I'll stop, just take a couple steps off the trail and, while continuing the conversation, pee, making no effort to hide my stream. In fact, she doesn't need to walk but a couple feet to get a look at the source, either. Often she'll join in and pee beside me. After that, I'll have absolutely no idea what we were talking about. :wink:
  5. I know you do. But just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu! :biggrin:
  6. Any chance you might better that? I'll be glad :wink: to offer you a rematch. :biggrin:
  7. You don't suppose Sephora made up this game just so she could see our penis?
  8. I've yet to meet my match. As Sephora said, when I'm good and full, I'm usually good for at least ten feet, sometimes twelve or.... :biggrin:
  9. But I have more fun attempting it from the other side of the room. :cool: While I know I can never match Sephora in terms of volume, I've still got her beat distance-wise and this way I always get a laugh. :laugh:
  10. Putting the "p" into participation again, I though I'd give it another try. I sure hope accuracy doesn't count!
  11. That is one seriously steep price for no more than a few threads. But what they lack in quantity, they more than make up for in aesthetics, or at least yours do. :thumbsup:
  12. It's okay with me if you just pull them to one side. No sense stretching them out any more than you have to or taking any extra time when you get caught short. Besides, I kind of like the look. :biggrin:
  13. After seeing how much you can hold, I don't believe that for a minute. I'm sure most guys have bladder envy.
  14. Nice one, Sephora! :biggrin: But, you always make me turn my head on my side. :wacky:
  15. Ahhhhh!!! Sephora, sorry if I didn't leave room for you. Hope you don't leave too big a mess on the floor! :laugh:
  16. Looks like the lager I just had. Probably tastes better, too. :biggrin:
  17. Oh, I'd say girls definitely! Once you've pissed them off, there's almost nothing that will escape the wrath of a woman's bursting bladder.
  18. For me it's a sign I like somebody. If they pee in front of me, they're probably pretty comfortable about me - and likely themselves, too. As for those boat rides, I'm kind of like BF's friend, the one that's good for distance. I've gotten a lot of laughs, too.
  19. At least my not-so-little member is having fun. :biggrin:
  20. I spend a lot of time out on the water. Too bad I missed your boat ride. I find a long day on a small boat is probably the best opportunity to watch how inhibitions break down in the face of an urgent need to pee. You might start out the day as strangers, but hours of close proximity will likely make you the best of friends. And, if you're already that, it's just a great excuse to pee in front of them.
  21. I'm sure a lot take here offense at being called out as "little members". :wink: Perhaps you just need to encourage them to rise to the occasion. :laugh:
  22. That should work. Except for when one or the other changes from winter to summer time or vice versa. Or NOT! :confused: Might it be simpler if we all decide to go on GST - Google (or Apple or...) Standard Time?
  23. Isn't that what a good doctor does, visit patients who can't make it in to the office? :)
  24. I've spent a lot of time on the Big Water. I've had quite a number of wonderful boat rides. Perhaps you were aboard the same time. If only I'd known you when you were in the neighborhood. :banghead:
  25. Kevin, thank you for taking action on this. As Steve says, female members especially are like gold dust. Unless it's their own choice to hold past the point of pain, we don't want them to ever feel uncomfortable around here.
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