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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I witnessed a good number of women enjoy a standing pee alongside me, but I've never yet seen one pee through the fly. Of course, there's always a first time for everything.
  2. Suffice to say, I enjoy going the distance, especially when there's someone like you watching me.
  3. Interestingly, I'm hoping for a similar experience this week. I'm heading out on another long trip tomorrow. On Wednesday or Thursday, I plan to spend some time on a remote trail like this one, where I'm told there may be good sightings. Of course, if someone is out there, I just might make their day, too.
  4. Perhaps you could do it in the style of (desperate) man-on-the-street interviews?
  5. This recalls a time when I was in an older college building that apparently didn't have facilities for women. I was sitting in a cubicle when I thought I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I ignored it at the time. A moment later, I heard the sound of heels entering the stall beside me, then the rustle of clothes being undone and a settling on the seat. And then, the unmistakable sound of tinkling in the bowl. By now, I had finished my business, but I didn't think that I should leave. So, I stayed, then stayed some more. (Why is she taking so long?) In fact, she stayed so long I had to t
  6. Hidden camera in the stall Who has the speediest bladder of all? :biggrin:
  7. I most appreciate your efforts into this research. I don't suppose you recorded your volume, too? I'll expect a full :wink: report from you.
  8. I'm a stream guy, too, especially after seeing what you can do with yours. :biggrin: So, how about you make a video of you challenging a few guys for distance? I'm sure you'd have no trouble finding volunteers, as even if they didn't beat you they'd still be big winners.
  9. glad1

    Sex or Pissing?

    Despite my best efforts, I do a good bit more of one than the other. (I suppose I could always up my fluid intake. :wink: ) No to mention there's no worry about disease, pregnancy or at least a half dozen other complications, half being physical, half mental and all being way too emotional.
  10. Still nice weather here today, so I enjoyed a couple hours at the shore. No need to cut my time short just because I needed a pee.
  11. glad1


    I'd walk many a mile for this camel. :)
  12. And I just love it when you feel empowered. More power to you, Lizz. :thumbsup:
  13. I'm with you on that (number) one. Or, at least, I'd like to BE. :)
  14. It's nice to hear you're multifaceted, Crissy. That's a talent that comes in very handy, especially when you're out. But really, sitting on the toilet at home? How boring! I'm sure you can be much more interesting than that. :)
  15. I think at least one has already been here. :wink:
  16. The scientist in me suggests we do our own study into this matter. I propose we conduct further research, this time measuring both the time to urinate as well as the volume passed. Perhaps we could encourage participation by offering a reward for the "speediest" bladder.
  17. I'm sure I can find a way of correcting for that. Go ahead, try me! :biggrin:
  18. I like a bit of overshoot, too. Sometimes, even a lot of it! Next time, how about not trying to hold back? :biggrin:
  19. You must be going through some big changes in your life, but I hope you are well. I guess now all your fans will just have to be content with catching up with you when they can.
  20. Shower AND tub will work, if I'm stuck indoors. I'll make it fun by standing in one and aiming at the drain of the other.
  21. I'm pretty much an outdoors guy, so in the woods or along the side of a trail or back road are some of my favorite places to pee. That's especially true if there's a special person alongside me. Who knows, I sometimes need help with my aim. :wink:
  22. Probably the same thing I'd have done. :biggrin: Of course, you might have had to wait a while before things, um, loosened up. :wink:
  23. Looks like your pretty full of yourself! :wink:
  24. Probably better than you think. There seem to be a lot more of us than you might first suspect. All the better reason to keep an eye out.
  25. Something for my fans. After all, it's going to be a long weekend. I don't think I'm the only one who can use some relief.
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