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Everything posted by glad1

  1. As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way. That's why I'm trying to put together this directory.
  2. Mostly look around for places that might have them. I'm thinking there must be small coffee shops and the like that have them.
  3. Me, too. Want to help me with some research? :)
  4. A recent poster got me thinking on this. (Thanks, Crissy!) Do you know of any unisex bathrooms in public places that have a urinal? You know, the kind designed for just one person, where you can lock the door? I'm thinking of creating a list of those around the United States, and maybe Canada. If you know of any, please share. I'm pretty sure a great many women would find this information useful. I know their partners would.
  5. I'm so happy for you. (I'd say I'm glad, but that's too obvious. :wink: ) Have you decided what you'll do? In my opinion, toilets are way too boring. Besides, shouldn't you give him a better view?
  6. As fannywatcher posted, there's no reason for you to do anything you're not comfortable with. It seems, though, you're at least curious about this, and in the right situation would be willing to explore new things. I, too, like watching girls pee, very much so. :) I don't try to stare, but sometimes in these situations one can't help themselves. :biggrin: And, I've found that women seem to like watching just as much as the men do. What I suggest is you take things a step at a time. Why don't you and your boyfriend go for a long walk somewhere there's only the two of you about. You needn't
  7. glad1


    Welcome, Sephora. This should be a great place for you. You can talk about any aspect of the topic. So go ahead, ask your questions. Most all of us are pretty open here.
  8. I certainly wish you a lot of, er, opportuni-pees. :) There's so many things you can do, seeing who can make the biggest puddle, pee the longest, furthest, highest (if you beat him, be sure to let us know) or maybe help with each other's aim.
  9. Watching one another can be great fun. Why not go on a long walk together and explore the outdoors? Maybe you can show off what you're good at and what you like to do.
  10. Yes, much like Feminine Anarchy, I suppose. Although, I wouldn't have them wear clothes, as I much prefer to see a good stream than wetting. I think I'd have it all take place in the outdoors, where it would much more natural than naughty, yet still highly erotic.
  11. This sounded like a most exciting experience. I guess what happens in the forest, stays in the forest. If only I had hidden out among the trees. :banghead: You'll have to let me know the next time you go there. I can't wait either. Of course, I probably can't hold as well as you. :)
  12. Over the past couple years I've given thought to producing a picture book of women peeing. Its style would be very artistic, perhaps abstract and definitely erotic, yet highly natural, showing how they find relief in those situations where they get caught short. The photos would be close-ups, all taken from angles where no compromising details would show, very revealing but at the same time most discrete. While, I'd like to think the pictures would stand on their own merits, there might even be a few words from the subjects describing events leading up to and during the moment of release, an
  13. Thought I'd bump this thread. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else had has pee experiences that weren't necessarily sexual, perhaps either out of necessity or just because it appeared to be perfectly natural. I've had a few that seemed as innocent as child's play (along the lines of you show me yours and I'll show you mine). I'd like to think I'm not the only one that enjoys good clean wet fun.
  14. Welcome, Luna. It's always great to find a place this, where you can feel at home and know that others are interested in the same things as you. Of course, it's even better when you've found that special person with whom you can share these things.
  15. Like the above post, I don't care to wet myself. (Someone else is another story. :biggrin: ) I think it is much more a girls thing and, from all the stories I hear, it seems to be a most pleasurable one. The say for men the world's their urinal. I'm certainly not the exception here. I love to pee in the outdoors and take pleasure watching my stream water the earth. Apparently, a few women also do. :)
  16. So what you're saying is that women need to pee more often than men, but don't? Guess this explains why girls have all the great wetting stories. They have some pretty good desperation ones too.
  17. Welcome to our site, Elena. It nice to see you jump right in with a story. I'm sure you'll quickly feel right at home here. :) There's a first time for everything, and it's great to learn your introduction to watersports was a most pleasurable one. In fact, you're not the first woman I've run across that's been so turned on by her own stream that she develops an interest in the wet side of life. You're right, it is AMAZING!
  18. It sounds like your garden is the perfect spot to pour out both your vexations and the fullness of your bladder. You can be private, all alone, yet at the same time share with all of nature. I don't have one particular place, but many, where I can offer my stream to the ground below and (sometimes a longs ways *hehehe*) in front of me. In more than one way, it gives me great relief. Stay wet and happy, Vikka and may all your reflections be so golden.
  19. I suppose we've all peed on bugs at some time in our lives. But, how many of us can say we've peed in one?
  20. Another most lovely story, Vikka. Wish there were another comment button to select (say, "Really, REALLY Like"). I'd have said "Hot", but this is much more "Wet". :)
  21. Great sightings, vpw! I hope you'll also tell some of your experiences on boats. Like you, I've enjoyed some very brazen moments of women peeing when on the water. While there may not be others close by, there isn't much privacy on a sixteen-foot boat. Often they'd relieve their swollen bladder within a couple arm's lengths from me. Unless you're very good at holding for most of a day, one gets over their pee shyness rather quickly. I know I did.
  22. How often do you aim at a target, like the drain?
  23. I'll often stand outside the tub and and aim my stream towards the drain. I used to think it was a guy thing, but I've met two women who do the same. I'm betting there are a few more of you here. :)
  24. I'm all for saving the environment, one tiny bathroom at a time. A small step, I know. But, if we all did it, it would start to make a big difference. Can't wait to try this, Sinna. Just give the sign code. :)
  25. I used to go boating with a group of friends. One of them was a cute, petite blonde. She almost always had to pee at least once during our ride. As she hiked her lovely ass over the side (have to admit I enjoyed a glance or two :biggrin: ), I often entertained the thought of being a fish swimming by to get a better view.
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