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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I live not far from Golden Valley. I have no idea how it got its name. As I have friends there, I didn't dare pee myself, either. :)
  2. I'll glad-ly :wink: give it a go as long as you would join me. That what I would call a win-win situation. :biggrin: :snow:
  3. I know you do. :thumbsup: That why from time to time I keep those posts coming, er, going!
  4. I haven't lately seen much of Sally. :wink: Maybe this will bring her out.
  5. Sounds like you had a great time last evening. And, over seven feet! I'm so proud of your effort, even if I can't take all the credit. :biggrin: Besides, it not me who has to do the cleanup.
  6. In the case of navels, whether one is an 'innie" or "outie" would seemed to be pretty much determined shortly after birth. But, in the case of the clitoris and, likewise, nipples, I'd like to think a woman's state of arousal might have a thing or two to do.
  7. As one who spends lots of time on the water, I'm pretty knowledgeable about all things naval. Oh, you said "navel". Well, that too! I know the difference between an "innie" and an "outie", at least in the usual context. As I'm all for learning new things, I don't suppose you might improve my education? :wink:
  8. I've been told an accident can ruin your whole day. I guess it can be even worse when you have one in a car, bus, train or plane.
  9. Sorry if I've been gone so long. It seems I've had to make a lot of house calls lately. But, the doctor should be around for most of today.
  10. And, you'll be famous for you creative sentencing. :biggrin:
  11. Perhaps this could be the start of a new career, you having your very own quiz show. I'm sure you already have a great number of followers who can't wait to come up with the answers.
  12. I can only hope there will be many more and that you will share your stories here. :)
  13. I, too, have enjoyed some wonderful evenings at the beach. Most seemed to involve picnics in the dunes, a little to eat, a lot of wine or beer to drink, a good bit of rubbing (maybe more :wink: ) and the inevitable release of swollen bladders. Eat...drink... rub... pee.... Repeat many times. :biggrin:
  14. I don't suppose you could show us both "before" and "after" pictures? And, while you're at it, maybe "during"?
  15. Your boyfriend is not alone in liking this directing his stream toward a woman's crotch. It's just about the best thing nature made a penis for. :)
  16. Since you're going camping in the outdoors, I'd like to see some great scenery. Sometime when you're bursting, perhaps you could snap a picture of what you see as you lie on your back and, naked at least below the waist, push out a potent stream, waterfall, geyser.... :biggrin: And, so we get an idea of where you've been, a little background in there would be okay, too. :wink:
  17. Hey, at least I got to hold the measure! :biggrin:
  18. Although I don't think it makes any difference to the ice, so do I!
  19. 1.45l I'll raise you by a full liter.
  20. Ever peed on a piece of dry ice? It makes a nice bit of steam.
  21. Sally, I notice you don't look so bad in gold, either. :biggrin:
  22. As you can see, I'm very much into the outdoors. So, paint away. Simpfan, I imagine you look very good in gold. :biggrin:
  23. It looks like you found the perfect trail for your hiking. I don't suppose you could give me the location? I'd love to add it to the list of stops on the tour.
  24. Yes, you should be very proud of flooding the earth, especially if you did it 6 or 7 times. Considering the volumes you hold, I just hope it wasn't all in one place. :laugh: Now, why in the world did you have a wet, soggy shoe? :unsure: Oh, never mind! :wink: I think I'm the one who's envying this camping trip.
  25. You gotta just love science, don't you? :)
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