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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Been a while, but worth the wait. Luv em! :thumbsup:
  2. I'm much more likely to do this to do this outdoors, say on hikes and such. But on at least once occasion I joined a woman using the restroom. I've told the story on another thread, but some things may bear repeating. We'd been hiking in the mountains and stopped at an internet cafe in a small town. Over a couple cups of coffee we both checked our mail and by the time we were done our bladders were near the breaking point. I looked around and noticed there was only a unisex facility for the customers. No one else was in the place and the counter was out of the line of sight, so we both walk
  3. I'm heading out on the road again this week, so another Penis Envy Tour (long hours on the road and no facilities) will soon be underway. I hope that at least one woman who enjoys peeing outdoors will join me, even if it's only for part of a day. Once again it's starting in the Midwest, where we'll water a few cornfields, then through the mountains to see a lot of waterfalls and streams and on to the beaches of the Atlantic Coast so we can practice writing our names, maye even to a few cities where we'll have to be sneaky. Anyone care to join me?
  4. Very nice pictures. I like trains, too. Although, might they have looked even better had they been reflected in that girl's puddle?
  5. I take it you know from first hand experience about such things? Perhaps you could share a story.
  6. I could only wish a Blue Norther was headed your way. If only to give you more writing experience.
  7. Just wait. There's more headed your way. :)
  8. Not that I would ever do such a thing, but there's been enough snow fall today that I can write my name. :snow: Whatever happened to spring?
  9. As a reporter, I once covered a day-long sporting event at a women's college. I stuck around to enjoy the evening party, perhaps thinking I'd get more interviews with the athletes. College being what it is, the alcohol flowed freely, so over the course of a few hours I enjoyed several beers. I'm sure a couple came out while I was there, although in the proper facilities. :frown: But, as I was leaving and made my way to the car, I could feel two or three more calling. Fortunately, there was a somewhat wooded path between the campus and I took, er, full :wink: advantage of it, watering at le
  10. While hiking with a friend, I "found" this, a rather fresh one. :thumbsup: Almost got away with snapping the pic without her catching me. She thought I was rather fresh, too. :biggrin:
  11. Your boyfriend goes away and your life gets rather boring. No cheeky fetish pics, no cleavage (anal or otherwise) and, especially, no hot tinkles. :frown:
  12. Welcome, Daniella. I'm sure you'll like it here. It's always nice to hear from a girl who believes the world is her urinal.
  13. Looks like a pretty steep climb. I would have enjoyed marking my accomplishment, too.
  14. I suppose it was a shame your boyfriend wasn't around. Though I must admit the beach view was most attractive, I would have love to have seen a picture of your freezing nips. :biggrin:
  15. I have a good idea where that ten liters went. :wink: I can only speculate that not only was she large but she possessed a similarly-sized bladder, otherwise not only was your imagination working overtime. Yes, ten liters is a great deal, but maybe not excessive for her size. I know that some days, especially when I try to rid my system of toxins, I may drink five or six just of water.
  16. I haven't seen much of your boyfriend's work lately. :frown: Perhaps, he's not as good a photographer as we thought. :wink:
  17. I'm not sure I speak for everyone, but I live in the midwest and often pull over by the side of the road. We have a lot of fields here. Somehow they've got to get watered.
  18. No, I didn't forget. At least is this case, I can't plead "diminished capacity". :wink:
  19. Over two liters, Angelgirl? :eek: Forget the cups, we're going to need a few serious-sized pails! :drowning:
  20. Life is full of missed opportunities. If I had acted on but a small fraction of the situations I encountered in my twenties, who knows where I'd be today. Over the years, I suppose one gains experience, hopefully wisdom, in dealing with these things, but I doubt we ever master them. Though there will always be pangs of regret, the what ifs that keep coming back to wake you from a good night's sleep, in a workplace situation it's almost always best to err on the side of caution.
  21. I'm glad you're back. It really has been far too long.
  22. Well, you are Canadian, if that counts. :)
  23. It's always great to read your posts, because, in your case, something is always happening. :) Good to hear your winter is coming to an end and that you're getting outdoors again. I hope this is just the first of many stories. It's starting to show signs of spring here, too, so time for me to be getting out on the trails more.
  24. Despite being the curious sort, I've rarely tasted mine. (just a couple licks off fingers - and then only when comparing.) Like you, I found it definitely salty (more a product of metabolism than diet). Maybe it's an acquired taste, but it's not exactly my cup. However, in the interest of science or art or... I'd be willing to give it another go. :)
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