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Everything posted by glad1

  1. glad1


    I come across literally dozens, often hundreds of scientific articles each day. Over the course of a week or two, there's always a few that are about or at least relevant to pee. In fact, a year or so ago I learned that nearly all mammals, regardless of their size, urinate for somewhere around 21 seconds. (Of course, in nature there are always outliers, which explains that two-minute piss you heard in the next stall.) And, the way my mind works, I'm constantly trying to see where something I've read can be put into practical application, like what's the proper angle to aim into a urinal t
  2. glad1

    Happy Fourth

    Can't say I speak for all, but I enjoyed my day of celebrating freedom from you blokes across the way! Nothing personal, Steve. Besides, you have Brexit issues and we have a few loose screws.
  3. glad1


    Probably the one that most stands out was a scientist, who, while not famous in her own right, had met with a great many world leaders, consulting on the issues of food and water shortages across the globe. Not only was she brilliant and articulate, but she was probably one of the most compassionate and compelling people I've ever met. I still come across her name in articles and am happy to see she continues to do great work.
  4. glad1


    As a scientist, I've learned a lot of facts, most of them probably useless along with a few about pee. And as a writer, I interviewed literally hundreds of people, maybe thousands. Now, the table has been turned and I'm the interviewee. So, go ahead, ask your questions, whether it's something about our favorite topic or want to learn a little more about me.
  5. No doubt the lack of facilities did not go well with most people. Even for those of us who enjoy improvising, It's not so much fun when forced upon us. I'm sure you would have much preferred it on your own terms, which I hope you did later. Got to make hubby happy, you know.
  6. Got up in the middle of the night to pee (confession: I almost always do, as output tends to greatly exceed storage). And, pee I did. As I reached the point where I'm usually finished, I noticed my stream continued flowing, though slower now. Then, as if tapping into a second bladder, it found what must have been another cup or two.
  7. I tend to avoid those events where a girlfriend can't pee along with me.
  8. In conversations with women recently, more than one expressed the wish that they could pee as far as a man. I told them that they probably had that ability and, given their anatomy with less length of plumbing to slow their stream, likely could beat them as well. However, I've yet to confirm if this is true. Informal observations (okay, contests) have shown that, while they're willing to meet me more than halfway, if they want to be successful, they've got to put more effort into what they do. Of course, I encourage them to practice and I'm more than willing to coach them, even offer
  9. What are you all doing for the holiday? Travel, picnic, fireworks are all good, but hope it includes some time in the pool.
  10. Sorry if I made you hold so long. Your questions, I mean. I'm here to relieve your most pressing symptoms. So, if you want to know more about the science of pee, I'll give it a go. On the subject of anatomy, I'll rise to the occasion. If you're having trouble being fulfilled, I might recommend more hydration. If you're getting up too often in the middle of the night, I suggest cutting back on your intake. Or, just go with the flow. But, even doctors don't know everything. So, if you want relationship advice, be prepared to take matters into your own hands and then wash them really good bef
  11. I used to date a woman who rode horses. Maybe that explained why she didn't seem the least concerned about peeing wherever, at least when we were outdoors, for she certainly was pretty uninhibited about it around me. I think the riding must have affected her pelvic muscles, as she seemed to pee at least twice as often as me. Of course, it didn't hurt she liked to match me drink for drink. Not that I was one to complain, either.
  12. glad1


    Welcome, wetlegs. I like peeing in girls knickers, too.
  13. Nice to know I wasn't the only one having a wee in the sunshine last weekend. However, I'm pretty sure yours was a lot more interesting than mine. Can't wait to hear your story. I don't suppose there'll be film at eleven, too?
  14. I just updated my profile to describe my gender and orientation (male and straight). I also added a cover photo where I display myself, in this case right-to-left. TMI for many of you, I suppose.
  15. Welcome, Amanda. If you're looking for naughty places, this is one of the best. I hope to see and hear a lot more from you.
  16. I've done the Great Ocean Road to Portland, so I'm vaguely familiar with the area. It's nice to hear you and the girls are enjoying the outdoors this time of year. I'm on the southern New England coast today and, at the start of summer, it's not much warmer here, 15 to 20C with light rain.
  17. This is southwest Victoria, right? Interior or near the coast? And, does this time of year mean you and your girls tend to spend most all your time indoors?
  18. I'm guessing you also hope for cooler weather because, in the heat, you sweat most everything out.
  19. Dr. Glad kindly offers his services. While his training is more in the realm of the physical sciences, he's been know to throw himself into his work. Besides, he has a great bedside manner and I'm sure he will rise to the occasion.
  20. Hope you can be sneaky enough that no one suspects, but still give the grass a good watering and us another of your erotic stories.
  21. I have to (respectfully) disagree. What I want to see is more output.
  22. Since we have members across the globe, in both northern and southern hemispheres, some fairly close to the poles while others are near the equator, I'd imagine we have a wide range of weather going on at any given time. While some of us are sweltering in the summer heat, others are enduring sub-freezing temperatures, maybe even buried under feet of snow. There are those who are complaining of the drought, while others wonders when the rain will ever end. As the saying goes, everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. At least we can tell our friends here wh
  23. Yes, this is probably the very reason why I like all these outdoor activities. In one-on-one situations, whether out on the trail or in a small boat, it's not all that uncommon to pee in front of someone nor would they likely be considered weird if they watched. Often, I'll make sure I'm out there with a full bladder, just so I can "test the waters."
  24. While I've never set out to be naughty "both ways", sooner or later s**t happens! So, I have to admit there's been a few times where more than my bladder was caught short when I was enjoying the great outdoors. The most recent time was this past week when I'd driven out to farm country for a day long hike. I made sure I stayed well-hydrated and I'd already peed a couple times along the trail, but as I was heading back toward my car at dusk, I was still uncomfortably full. No problem, I was going to pee again before starting the two hour drive. But, as I was standing there, enjoying s
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