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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I've done the Great Ocean Road to Portland, so I'm vaguely familiar with the area. It's nice to hear you and the girls are enjoying the outdoors this time of year. I'm on the southern New England coast today and, at the start of summer, it's not much warmer here, 15 to 20C with light rain.
  2. This is southwest Victoria, right? Interior or near the coast? And, does this time of year mean you and your girls tend to spend most all your time indoors?
  3. I'm guessing you also hope for cooler weather because, in the heat, you sweat most everything out.
  4. Dr. Glad kindly offers his services. While his training is more in the realm of the physical sciences, he's been know to throw himself into his work. Besides, he has a great bedside manner and I'm sure he will rise to the occasion.
  5. Hope you can be sneaky enough that no one suspects, but still give the grass a good watering and us another of your erotic stories.
  6. I have to (respectfully) disagree. What I want to see is more output.
  7. Since we have members across the globe, in both northern and southern hemispheres, some fairly close to the poles while others are near the equator, I'd imagine we have a wide range of weather going on at any given time. While some of us are sweltering in the summer heat, others are enduring sub-freezing temperatures, maybe even buried under feet of snow. There are those who are complaining of the drought, while others wonders when the rain will ever end. As the saying goes, everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. At least we can tell our friends here wh
  8. Yes, this is probably the very reason why I like all these outdoor activities. In one-on-one situations, whether out on the trail or in a small boat, it's not all that uncommon to pee in front of someone nor would they likely be considered weird if they watched. Often, I'll make sure I'm out there with a full bladder, just so I can "test the waters."
  9. While I've never set out to be naughty "both ways", sooner or later s**t happens! So, I have to admit there's been a few times where more than my bladder was caught short when I was enjoying the great outdoors. The most recent time was this past week when I'd driven out to farm country for a day long hike. I made sure I stayed well-hydrated and I'd already peed a couple times along the trail, but as I was heading back toward my car at dusk, I was still uncomfortably full. No problem, I was going to pee again before starting the two hour drive. But, as I was standing there, enjoying s
  10. Links to parts 1 and 3 of the story are found here: http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/6037-the-girl-who-loved-to-pee/ http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/7631-the-girl-who-loved-to-pee-part-3/
  11. A few days ago, I was on a two-day road trip. I didn't stop any more than I wanted to, so I was pretty near desperate much of the time. I was driving along one stretch of interstate with a long ways between facilities when my bladder started to get away from me. With one hand on the wheel and the other free to hold back the flow, I anxiously awaited the next exit and, almost in time, one did. Tires squealing, I took it and pulled off onto a side road, stopping by a stand of trees that shielded me from the highway. I hurried out of the car, only two or three drops escaping when I stood up,
  12. glad1


    Welcome, Rann. As a writer, I encourage you to post and hone your skills. While I write professionally about scientific facts, I enjoy good fiction and appreciate the creative streak, especially where it's a golden one.
  13. I say a hike never really counts unless it includes at least one pee stop. Nice to see you got your season off to a great start.
  14. Sophie, I always love it when you give it a go. You never seem to hold anything back, do you? This is a tough choice, they all sound like fun. But, it is a nice summer day here, so why not give the grass a good watering?
  15. Dr. Glad's recommendation would be to have some salt with your water now to help you hold, then take potassium (like a banana) with your wine to get things flowing.
  16. It's my understanding that decreasing sodium means that less water gets reabsorbed by the kidneys. Consequently, the bladder fills more quickly. Eventually it all comes out, but, depending on your salt intake, you can either pee now or later.
  17. I actually have two other chapters to the story, the last of which I published today. As far as my relationship progressed, let's say that I got past first base. And, no I haven't shared everything. I'm told a gentleman would never piss and tell. Links to the other two chapters: http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/6221-the-girl-who-loved-to-pee-part-2/ http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/7631-the-girl-who-loved-to-pee-part-3/
  18. Continuing a mostly true story (almost all, really!): Saturday morning couldn’t come soon enough. While I had seen Joanne on Tuesday night at the meeting and talked with her a couple times since, it wasn’t enough. I was really looking forward to spending the weekend with her. We were going up in the mountains again, hiking and camping overnight. We’d had such a wonderful time last week we planned to do much the same thing again, on trails just a couple hills over from where we’d been. She had offered to drive this time and I took her up on the offer. Just before eight she showed up at m
  19. I used to live in a place with acreage, so I've done it more times than I can count. And not just because I was desperate, sometimes on a dare, too. Even did it once in the front yard with a girlfriend joining in the fun.
  20. That boy shows promise! Beachmom, do I detect a sense of envy? While your son might have developed his talent on his own, I'll bet he got encouragement from his mom. Maybe, the genes for it, too.
  21. Nice to hear your girls brightened up your day. Can't wait to hear what tomorrow may bring. Ahhhh, you gotta love the randomness of life.
  22. This thread must have given me some inspiration. That fence is five feet high..
  23. I think we need to make nocturia more in fashion, maybe give it a slogan like "it's not just for old men any more." I've always liked those camping with a girlfriend under the stars, when we'd always wake at least once in the night. Of course, we'd tell each other we were stepping out of the tent to check out the stars, but our bladders knew the truth of the matter.
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