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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I swear it's true. Don't believe me?
  2. Of course, it might not have been obvious if I wasn't so desperate. My stream must have been good for at least twelve feet.
  3. No joke. It was a very bright yellow green.
  4. You, too? One time I totally freaked out a hiking partner. Apparently, the protein drink I was taking was a bit high in Vitamin B.
  5. I'm not sure if there even is a particular way a girl pees. They seem to have many options, at least as many as men, and can perform most, if not all, as good or even better than them. An informal survey of my hiking partners suggests that when they're able most like to stand. Of course, I have been known to lead by example. I suppose my anatomy encourages me to pee standing. And, given the opportunity, I try pushing it out. It feels like the right thing to do. So, when I sit or squat, it usually doesn't end well for me (sometimes it doesn't start well, either), and those last dribbles us
  6. I'm sure there were evolutionary advantages for peeing quickly. If you took too long to empty, you might have been a dinosaur's next meal.
  7. glad1


    After looking at these photos, I seem to have lost my train of thought. But, give me a minute... I'm sure it's at the tip of my tongue.
  8. I'm inclined to say the reason you never got a solid answer is because it's liquid that comes out. But, to explain it scientifically, how long you pee is determined by how much is in your bladder divided by your flow rate.
  9. If this is naughty, I don't want you to be nice.
  10. There was a study not too long ago which determined that the average time for all mammals, no matter how large or small, was 21 seconds (with a standard deviation of 13 seconds). That puts Sephora's 30 or 40 seconds at the upper limits of normalcy. Obviously, pee01's nurses are outliers or aliens!
  11. I might have to remember some of these for when I next go to the cinema. Although, I think my favorite with a date is to purchase an extra large drink on the way in. Then, while watching the movie, we share the emptying and refilling of the cup.
  12. Nice to see you also gave a present to yourself, as well as a lot of us here.
  13. That poses some interesting thoughts, doesn't it? It might take a while this morning for a few of them to get out of my head. I'll bet it feels good to know you can't be blamed for all the bathroom cleanups. The storage room is another matter.
  14. At least you enjoyed a nice tingle. All I ever got from leaning on a washing machine was a nasty shock.
  15. Welcome back, Sally. It's been a while since I've seen you here, but I'm sure you're going to make up for your absence now. Yes, I, too, was looking for your mark in the snow.
  16. If you're a REPEE offender, I'd strongly suggest you get THERAPEE!
  17. I think we all want to know. Not that you have to tell. (You don't have to deny it, either.)
  18. I, too, have become rather nonchalant about peeing around others, at least in places where it's not too blatant. Out on the trails, I'll often pee in front of my hiking partner, and many times she'll do the same in front of me. Usually it's a matter of practicality, with a little bit of fun thrown in. Other times it can be a dare, a challenge or an exercise in pushing our boundaries. So, for me at least, it doesn't have to become a sexual act. In fact it usually isn't. But, that's not to say it doesn't sometimes lead to one. Or several. As most here know, pee fun can make the best foreplay.
  19. I always wonder when people tell me they hold for most of a day. Perhaps they don't drink much and run the risk of serious dehydration. I tend to consume a lot of liquids and typically pee out 4 to 5 liters in a day. Add to that I don't have much more than an average sized bladder, so I'm probably not going to hold for more than 6 to 8 hours before there's some serious consequence. And, at least to me, it's not worth the health risk. So, I'd suggest before the next time you hold, have some idea of both your capacity and input. For best results, you probably want to stick with water,
  20. Filming yourself is probably the best first step to become more comfortable with your fetish. With digital technology, there's no excuse to not get a lot of practice in front of the camera. You can always edit out what you don't want to show and crop the parts you don't like. And, if you choose to share, you'd surely make some fellow very happy. Not only girls can dream, you know.
  21. And, to think I've it done for beer money. If only I knew! Actually, on a few dates I did it just for beer. There was this particular woman who found it a great turn on to watch me pee. She would buy two six-packs and I would entertain her all night.
  22. Nice to hear you stayed classy, too.
  23. Welcome back, Sephora. Of course, you missed a lot of golden moments here. Although I'm not sure that, in your absence, maybe we were the ones losing out the most. Shall we expect a few stories from the beaches of Jamaica?
  24. A great first post. I hope that, like Maddie and Adam told Sarah, this is just the start of many more.
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