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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Some years back, I was taking a protein drink that contained a lot of vitamin B. One time I freaked out a hiking partner as she watched me release a neon lime stream.
  2. It's winter for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere. For the last couple weeks or so, the weather here has been particularly, with temperatures in the minus numbers, and in the States we still use Fahrenheit! I don't know about you, but all this cold makes me have to pee... and pee... and pee. Now, I imagine most of you are familiar with the Costanza principle, where the size of the penis is directly proportional to the temperature. I wonder if the capacity of the bladder is similar. And, does it work the same for women, or just men?
  3. While it may be a generalization, but my observations tell me women seem to prefer holding and desperation, while men are more likely to favor actual peeing. When viewed in the context of human physiology, this makes great sense. By tightening the muscles in the pelvic region, a woman is more likely to experience arousal when holding back of her urine. On the other hand, a man has a greater tendency to feel stimulation upon release, as urination and ejaculation use many of the same muscles. Perhaps there's an evolutionary basis for this, with females desiring to mate with the males having the
  4. While those who favor holding may be a minority here, it's certainly a sizeable one. I've talked at length with many who took pride in their ability to go for hours without relief. I think not only most of them enjoyed their own desperation, but even more so liked to see it in others. My own experience tells me they'd love to carry on the conversation just to have you squirm, squeeze and bounce around, or even better have an accident..
  5. Welcome, randomkath. I'm sure there will be a good number of posts, whether fiction or fact, that will wet your interest. You can tell as little or as much as you'd like about yourself here.
  6. Beach peeing is one of my favorite things. Too bad I don't have more friends who enjoy it as much as you and I do. You're right that the water is awfully cold this time of year. In fact, it's ice in many places around here. But, I made the best of things and pushed a strong stream into the sand. As you said, it felt so nice and, if it weren't so cold, I might have hung around, just so I could pee again.
  7. Apparently, about the same time as a man. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/seriouslyscience/2013/10/17/regardless-bladder-size-mammals-urinate-approximately-21-seconds/#.WGwxXoWcHcs Of course, your mileage may vary. If you're really curious, I'd suggest you compare values with your friends.
  8. You're telling me! And, I likely have a several inch advantage over you. Talk about unpredictability, I've had more than one complaint that I missed the toilet. But, you are absolutely right about the need for a lot of practice aiming. If you're in need of a tutor, I'm very reasonable.
  9. Very nice boobs. I've got to find a town like yours.
  10. glad1

    Xmas 2016

    Make sure you bring your cell with you tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the shipping room will have a pipe burst over the holidays.
  11. glad1

    Xmas 2016

    Way to go, Sephora. I knew you'd put yourself out there to make things right again. Hope no one uses the storage area for a while. Otherwise, someone might have to explain how a pipe must have burst.
  12. glad1

    Xmas 2016

    She should know not to piss you off. Perhaps you'll find a way to even the score.
  13. I live out in the country, at the edge of the plains. All that cold air from the Arctic gets pushed down here this time of year. While I don't have a small bladder (I've had some hiking partners who'd take two or three pees for my every one), It's not as large as it could be. I usually have to get up at some point during the night. As one in the IT business would say, output exceeds capacity. Since I really don't want to get up and walk across a dark, chilly house, I've been keeping a empty hiker's water bottle close by the bed. You're right, it doesn't take much effort, but I do nee
  14. I first misread the title of this post. I was going to say that I normally hold my pee article, although I'd much prefer a woman would do it for me. Oh, never mind!
  15. It may not be normal, but I often see it on my hikes. It seems, when in shorts, pulling a leg opening aside and just letting fly is favored by many. Perhaps not just for the effect it has on me.
  16. I rather enjoy the full-on frontal view, but I've never complained when we're side by side and seeing if we can aim our streams at the same spot.
  17. Simpfan, the world needs a lot more women who think like you.
  18. Whenever you care to grin and bare it, there's always interest.
  19. I try not to use a toilet. But, sometimes in the course of a day it's just about the only choice. In fact, it can be fun to pee right after a friend did.
  20. Undoubtedly, she's not the first to use urine as a remedy, as the practice goes back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans often used urine to wash their hair, improve their skin and brighten their teeth. I suspect she might not be the last in her family, either.
  21. Both "dick sauce" and "sweaty vagina" conjure up some very nice imagery for me, though when I'm desperate I might become less inclined to use public facilities.
  22. There will always be a few women who find our behavior disgusting, but what I far more often see is that they look upon our quirk as funny. Besides, most of the ones I run across seem to like watching us expel urine from our bodies as much as we do them. I see no reason not to continue giving them a good laugh.
  23. That goes double for me. For as long as you've been here, you've always been one of the best things about this site.
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