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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Since I spend a lot of time outdoors, I guess I'd be one of those guys who entertains you.
  2. Welcome, Nat. I think you'll find us both friendly and helpful. We're here to answers the questions you've been wanting to ask for a long time. After all, we were once shy, too.
  3. I've long found hiking to be the best place to have experiences like yours. After all, there really aren't many other situations where someone you just met will pee in front of you short of an exchange of money, at least one you'll both remember the next day.
  4. Some years back I dated a women who seemed to have a serious interest in watching guys pee. Of course, she didn't come out and tell me, at least not right away. But, we would often have picnics on a secluded beach and she would bring along a cooler well-stocked with beer. Fortunately, I wasn't the only one drinking. Apparently, she enjoyed relieving the pressure, too.
  5. glad1


    When you look as good as that there's no reason for pants. 😁
  6. I spent most of the last two days driving on the back roads of the (US) Upper Midwest. Never once did I visit a rest area or used the facilities inside a fast food restaurant. So, whenever nature paid a call, I would pull over onto the side and pee in the gravel, grass, dirt or..... It was kind of a thrill to think that I could have been caught by passerby, by that will have to wait until another time.
  7. Welcome, Lil'Squirt. It's always nice to meet a fellow PEEp. While I may not speak for everyone, I would encourahge you to post your contributions here. Watching women who can stand to pee with good pressure, control and distance is definitely a turn on for me. But, how good's your accuracy? 😆 I've had that happen more times than I care to admit. One more reason why I prefer the outdoors. As for those new experiences, I'm sure we can find a way.
  8. It sounds like you just might have made her day. Not quite the same situation as yours, but I dated a woman whose mom had frequent bladder issues. On several occasions she wet herself in front of me while we had a conversation. Maybe twice she apologized, but usually carried on as if she didn't realize what she was doing. Somehow, I'd like to think she knew full well and enjoyed herself during and afterwards.
  9. Ever play pee scavenger hunt? You come up with a list of objects before you start out. Over the course of a day or evening, see how many you can cross off. I've only played this game outdoors, but I'm sure you could try it inside, too.
  10. Only a little? 😆 I'm reminded of the old saying, "A miss is as good as a mile."
  11. Looks like there's been plenty of rain. And given how green your crops are, I'd imagine a lot missed the gauge.
  12. Other than getting caught on the trail a couple times, it's been a few years since I've shared my adventures with someone in "real life" as well. Thank goodness for this site. I seem to have made a few friends here.
  13. The last several months have been very difficult for almost everyone. Even more so among who enjoy our particular fetish, as it's probably made our lives more difficult and complicated. For those who don't already have a partner, we're not very likely to go out now in search of one. But, if you already have someone with whom you can enjoy this, how are you coping with the stress and general situation? What are the things you're doing differently? What won't you do now and has what pretty much stayed the same? It may not matter so much if your activities are solo and you stay pretty m
  14. It's been a hot and sticky day here. I thought I'd cool down by jumping in the shower.
  15. I've driven country roads countless times, but only seldom have come upon these scenes. I could kick myself for those occasions when I didn't have a camera with me. These days I've gotten wiser and am always prepared now.
  16. I guess I'm what you'd call late to the party. Oh, I'm sure I had the usual curiosity growing up. But, it wasn't until after college that it got really interesting. I had joined a hiking club and struck up a friendship with a young woman I'd met there. After we had done a few group hikes together, we decided we'd explore a few trails on our own. The first day out, we hadn't been on the trail very long before I had to pee. I was just about to ask that we stop when she called out in her sweet Carolina drawl, "I need to urinate." I looked over at her, smiling shyly and replied, "Urine not
  17. On several occasions, I've been caught. But, considering the number of times I've peed outdoors, the number is very small. Usually, it's on or, most likely, just off a hiking trail where's it's never been a big deal. I'm sure most everyone who walked by has done the same thing and have probably been caught themselves, too. It's only when I've pulled over to the side on back roads that the situation might be awkward, though more for them than me. While I'll try to time it so there's no cars in sight, I don't always get it right. A few times I've made the mistake of hurrying up, which
  18. I've been kayaking a few times this past week. The days have been hot and the water's no longer cold. I only taken short trips so far, only an hour or two. Given we have a three-day weeked, I plan to travel a little further afar. I'm thinking of being the water for most of the day and packing a cooler. I also plan to wear quick-drying shorts.
  19. Steve, I'm not familiar with nearly as many sources as you are, but maybe we can ask our membership to come up with original material. We seem to have got a very talented group here. Perhaps you just need to supply the carpet.
  20. What are your most secret desires and the things you enjoy most? (I'm asking for everybody here.)
  21. Welcome, Betty. I think you'll fit in fine here. There's lots of members who'd love to chat with you. Don't be afraid to open up around us even if it might be unintentional.
  22. At an early age, say 4 or 5, I remember going on a family picnic to a small county park. We'd had our lunch there and were sitting on the benches and talking, when I announced my need to use the bathroom (or whatever term I used back then). While there were facilities , we didn't use them as they were considered dirty or, at least, too far away. So I was directed to a stand of trees. One had been cut down some time ago, leaving a stump where the middle was starting to rot out (it even looked a little like a toilet), and I was told to see how well I could aim. I wasn't the only one to use
  23. I would think she would happy you weren't tracking dirt, mud and snow into the house all day.
  24. Between water and protein drinks, I drink at least a gallon every day. Sometimes, it's more than that just in water and almost as much in other stuff. That's probably why I come by here so often.
  25. I was definitely bursting last night! I'm pretty sure my stream could have cut wood.
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