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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I've hiked a lot with female friends. More often than not, they're good friends rather than lovers. I've lost count of the number of times we've peed in front of one another.
  2. And to think, what goes in must come out. 😆 I hope you keep raising your goal and maybe at the same time improving your aim.
  3. Nothing like finding out your true limits! I had a similar experience when I went shopping last week. 🤫 I suppose I went in the store a little too full, figuring I was up for a good challenge. I was doing fine until I made it to the automated checkout when I felt a wave of desperation, and only made worse when three items took extra time to scan. I thought for sure I was going to leak a spurt before I checked out, but somehow I made it out into the lot. Of course, I'd parked at the far side of the lot, so every step was pure torture. Finally the car was in sight, so I gave a sigh of relie
  4. Yeah, much if not most of the time. Of course, I'd like to think I know a lot of people I've met here. 😃
  5. Except maybe a major overshoot. 😆 Love seeing women whose enthusiasm far exceeds their accuracy.
  6. Based on my personal observations, I tend to agree. I've gone on day hikes with dozens of women and they usually need to pee about the same time or sooner than me. From that I might conclude I have a larger than average size bladder. I often notice a difference based on what they're wearing. Where there's much less bother to get clothing out of the way, like in shorts or skirts, they'll usually want to stop as soon as they feel full. In jeans or one-piece outfits, they're likely to hold until they're practically desperate. In those situations where they're unwilling to pee out
  7. This is a big reason why I keep a large wide mouth water bottle under the front seat. I've sometimes pulled into a rest area so desperate that I knew I'd never make it once I stepped out of the car.
  8. What is it about dogs and husbands that don't appreciate me marking their territory?
  9. I'll do my best to ensure the waterfowl stay safe. After all, you say I have an entire marsh all to myself!
  10. I'll ask you, where did you feel most turned on?
  11. I think that should go for women just as much as men. That's why I encourage them to pee outdoors whenever they have the occasion. After all, the world is their urinal, too.
  12. As one who spends a great deal of time outdoors, I'll frequently take advantage of the situation. Out on a trail with a partner a long ways from facilities, nature is sooner or later bound to make a call. (And we can make it sooner if we've been drinking plenty of water.) I find it helps break the ice to lead by example, so I'll try to be the first who has to pee. I won't make a big deal of it (at least I don't think I am, but it's often hard not to in the moment when I'm excited thinking about what might happen next). I may move a couple steps away but give her the opportunity to watch.
  13. If we're already doing it, we don't need another excuse. But, just in case we want to encourage our friends. This is written from a woman's point of view, so here's some points to make if you're trying to convince your significant other: https://www.littlethings.com/reasons-to-pee-back-yard
  14. I believe the girls at her school called that the Backdoor to Heaven. 😛
  15. Well, maybe not literally. But.... perhaps you know a place close by that I can use? I'm heading on another road trip later this week across the US Midwest and Northeast. I imagine a lot of the rest stops (even the informal ones) I sometimes use might be closed or too crowded, so I want to plan ahead. If any of you have particular recommendations, please let me know. Of course, I'd prefer to hear from women, because you know how men are asking for or giving directions. 😝
  16. After spending most of a day or two with them, I'm comfortable around most women. The first time or two might be a little awkward, so I'll usually walk an extra step or two away. (That's not so easy on a small boat.) But, as we get to know one another and develop a rapport, it's usually pretty easy for us to drop our guard. I take it as a sign of our growing friendship when we pee in front of one another. Somehow, I don't feel quite the same about men. I'll pee around them out of necessity, but it's not my first choice.
  17. 40 years! I imagine you have filled the pool a few times over since then.😆
  18. I've already got my video gear packed in its underwater case. 😁 My only question is 4K? Or will HD be good enough?
  19. I'll bet your legs stayed nice and warm.
  20. I'm not one who waits for anything, not even free concert tickets. If there's a line for the restroom, I'm taking my business somewhere else.
  21. In your case, I wonder a lot!
  22. If any of you have ideas or suggestions, I'd love to hear from you.
  23. The last few months have been challenging in many ways. It certainly makes life more difficult for those of us who enjoy things up close and personal when we've been told to keep at least six feet away. At least we can enjoy the simple pleasures, taking satisfaction in the things we still can do. If nothing else, we can always watch one another, either taking turns or going together. These days, watching puddles merge or crossing streams can take on special meaning.
  24. Most all the beaches I'm at have very few people. (I'm pretty sure I practiced social distancing before any of us knew the term.) When I need to pee, I'll take a short walk into the dunes. I've very seldom encountered anyone there. Those that did were there for the same reason.
  25. Great to see you back here again!!!!! I'm so happy I could wet myself (or something....)
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