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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Sounds like some of my favorite bike rides, lost in your own little world on the trail, feeling pleasantly full but likely not aware how much more you've filled since you set off. But, once off your saddle, you quickly notice how desperate you've become. Perhaps it's the semi public setting and a slight sense of naughtiness combine to make a most enjoyable pee.
  2. That would have been a sight I'd have loved to see.
  3. You must have had several people who noticed. How embarrassing was it for you? Did anyone say anything about it to you?
  4. Anything interesting happen after her shift or was her watching you the high point of your evening?
  5. I'm not familiar with the term. It must be one used over your side of the pond. I was more thinking along the lines of their ability to hold, like "Isn't she a big-bladdered girl? I'll bet she can hold a pint or three."
  6. Yeah, the bladder would be the term for where your pee is stored before it's pushed out your urethra, whether voluntarily or otherwise. 😆 How well your bladder muscles work play a big role in whether it's the former or the latter. 🤣
  7. I usually perk up at hearing the word 'bladder' used in conversation. In fact, I frequently use the word myself. But, when I choose to be less formal, I'll often say 'tank', as in "I've got a full tank!" If I want to be alliterative, I'll sometimes go for 'tinkle tank' or maybe even "tiny tinkle tank" when I'm getting desperate.
  8. Uh-oh, I was hoping your bladder bursting more resembled that of a water cannon than a balloon. 😱 And I doubt if I'm the only one here who thinks it would be nice if you could use it again and again. 🤣
  9. Don't you find that most men are uncomfortable to wet themselves, as they see it as a sign of weakness? I know, when given the option, I'd just as soon unzip at the risk of exposing myself than wet. Maybe you could work on me to change my feelings. What were those fantasies you had in mind?
  10. Many times I've peed for more than a minute. Then again, I have a prostate and you don't. 🙄 For that very reason, women seem to pee faster than men. So, if you measured in in something other than seconds, there's a good chance you could outdo me.
  11. I guess I have a little different take on this than most. While conceding that some appearances are more attractive to me than others, I think what is far more important is one's health and how well the body functions. Perhaps one can heed the mantra of architects and designers, "form follows function." I find that when I can do something well, I feel and usually look better. I put much of the blame for our poor self-image on society, with its unrelenting advertising and marketing messages. They're always trying to sell something - a product, a pill, a course or perhaps some costly t
  12. Nice hearing you had a great anniversary celebration. So what if there was a little spilled, er, champagne?
  13. In my late teens and through most of my twenties, I used to sail dinghies. For three years, I had a woman crew for me. She would hike out when we went to weather, then climb forward to set and drop the spinnaker for the downwind legs. While I often had to relieve myself between races, she never seemed to have to pee. It took me several weeks to realize why, when I noticed her dropping into a wave and coming out of the water a bit too soon. One of my biggest regrets is selling that boat.
  14. Thank you, Bacardi, for being on here this past year. It's friends like you who made this place a special one and helping us get through the challenges of 2021.
  15. @greedyneedygirl Wishing you a most merry Christmas and a much better 2022. Hope to see more of you in the new year or at least enjoy good conversations with you.
  16. I can't say I've intentionally done this, but at times female relatives have used my bathroom and peed a little loud. It's not like I could unhear what just happened, but when they came out I never showed any indication I noticed anything. Not that my family is unattractive, but I don't have any feelings for my relatives. Well, except maybe my cousin's twenty-something daughter. 🙄 I was visiting one Saturday at her parent's lakeside cabin watching a game, when she came inside to use the bathroom. I'm not going to admit I listened, but I'm pretty sure she's a hoverer. 🤣
  17. That's not what I've heard here! 🙄
  18. I guess that was good for your sake. But, it would have better for you fans here if you hadn't. 😆
  19. I've been a follower of mindfulness since my late teens. Although, I'm not sure how well I practice it or how consistently. And, yes, I'll sometimes bring it into when I pee. Peeing in the moment, you could say. 😉 I find it easiest to do when I'm out and about in nature, taking in the all sights, the sounds, the smells around me. My senses heightened, I enjoy a most pleasant release. Stream of consciousness takes on a whole new meaning.
  20. When you've got to go, you gotta go, gates or no gates. Hope when you got home you replayed the incident to a more happy ending. 😉
  21. I think there'd be a great need at these events for those to escort women to locations hidden from view. It kinda puts a whole new spin on the term 'bush guide'. I doubt if there'll be any shortage of volunteers.
  22. What do you mean? I HAVE heard some stories! 😆
  23. Not personally. 🙄 But I've heard some interesting stories.
  24. Wouldn't the fullness of a huge bladder be very noticable on someone slim?
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