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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. @Shypee Ah - OK. In that case, is there any chance of sitting on a slatted bench somewhere - in a city park, or on a road, and peeing through it? Skirt + no underwear? You mention benches and I think that would be a good one to try - maybe in different places
  2. I have voted for Somewhere else outside too ... because outdoor peeing would I hope be fun for you, and give you a real buzz if you can do it 🙂
  3. Just found this fantastic song. By their own admission, the Beatles stole and slightly modified the guitar riff for the beginning of 'I Feel Fine' (probably my favourite Beatles song).
  4. Ooh! If you want to, could you tell us more about it? 🙂
  5. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing this 🙂
  6. Wonderful @Bacardi! Thank you so much for sharing ❤️. I bet you got a real buzz from doing that 😊
  7. OMG! I remember once receiving a job application from someone who said they had 'a lot of qualities that I will discuss at interview (hint, hint)'. That went in the bin.
  8. Oh Chrissy! I'm sorry it's been difficult. Sending hugs. Pour that gin as soon as you can xx
  9. Not for use together I take it 😉
  10. All I can say is that I am glad I am nearly at the end of my professional thinking / writing career.
  11. Kupar


    Welcome! And have fun finding your way around the huge amount of content on the site. I am sure I'm not alone in hoping to read about your experiences sometime, if you feel you want to share.
  12. I went out for a walk yesterday and obviously needed a pee half way round. Fortunately there was a nice rock to sit on and mark. https://www.erome.com/a/e0XATqzo
  13. I was looking at this thread the other day too, and thinking that we hadn't posted much here recently ... clearly the winter (for us in the northern hemisphere) obviously hasn't been a particularly productive time when it comes to tinkering around with nerdy projects. But here's a not-very-geeky/nerdy contribution, just because I love an Excel chart. This is for my attempt to do 2800 press-ups in February. I confess part of my motivation is to see the chart develop over the month lol. (The dip is a couple of days' rest after I gave blood 🙂.)
  14. You're special @Bacardi. Take care xxx
  15. From a very smile-inducing series of cringeworthy true stories on the Lovehoney site at the moment, this one made me smile. Actually, it made me laugh out loud: “Had been discussing with a partner about using sexy/dirty talk in bed and he agreed to try it next time. Fast forward to the next time and he's remained fairly quiet, so I figure that he's probably not comfortable with it and that's that. I get on top of him, grinding away and getting close when he suddenly says, 'yeah, ride the cock train to orgasm town'. Couldn't contain my laughter, rolled off him onto the floor in hysterics.
  16. Tremendous! Both the experience and the account - thanks @Havelock!
  17. There's a chance that @Sophie's post ^ is a "let's just end this thread here" moment ... but ...
  18. I'm not sure what can really be done ... or whether anything should be done. I know Sophie and all the staff work incredibly hard to keep the site civilised and respectful and very often remind new members that if anything is making them uncomfortable then they can and should report it. Thanks to all the mods x
  19. Oh now look what you've done! I've gone all British rhythm and blues now, and that's led me here ...
  20. For some reason this track reminded me of the classic 'Fish Heads' - I don't know why really
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