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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Thank you - and yes, it was wonderful 🙂
  2. I'm beginning to think I smile at different things from other people. Ah well. My wife tells me I'm weird and maybe she's right.
  3. Lovely ❤️. These sorts of experiences add to the pleasure of a good wee don't they? (And ... four hot chocolates?!?! You're both addicted!)
  4. I am such a lucky boy. This evening K sat on my lap and wet herself through her knickers and leggings! Her view is that it’s an easy thing to do, and it makes me very happy and turns me on, so why wouldn’t she do it? And I love her for this, because she’s not really one of us – but a generous and fun person. The set-up was that I sat on the toilet, fully clothed, and she sat facing me with her legs outside mine. We held each other close and after a minute or two where I teased her by not letting her wee (she’d said as soon as she’d sat down on my lap “OK – I need to go now”) I told her sh
  5. Strange thing this. I probably now identify as bisexual after spending most of my life straight. It's something that has developed properly into my consciousness after the age of 50 I think, but was almost certainly there before. People change, sexual identities change and nothing is 100% this or 100% that. I probably still feel more attraction towards women than men, but it's much less clear-cut nowadays. So I would hope that 'bisexual' covers that and doesn't imply an even attraction.
  6. That is an amazing tale you tell of true desperation and relief there @sweet_release! Epic! Thank you for sharing it. I am so pleased you got the relief you needed without having an accident potentially derailing a wonderful evening. Sounds like a win-win for you 🙂
  7. I want to feed her a couple of pies ... but she is beautiful!
  8. Shamelessly stolen from a friend's (you know who you are) FB:
  9. Oh - and these lovely dog videos are making me smile at the moment 🙂 (Someone who really knows how to do a voiceover!)
  10. Only you could have written this @gldenwetgoose 💖 The whole of this second part is superb - arousing (that shower scene ... wow!), funny, and of course beautifully written. Thank you!
  11. I'd second everything the wise @Alfresco says. You're OK.
  12. OK. As promised, and as a proof of concept, in response to @pguy2981 and @Bacardi, here's a video with British v/o of the first eight pages. https://www.erome.com/a/Gs2MB353
  13. I love this account! So beautifully written. So hot. So naughty. Thank you! And better luck next time with your attempts to provoke and entertain. At least you have an enthusiastic audience here ... and of course you had your fun later anyway 😉 ❤️
  14. Over half way through the month, and just about up with the running targets (21.6 miles done) after 5.3 miles this afternoon. But I've not been good on the the strength and mobility sessions. However, I have decided to try and do 2800 push-ups in February (100 a day) - a charity thing. My chest and arms are not the strongest, so this will be a challenge.
  15. Not really a conversation, but a funny, brief live clip from UK breakfast TV ... at 1:24 for a few seconds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/entertainment-arts-64266108
  16. Kupar


    Classic @puddyls 💕. Thank you!
  17. Magnificent! Both your original story @gldenwetgoose and your follow up @Sophie ☺️. You two make me happy, and hot and bothered all at the same time x
  18. Wow! What a *spectacular* backside! And that smile 😍
  19. Thanks @Scot_Lover - your answers are really interesting too
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