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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. "Claudia p***ing in the bath is absolutely the most Blackburn thing I have ever heard of." Haha!
  2. K's view on the diagram is that it is "reasonable" lol.
  3. You've given *just the right amount* away @Chrissy89.
  4. Welcome. You'll find a safe and encouraging space on this lovely site as I am sure you will have already found. Enjoy!
  5. Thank you Wendy. Yes, we're good thanks. Hope you are too. I'll message you xx
  6. Thank you for describing your experience @Sophie. Goose has said it all really! ❤️
  7. This is very helpful. Not to say generous! Thank you @Bacardi ... I am on my way, and I have packed a wooden spoon for a bit of variation 🙂
  8. It was my turn to suggest an idea for some sexy-time on Sunday evening: I fancied something wet and K was up for it 😊 so … … she and I started filling up from mid-afternoon, with the idea that after dinner, we’d do the washing up and drying up and putting away as normal, but we’d be more or less bottomless in the kitchen, and we’d nonchalantly wee on the floor while we were working together. A simple idea, but incredibly arousing (for me at least!), Would it work? Would we be able to hold on without getting desperate and uncomfortable while eating our chicken casserole and rice, with Vien
  9. Isn't a definition of a millisecond 'the time between orgasm and the evaporation of desire to eat your load'?
  10. I don't think it's strange. It's just one of those things 🙂 And thank you so much for explaining - always fascinating. It's a good question, and I have to admit I hadn't thought it through when I asked it. Perhaps you need to always wear these ... then you might always have a helpful tongue nearby 🙂
  11. haha! Yes - that was my first thought too 🙂 But it wouldn't have been such fun
  12. This is lovely 🙂 I particularly like that (a) he made some silly mistakes ... like I would have done, and (b) it took him so long to stop the cup falling off But ... it's not a funicular, and even if it was, it's *fun*icular, not *vern*icular!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  13. I have a couple more questions for you Sophie, if that's OK. First, in the past you have (beautifully) described your intimate moments with your lady lover. Sometimes you seem to take the lead, and other times you follow her lead. Do you prefer to be seduced, or be the one doing the seducing? Second, if you could only have one stimulus to your clit, would it be finger, vibrator or tongue, and why? Hope these aren't too intimate (but somehow I think I'm on safe ground).
  14. Sounds like me trying to play a tune I learnt on the piano or dulcimer. My memory lets me down and I'm lost (in my case because I don't have an instinctive or learned mastery of the instrument).
  15. This late-period Smiths classic is a masterpiece, and up there in my top three Smiths songs. The sheer audacity of the long opening. The explosion of sound when it starts properly. The anthemic arrangement. The extraordinarily sad lyrics - with a melody to match. And Morrissey's finest vocal performance. I love it.
  16. Oh that is wonderful! Such a Sophie and M thing to do ❤️ 🙂. I guess you'll be interested in a fellow member's visit there this summer then! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for all your answers Sophie. xx
  17. The anonymous correspondent here is forgiven, from here at least. Anyone who can be that creative in supporting her friend gets a pat on the back from me. I wonder, though, it all worked so perfectly ... has she perhaps done this before? 😉
  18. One more. Would you like one of these? https://speedcubeshop.com/products/fanxin-pear
  19. A couple of questions from me: If you could live (not just visit) anywhere on the planet apart from where you are now, where would it be and why? (Assume you can find employment and can afford to live reasonably comfortably). A game of chess or extreme potholing? Are you a cerebral indoors person or an adventurous outdoor type? What's your best performance in darts? Are we talking nine-dart finish here, or ...
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