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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Wonderful! I bet that felt so good - the combination of needing to go, standing and letting it out over the bench, and knowing that it was being done secretly but in the open. Thanks for telling us about it. Hope you get the chance to have more fun later x
  2. Are you still waiting? And how much do you need to go? Can you hold it OK without it becoming too uncomfortable for you? Let us know how you get on!
  3. Oooh! It sounds like you have plenty of options. Enjoy whatever you do ... and let us know!
  4. Oh! Get well soon my friend x
  5. This is a wonderful first post! And welcome to the site 🙂
  6. Amazing! Just so creative, such fun, so hot! Thank you!
  7. Though she hasn't been on the site recently, @Eliminature is like you ... has always peed standing. If you haven't seen her posts it's worth searching them out for inspiration. It will show you you're not alone 🙂
  8. The pee kink is very broad and people here are very accepting of all the variations 😊. For instance, you're not the only female member to pee standing up, and you'll find very many people here that love to read about it or see it, though there's no pressure to contribute of course!
  9. Welcome! That's a great introduction 🙂. Have fun browsing the site and contributing. This is a really friendly and respectful place with the best moderators. I'm sure you'll have a great time here.
  10. Maybe outdoors? Maybe clothed? Go somewhere as you're getting desperate where there would be some jeopardy in peeing (eg you might be seen). Add a little risk to the whole thing?
  11. I *love* the b/w! It really works well ... and the video and still are hot af! Thanks xx
  12. My heart goes out to you Abby ❤️. Take your time and things will get better. We are here for you if you need us. x
  13. I think it's likely that the lady was not wanting to appear to need the toilet as the first impression she gave. She certainly doesn't seem to be worried about peeing outside, which is good to see. I guess one option is that she's one of us and just likes peeing in different places including outdoors 🙂
  14. This is lovely ❤️. I know you'll have a great time 😊
  15. I'm sure that would fall foul of site rule 8
  16. That's good Steve. I'm pleased you're in a good place
  17. I called in there later. The young men had gone and it was just two old couples. Perfectly pleasant company, and we chatted happily for half an hour, but no pee fun.
  18. I was walking in an upmarket town in England 20 minutes ago just after 7pm, early evening on a sunny, warm Saturday (market day) looking for somewhere to eat. Passed a micropub where the clientele were all youngish men in shorts and tees. Many had probably been drinking all afternoon. A few inside, but many more outside on the pavement (aka sidewalk for our US friends). One guy, completely naturally and without any shame whatsoever pulls his cock out and pisses against the wall of the pub. Superb! (Nice cock too.) If I had more courage, and hadn't just gone before I left the pl
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