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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Take it easy mate. Hope your lungs recover eventually.
  2. Weird! I've not experienced that myself. Maybe it's a male / female thing. I'll have to ask K if she's the same.
  3. I hope things work out OK for you at work @MiaDarling. I reckon if you can deal with family reactions you can deal with anything. It's really no concern of your employer and colleagues as long as it doesn't negatively affect your ability to do the job, which it won't! And hey, you might be surprised by the old prunes if they find out. It's difficult to judge people's responses 🙂 In any event, we're here for you to vent to ❤️
  4. I think I have rumbled the sports therapy clinic's business model: give a free online class that's easy, and entices the punter to sign up for a paid-for online class. Then at that online class, work the new punter so hard he does himself an injury requiring expensive rehabilitation. Actually, that's an exaggeration, but tonight's 'strength and skills for runners' class certainly woke up some muscles of mine that haven't been worked that hard for a long while, if ever. But while Nadine is giving the classes I think I'll keep doing them. I got a pleasurable hour-long session and felt I'd improv
  5. Very hot! If I may, here's a small tip from me 😉 If you could put paragraph breaks into the text it'll make it easier to read 🙂 (Oh, and also, you should really put a short description of the content at the top of the story; the mods will be along shortly if you don't!)
  6. That's a really interesting story @Alfresco - thanks for sharing it.
  7. 3's the boss, with 11 doing most of the work. Oh, and can I see 5 and 15 stand facing each other and squash their boobs together? Preferably with my head between them? It won't get the work done any better, but it would make me feel very happy.
  8. What an extraordinary part of the world you inhabit, my friend. Beautiful light in these photos.
  9. I wonder whether @gldenwetgoose will watch this for the pee reference or HB-C 😉
  10. No idea on the size ... but you're looking great!
  11. Very short answer: I would say nothing. Slightly longer answer, I agree with @owlman76 in that one should maintain professionalism in this instance.
  12. Sounds excellent! I'm glad the lady in question was professional and effective as well as possessing a great backside. I liked my free session - and the ladies - enough to book on to two of their (paid, but very good value) online classes, this Thursday and next, covering strength training for runners. Given by the lovely Nadine. I am very much looking forward to the first one 🙂
  13. You're right. In which case I am even more grateful for the good work the staff do.
  14. Ah. OK. Thanks for the clarification @Admin. Perhaps the sentiments in the comments could be distilled into part of the guidance to users somewhere. Don't know where. Just musing really.
  15. Inspired by @pop-a-squat's amazing series of cardboard box pees (e.g., https://peefans.com/topic/18228-whizzing-in-the-box/) I thought I'd try it myself yesterday. I had an Amazon delivery earlier in the week and the box was suitable - reasonably large, though not very tall. I put it on the kitchen floor and stood near it, and just aimed right into the middle. The thing that is surprising is quite how loud and satisfying the noise is. The surface seems to generate a good sound, and then the sides of the box seem to amplify it - it's really loud anyway. I peed into it for 20 seconds o
  16. You're welcome Wendy! Glad you like it - it was for you, of course!
  17. Not sure about that! It might be fun to find out 🙂
  18. Part 2 [Contains female outdoor peeing and solo sexual references] I have to tell you that I was pretty nervous as I approached the rendezvous with Mike and Amy a week later. I’d spent most evenings over the previous few days looking through their portfolio of photographs, scrolling through image after hot image with my left hand, because my right hand was busy, if you get what I mean. Most of the pics were of Amy alone, in a variety of provocative poses, indoors and outdoors, nude and clothed, sometimes playing with herself, with and without toys. All very erotic, of course, bu
  19. Fantastic! You could sell it to @Admin for use with the site video index
  20. Genius! Straightforward and clear. I will institute your guidance without delay - thanks 🙂
  21. OMG. Toyah Willcox bouncing around on a cross--trainer thing as she sings Enter Sandman by Metallica, wearing a thin white top, with no bra, and accompanied by her husband Robert Fripp. This is amazing on many levels.
  22. Quick thinking @ukpeegirl86 - your secret is safe with us 😉
  23. Thanks for setting up this thread @gldenwetgoose 🙂
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