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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. You're a gentleman. Hope she finishes with no problems πŸ™‚
  2. Well ... as of this week I now have a GT86 (manual transmission of course!) that looks something like the one below (this isn't my car). So far, so good πŸ™‚ <- that's the smile on my face while driving it lol.
  3. Thanks! And good luck for your 10k πŸ™‚
  4. Thanks πŸ™‚. Not a straightforward thing then. I'll have a dig around before committing to anything. That's beginning to sound like expensive DSP. As ever, grateful for your expert knowledge ❀️
  5. Thanks! Great answers πŸ™‚. And good luck with the writing career! Did you ever see Sleuth (version with Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine)? Or more recently, Knives Out? If Clue appeals, those might too πŸ™‚
  6. Thanks @Paulypeeps. Very helpful as ever πŸ™‚. I'll let you know in due course how it goes. (Incidentally, the tomato watering system has been brilliant all summer πŸ™‚.)
  7. So I finally ran a 10k race again last weekend - worrying all the way round whether my troublesome knee (and, friends, I faithfully promise this is the last time I will mention it) would hold up. It did! And after a 'de-stress' sports massage for an hour later in the day, my legs felt OK the day after. So ... no excuse not to get back training properly to try and return to the speeds and distances of earlier in the year. For the record, my time was 54mins (ish) - but that wasn't the point ... I can still run πŸ™‚ (and actually I was the quickest, amazingly, of the nine men in my age ca
  8. A question for my geeky, nerdy friends. If I want to build a cheap, functional real-time bat detector, I have two choices really: an analogue heterodyne detector that needs to be manually tuned to reduce the frequency of ultrasonic bat sounds to a human-audible level and, of course, works beautifully in real-time for listening to bats, but won't produce a digital file I can easily store and then visualise / analyse later a detector with A-D conversion, then using wither frequency division (or possibly time expansion) to create the audible sound and a file for analysis. Both
  9. Don't want to overload you @NortheastPeeFan but since you've taken the brave decision to open yourself up to questioning, I'll add a couple to the list - of course, just because I'm asking doesn't mean there's pressure on you to answer if you don't want to! Top three movies? The ones you would happily watch over and over. What would your dream job be (irrespective of the education, training and experience you have) - what would be so good that if you could afford to, you'd do it without pay? Thanks in advance πŸ™‚
  10. Lovely description. I don't have ideas for you except to carry on going out to places with your GF. She sounds wonderful, and has got into the habit of peeing in public, at least if she is sure she can't be seen. She sounds like she knows her mind. Does she know how much you enjoy seeing her wee when you're out? Maybe if you tell her what it does for you she might be encouraged to be more daring. Just a thought, but don't push it. Your relationship sounds great just as it is ❀️
  11. I am guessing here that she knows her body and that she chose the angle that would mean her stream would miss her skirt hems if it came out quicker than she expected. Just a theory πŸ™‚ Excellent sighting!
  12. I very much enjoyed that account - thanks! Looking forward to hearing more
  13. Wow @steve25805 - the creative juices have been flowing today! Some hot letters there, and I love the photos those women have sent in πŸ™‚
  14. We'll done Goose πŸ™‚. Looks like you had a great day for it. And sore arse aside, it must have felt good to be back in the saddle. Lovely pictures too.
  15. Maybe it's not exhibitionism. Maybe it's just latent naturism πŸ™‚. Can't beat the feeling of being naked in the wilderness. It's how we were meant to be. (When the weather's good πŸ™‚)
  16. Thank you πŸ’“. I will bear that in mind next time πŸ™‚
  17. Thanks for the update @Sweets. I hope things get less hectic for you soon ❀️.
  18. Lovely @Sophie πŸ™‚. A very nice thing to experience on your first day back. Thanks so much for sharing it with us ❀️
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