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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Very lovely! It sounds like you had a fun time, despite the very early start!! Thanks for sharing it with us ❤️
  2. A bit like playing a tricky piano piece I guess and trying to explain how to play it to someone who doesn't read music 🙂 And hitting two wrong notes in a row can sometimes throw you off course for a second or two.
  3. I totally get it Sophie - all those things 🙂 Thanks for answering
  4. Hmm. I am somewhat in awe of those people that have the patience to master these puzzles. I never did! I could get the basic one two thirds finished, but I got impatient and didn't want to learn the rules by rote. You have a nice collection - that mirror thing is amazing. But ... here's the question: can you write down the maths to explain it all?!
  5. A question from me if that's OK ... and also a chance to bump Eli's above in case you'd missed it 🙂 You're a city girl, and chances for opportunistic outdoor wettings and wees must be quite rare. Could you see yourself living in the countryside, on a farm, say, where it would be easier to wee in the great outdoors?
  6. And for @gldenwetgoose - a drummer to give Clem Burke a run for his money. I give you the magnificent, the indefatigable Reni. Yes, this is over 8 minutes long, but what an 8 minutes! If you want just one quick example of his extraordinary versatility in this two-part track, listen to the transition from the first to the second half, for at least a minute from about 3m20s. But ideally, listen to the whole thing, loud! John Squire's guitar playing isn't too shabby either 🙂
  7. In the olden days, long before autotune and the (to my ears) bizarre, autotune-influenced, machine-like, nasal vocal delivery that many singers have these days, there was Dusty Springfield. Thinking of her this morning.
  8. Thank you 🙂. It's a strange journey through various feelings. With a few seconds I went through fear and pain to bliss, then mild irritation!
  9. Thank you Eli! Yes, Mrs Kupar is feeling much better today thanks. And please steal the idea - I'm sure you'll have fun!
  10. I wrote elsewhere about the lovely pee play session I had with K last night (see link at the bottom), but in the run up to that, I made a serious misjudgement about my capacity and holding ability. K and I had agreed on a wet session when I got back from an early evening swim at an open-air lido about a 40 minute drive from home. (As it happens, when I got into the pool and swum up and down the 50m length a couple of times, I peed in the pool – which was very pleasant 😊.) Clearly I wanted to be fully charged when I got home, so before I left the pool I’d drunk a 500ml bottle of water
  11. Slightly off topic, but there are many naked cleaner services these days, catering I think mostly for voyeurs but who knows what else.
  12. Thanks Goose. And I have passed on your thanks to K (who says hello 🙂).
  13. OK - got you. My fence is close-boarded timber - that makes a big difference! (But I don't need it to go round 1/4 acre.)
  14. Sure - it's not for me, but each to his own I guess!
  15. This evening was one of the happiest, mutually satisfying wet playtimes I have had with K. Regular readers may remember that she says she doesn’t really get off on peeing, but is happy to indulge my kink because she knows it makes me happy and she can treat it as a bit of a laugh and have some fun – and this combination works for us. But now I am wondering if there is more to it than this. She’s had a tough time emotionally over the last few days for reasons I don’t want to go into here. She’s one of the strongest people mentally that I know – but she’s not immune from feeling down, and t
  16. No, no, no! I don't want to go there! But there must be others who have, as it's part of a medical fetish or BDSM for instance. I think I remember a recent thread on this. Might be worth a search 🙂
  17. Quarter of an acre would be quite a big plot for suburbia in the UK! I'm jealous 😉. My garden has 6ft fence or wall all round, and a fair few trees or big shrubs that grow above that, so that even though we have a couple of nearby houses it's not that overlooked. However, I think a key thing here might be timing. If you're marking your territory early in the morning before the neighbours are up and doing, or late evening when they've gone inside, that's probably safest 🙂
  18. Another little video from my pee-horny day earlier in the week. I just felt like doing some naughty (ish) things at home while I had the opportunity. If you don't like a close-up, low angle view of a peeing cock, don't read on. I like the way the pee runs away through the gaps between the wooden slats of the garden table (though it's a pity the sound isn't better - you can't really hear it splashing on to the patio below), and how I make it jump up and down a bit. (I'm not sure why the video jumps to a more close close-up part way through.) https://www.erome.com/a/nLukK1eV
  19. Bloody hell! You opened the floodgates there my friend 😉 I have a patio that needs hosing down ... are you available?
  20. Kupar


    You're looking amazing today @puddyls!
  21. Good point: there are some places I have peed and things I have peed on (in the house or elsewhere) that I can only use because I know I have time to clean up. That means that there are many instances where I can't use those places either because others will be there who will take a dim view of me peeing or I can't take the risk that I will be discovered. It also applies outside. There are places where I walk that I often pee, but only because I can see there's no-one around who would realise and be offended by what I'm doing. So an "everyday tempting opportunity" remains just that if the
  22. Great topic @rann, and excellent commentary @gldenwetgoose. When I used to travel on business much more than I do now, I would be *so* tempted to pee on the carpeted floor, and *so* knew that I wasn't going to do it. I managed to spray down the bathroom on occasion ... but only when I knew I could clean it up properly. I will try and remember to return to this thread every time I pass somewhere that I think "That would be a good place ... but no, I just can't".
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