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Everything posted by Wolf187

  1. I actually agree with you quite a bit, never really been interested in golden showers or pee drinking, No, I'm more of a nonchalant pee-er, I have no issues with just peeing anywhere and everywhere the mood strikes,
  2. I love to pee anywhere at work. Most of the time I'll just let out a full bladder full..... But at times I'll be working somewhere else (do security, some times I'm posted at a different location) and all I can get away with is a little bit here and there till I'm empty
  3. I feel the same way.. If no cameras.. I'll go anywhere and everywhere...
  4. I've been interested in peeing (naughty peeing to be exact) since as long as I can possibly remember... Always loved to just pee wherever.. It wasn't till a about age 8 or 9 I I started to like girls peeing (the girls next door liked to pee outside at times when we would play together, I remember being fascinated By it) Bit I think my first carpet piss that I recall was probably around age 7 I believe..
  5. I've been naughty peeing For years now.. And at first It felt so wrong.. But so right But not really anymore.. Now I just basically go wherwhere.. But going back to the Territory marking in animals statement, I've only had internet access for the last few years.. Before that I had never heard of naughty peeing (always just called it marking my territory, and a lot of times I still do) Kinda thought that was what I was doing.. If a buddy peed someplace, I would feel the need to pee on it myself (I know, I'm weird) And always loved to be able to go back to a old area I'd h
  6. I love nonchalant peeing!! (both partaking in it and watching it) Don't know if this video would count.. But it's one of my favorites! https://thisvid.com/videos/toilet-training10/
  7. I've always wanted.. But never actually done it..yet...
  8. HaHa! I've had a vary similar dream! Although with a big yard as well to use ^_^ But I've peed on the carpet quite a few times, always quite a thrill (especially when at work, and you just leave it)
  9. 1) Peeing on a partner =5 2) Being peed on by a partner =2 3) Peeing in your partner's face = 1 4) Having your own face peed on =0 5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source =5 6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source =1 7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet =10++ 😎 Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner =10++ 9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches =1 10) Watching your partner wet him/her self =3 11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee =4 12) Being tot
  10. I to prefer vary yellow, but I'm not pee drinker, and currently single, My favorite thing is naughty peeing (I go wherwhere the urge hits) And there are tricks to get it vary yellow, for instance I drink 1 to 2 gallons a day of water. But my pee is almost golden at times.. I've discovered that taking turmeric, B, C, D, and CoQ10 can really darken your pee. Giving a almost golden color.. (not way I started taking them, but a Really cool side effect! ^_^ ) But be worned! It stains most things yellow that you pee on (but for me that's just another bonus!)
  11. The first carpet piss I can recall came from my childhood (around 7 I believe) I already loved peeing, and always wanted to pee in the house, i remember finally getting the nerve to pee on the wall and carpet on too of the stairs.. (Never got in trouble for that one..wasn't even asked what I did it till years later) But a few years later (around 10) I decided to stop using the toilet at home... That one didn't go over so well once caught...(a few weeks of pee smell from every room kinda gave me away) I recall I had convinced my sister to try it as well.. She did a few times..
  12. About 2 hours ago. I was out for a walk and stopped behind the public park restrooms. just peed on the back of the building
  13. I would have to say I started to love peeing on naughty places when I was 7 or 8,. First one I can recall is peeing on the wall and carpet at the top of the Stairs.
  14. I'm from the US, Manitowoc county Wisconsin to be exact. Not really sure where to watch girls pee (but would like to know) And as far as where do I pee.. Pretty much anywhere the urge strikes me.
  15. I've peed more then once on the carpet in the office (Granted, it wasn't my office ^_^ ) It's quiet thrilling
  16. I drink between 1 to 2 gallons a day. and honestly, I've never really paid much attention to how many times I pee ,
  17. I'd highly recommend it! (I drink about 1 to 2 gallons a day, having to pee alot is just a bonus!) It seems to be helping with my weight loss, and I've been feeling way better since I started doing it!
  18. I do all the time.. And I'll usually pee there if I can ^_^ I'll even look to see if I can find anything that might indicate someone has already peed there..
  19. I would definitely have to say carpets.. (always been my personal favorite) And much easier to hide...especially if you're not cleaning it up!
  20. I had not heard of this story before... I agree with you completely! I'm all for peeing anywhere the urge strikes, indoors or out, hell just pee on the floor behind something for all I care! but peeing on food? Even I would have to say there should be some kinda boundary.
  21. I don't think I've ever waited in line for a bathroom (I absolutely refuse to use a public restrooms!!) I always just find a nice secluded area..usually outdoors.
  22. Hmm.. 1, What is your favorite peeing fantasy? I would have to say being allowed to just pee wherever I wanted without any consequences. 2 what is your hottest real life peeing experience? Probably peeing on the back of police station (surprised I wasn't Caught with that one) 3 what is main area of interest with the pee fetish? Love the feeling of freedom you get when peeing where you're not supposed.. 4 briefly describe the first pee porn that you can remember seeing I believe it was on either RedTube or TubeWolf. Was a hot girl peeing on the road
  23. ii love both..but to be honest.. I love soft surfaces better. Like carpets. but I do quite love leaving puddles on hard surfaces
  24. It's on my mind most of the day.. (and in my dreams at night a lot of times) weather it is thinking about girls peeing in naughty places.. Or thinking about where I want to pee next time I have to....
  25. I do Private Security for several different companies. At multiple locations (varies from week to week) I always know where all the cameras.. And have access to areas others don't...
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