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Everything posted by Wolf187

  1. I agree ^_^ Try a changing room. Or maybe the floor of a theater next time you see a movie ^_^
  2. I know the topics old.. But figured I'd reply anyway ≧∇≦ #1 tough call. #2 Never have, #3 a office at work (and not mine lol). #4 ice mountain bottle. #5 Probably. #6 the feeling I get from doing it while marking my territory lol.
  3. Wow I think you ended up quite Lucky! What I wouldn't have given to grow up in a place like that, I only got grounded for peeing on The Carpet or even outside While growing, I am surprised your downstairs neighbors haven't caught on to a smell..
  4. I'm was quite curious about that one as well.. My new place in the country has no toilets either (just a old outhouse that's collapsed in on itself years ago) But has over a acre backyard so I just go outside for.. Ermm.. Well.. Everything
  5. How did you get so Lucky as to find a house like that ≧∇≦
  6. Hello Wolfpee. welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay ^_^
  7. Nice I wish I had that kinda pee freedom ≧∇≦
  8. I'm sorry to hear that ╯﹏╰ and hope you feel better soon
  9. Nice! I've always wanted to try something like that at a Friends! Would love to get away with it
  10. Nice!!!! Lol how did you explain the puddle to your friend
  11. I walk the beach and Shoreline quite often... I just usually whip it out and pee wherever the urge strikes If people near by I might try and find a secluded area, And I have used beach restrooms before as well.... Just never the toliet. Just a dark corner of the room
  12. Hello and Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay ^_^
  13. Wow, she really had to go! And if hey won't let people use the toilet... Then they should expect them to use the floor! Granted, she may have wanted to try and be a little more discreet... Like sitting on the edge of her seat and peeing on the floor.. I do feel bad for her though.. Having had to miss her flight Afterwords and deal with all the haters out there that have probably targeted her for it.
  14. Carpets are always my personal favorite.. Could try that
  15. I don't think so. If I have been.. Nobody's said anything,
  16. Spent the day at work... And Peed in several locations.. But non the toilet! (never use them anyway lol) Peed in a corner in the office (soaked the carpet) Peed alongside a stair well. (inside) Out the door on to the ground.. On the tire of a truck. Along the warehouse wall out side And lastly (I think it us anyway) on the floor that's ripped up (putting a new one in) Edit.. For got one... On the road on my way home
  17. Only once in awhile at home for me... (still live with my family sadly) But hopefully that'll change soon.. Now At work... that's another story.
  18. Best of luck!! If you get the chance, You'll love it, I've soaked a office chair a time or two at work.. It feels amazing ^_^
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