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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I can well imagine it being tricky if you're sharing a house or flat with others. It is I think a case of taking the opportunities when they arise, including when you're out and about. You could always care a spare pair of panties to change into after those 'not so accidental' accidents.
  2. Hi ansd a slightly belated welcome, Amanda.
  3. When I was younger my bladder control wasn't great but, during the daytime at any rate, I think it's improved somewhat. I do have to get up more at night than I used to but that's part getting older and part drinking too much fluid in the evenings.
  4. It would certainly interest me. As someone who has had surgery 'down below' and been prone to water infections over the years, I have more than a passing interest in the subject. Quite how I would square the need for professionalism though with my watersports interest though, I don't know. I suspect a professional involvement with urology would either kill my fetish interest or else leave me in a state of permanent arousal.
  5. I don't know whether a bias exists towards larger bladders or not. Personally I doubt it. Also I think a person's bladder holding ability can vary dramatically depending on their state of health, the weather, what they've drunk and how much. I know mine is certainly affected by these factors to a large extent.
  6. Thanks spywareona. That's very kind of you and I really appreciate it. I would dearly love to post more and will try to when I can, but often I feel defeated time, or rather the lack of it. Maybe I try to spread myself too thinly but it's a long standing habit and a difficult one to get out of.
  7. I'm very sorry to hear that you're leaving us. I, for one, certainly value your contributions here and, for that matter, elsewhere. You must, of course, do what feels right for you. Whether it will ever change or not I don'tr know, but historically women have tended to be more reticent when it comes to joining watersports (or even other fetish) forums than men and there are a number of reasons for this including nurture, upbringing and societal expectations. It's always been true on online forums that some people will effortlesly attract a strong following whilst others will struggle. I'm
  8. I still have some underpants/panties which I may be interested in selling. UK only though. If anyone is interested please let me know. I'm more than happy to wet them as required!
  9. I have my twice yearly diabetes check next week and will have to provide a sample of early morning pee on Monday from the nurse. A gentle reminder from someone with a better memory than I have, would be much appreciated.
  10. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time here and very much look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  11. Nancy, life sometimes gets in the way of things we'd like to do. I guess on the plus side you still have a job, albeit without a contract of employment. A Happy Birthday to Steve!
  12. Thanks for sharing that, Jayne. Has your husband ever generated any wet pants fior the laundry pile?
  13. I hope all goes well for you, Steve. I have one of my periodic blood tests followed by an appointment with the practice nurse next week. I must remember to take an early morning pee sample with me!
  14. I guess whoever got to clean up probasbly didn't think it was quite such fun. Much as I love pee fun I hate the idea of making a mess on ther people's property.
  15. I think we all have days when everything that can go wrong does and life sucks. The important thing is to hang on in there and remember that it will pass.
  16. Thanks for sharing, Raven. I felt very humbled reading what you'd put.
  17. I know I'm biased but I'd say that British - especially amateur British - were the best. At least of what I've seen at any rate.
  18. That sounds amazing, Sophie. How long had you held for? All afternoon? Or all day?
  19. I would love to have a pee buddy - of either sex - with which to compare notes.
  20. Hi Jack. Although I've rarely plucked up the courage myself, amd then only in very discreet locations, I think you'll find a lot of people here enjoy that sort of thing.
  21. Thanks for sharing that. I know it was unexpected and probably unwanted at the time. However I think the best thing is to put it down to experience and the fact that accidents happen.
  22. Hi and a slightly belated welcome. You will, I'm sure, find plenty of holding enthusiasts here - in fact I'm one of them.
  23. Hi and welcome. You sound like a very lucky fellow indeed. I look forward to reading about your experiences.
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