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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. I recently learned that tumblr had reviewed their policies and were disallowing adult content. Implementation though will take a period of time and there are still quite a lot of adult blogs up there. It's a shame but at the end of the day I suppose tumblr as a host has a right to decide what it does and doesn't allow.
  2. I like Literotica and have placed quite a bit of content on there over the years. Some people are more responsive to what I do than others, but that's the case everywhere.
  3. Thanks for that peefreak. The essence of the story was good and I enjoyed it, although I think some work could be done on spelling, punctuation and presentation. I hope you don't mind if I PM you about that.
  4. On Sunday evening I got on a crowded train at a station somewhere in the North of England. Sitting near to me were two young men, one of whom told his made that he was 'bursting for a wee' and didn't know whether or not there was a toilet on the train. His mate suggested that he just piss himself! I knew perfectly well that there were toilet facilities but, interested to see how things would play out, kept quiet. Alas the desperate young man got up, went to investigate and found a toilet, returning a few minutes later with dry trousers. Obviously he'd made it in time if only just. Maybe
  5. Thanks for sharing Scott. I've only just seen it and am very sorry to hear about your situation. I hope everything works out for you.
  6. Blackinsoul30, thanks for sharing your situation. My advice is try not to worry about it. In the unlikely event of you wetting the bed it's a hassle but it's not the end of the world either. Your hubby is probably as likely - if not likelier - to do it than you. I was a bedwetter for longer than is considered usual but I then dried up and, apart from one isolated pyjamas wetting during a stressful time in my forties, I've been dry since. Although I always pee last thing before going to bed it's not unusual for me to get up at least once or twice during the night though. That's one of the
  7. When out in public I only generally use urinals if I need to pee. At home I may occasionally sit to pee though.
  8. This morning I took myself somewhat by surprise. As a Type 2 Diabetic I have periodic medical checks and today I had to take a urine sample along to my local surgery ahead of an appointment which is still some way in the future. I've long been told that the best sample to produce is an early morning one, ideally the first pee of the day. At the same time I'm also acutely aware of the difficulties of trying to pee directly into the tiny sample bottles supplied by the surgery. I therefore decided to wee into a measuring jug from the kitchen and then decant what was needed into the sample bot
  9. Thanks for sharing your experience. Reading about it was certainly very humbling, for me at any rate. I write for enjoyment although it tends to be 'as and when' because life has a habit of getting in the way. I'm also a fairly determined current affairs blogger. Some of my stories, or at least the beginnings of some which are 'works in progress' can be found on this board. Don't be discouraged by your harsher critics. Some of my stories, placed on a well known adult story board, have been rubbished by people who've not published stories of their own and, I've wasted no time in pointing
  10. Hi and welcome, mate. We're a very friendly bunch and I'm confident you will have a fantastic time here.
  11. I think curiosity about other people peeing, especially members of the opposite sex, is part and parcel of what it's about for me. On another level I just think it's part and parcel of who I am and not something to get to overanalyse.
  12. Hi and welcome. I hope very much that you have a good time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  13. Hi and welcome, mate. It's good to have you aboard. For what it's worth I'd say your English was pretty decent for someone who claims that it isn't their first language.
  14. Quite a nice, convincing t-girl there. Can you remember whether or not she had a big tail though?
  15. I remember going to a hospital appointment some 24 years ago and, like Alfresco, being asked to provide a urine sample just after I'd been to the loo, not realising one would be required. In the event I managed to squeeze out a few drops but that's all it was. Since those days I've become a Type 2 Diabetic and have to go to my surgery every 6 months for an appointment with one of the nurses. Needless to say I always have to take a urine sample but nowadays have to use the special plastic bottles they provide which necessitates collecting one ahead of my appointment. Health & Safety has
  16. For what it's worth I like to see a nice smile, whatever else the lady may - or may not - be wearing. To me a smile conveys friendliness as well as postivity and enjoyment.
  17. Hi and a somewhat belated welcome to an old friend from elsewhere. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  18. Thanks. I am a member at Wetset - though not a very frequent or good - contributor to the forums. Also I belonged to the Sprinkes Gold forum and it was a pity that closed. As with a lot of other forums though, I think the person who ran it found he hadn't really gotr the time or resources to keep it going so something had to give.
  19. Hi and a very belated welcome. I hope you're enjoying being a member here and look foeard to seeing you around.
  20. Hi and a belated welcome, Your handle looks familiar and I have a feeling I may have come across you somewhere else too. Anyhow, I hope you have a fantastic time here and look forward to your contributions.
  21. Hi and slightly belated welcome, Tim. I hope you're having a good time and look forward very much to reading about your experiences.
  22. I've never managed to deal with the other and not pee at the same time. It's one of those things that I think is theoretically possible and there may be people who can do it. However I've not met anyone yet who's admitted to me that they can.
  23. Hi and a somewhat belated welcome. I try to juggle too many different priorities so haven't be around so much as I'd like. What you've said so far about yourself sounds most interesting and I look forward to hearing more.
  24. Hi and welcome, Michael. I hope you have a great time.
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