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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi and welcome. It's a pleasure to greet another Brit on here. I think you'll find plenty of people on here with interests very like your own.
  2. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time. I look forward to seeing you around.
  3. I too have some underpants/panties which I may be interested in selling. UK only though.
  4. Jayne, everyone has accidents. What you did wasn't stupid. It was an honest mistake which is something else entirely. I once got into trouble with my former girlfriend for leaving both the lid and seat up one night after she went to pee and landed further down than she planned to, having not checked what the situation was.
  5. If you're at all concernmed about this my advice would be to see a health care professional, although it seems as though you've done that and I've ruled our Diabetes as a cause. Interestingly about 5 years ago I was tested for a number of things - the NHS tend to do that to people once they turn 50 - and they found that I was a Type 2 Diabetic although I didn't have any of the classic symptoms associated with Diabetes such as thirst or excessively frequent urination.
  6. I do regularly, at least once or twice a night. It's a rare night when I don't wake up having to pee a time or two. My fluid intake is quite high so I guess it has to go somewhere.
  7. Hi and welcome. Thanks for sharing your experience which was much appreciated.
  8. Hi and welcome, Micky. Like you I'm from the UK and on the wrong side of 50. Oh to be the other side! Anyhow I hope you have a great time and I look foward to enjoying your contributions.
  9. Hi and a rather belated welcome. You will, I'm sure, find plenty to interest you here and I look forward to seeing you around.
  10. Hi and a slightly belated welcome from another Brit. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  11. It depends on where you are. If you're close to a loo or a bathroom with thin walls you may occasionally be lucky!
  12. That's a view to which you are entitled but it's one with which I must necessarily disagree.
  13. As a reasonably devout churchman I happen to believe that Jesus was, and is, the only begotten Son of God. Although I fail miserably, I do try to make an effort to follow His teachings as revealed in the gospels.
  14. Hi and welcome, New holder. I think you'll find plenty of desperation enthusiasts here and, in fact, I'm one of them. I look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  15. Hi and welcome, biboy. I hope you have a great time here,
  16. Well my todger, unfortunately, is very much on the small size. I'd love an extra few inches.
  17. I've gone for average, because whilst I haven't got the strongest bladder in the world I can usually go for up to 3 or 4 hours during the day. At lot depends on my health though, the weather and what I've had to drink as well as how much. However I can pretty much depend on having to get up at least once or twice in the night.
  18. Generalisations are always risky because there always exceptions to a general rule. However my observations have led me to a view that in general Brits are more laid back about peeing than their American counterparts. Not quite sure why that should be, especially as the UK has a history of providing public facilities on a much more lavish scale than the US. One would logically have expected the opposite to be true.
  19. Hi and welcome, Mkbigboy. I hope you have a good time here. As a matter of interest how did you choose your name?
  20. Have you had any wet adventures over the weekend? It would be good to know if you have.
  21. Hi and welcome, David. I think you've contributed one or two in the past to Skymouse and maybe Shar & Ger's Female Desperation - unless I'm mistaken. Anyhow it's good to see a familiar name.
  22. Have you wet today? I'd love to know.
  23. Fantastic story. Well wriiten and carefully thouht out.
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