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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Last night it really came into its own. I got up twice in the night and when I checked levels in the morning it contained nearly a litre and a half.
  2. That's so much better. She's being a good girl and using the bedpan as it's meant to be used.
  3. I think with me it's always been there. I love the sensation of desperation and needing to go ahead of the peeing itself. Also when I was much younger I had some operations down below and there was a big emphasis on peeing - and getting it right - post operatively.
  4. That is stunning, although she's well wide of the target.
  5. Sadly it's not a traditional chamber pot but I've recently started keeping a large plastic jug close to the bed as I've found I can take care of business so much easier when I wake in the night than if I went to the bathroom. Although it has seen service in the past when I stayed in accommodation which wasn't en suite, I've decided that now is the time to bring it back into service.
  6. (This is a newly written story which I’ve shared elsewhere. Jonah Falcon is an American actor, perhaps best known for owning the world’s biggest functioning penis. Nine and a half inches long flaccid and thirteen and a half fully erect, with a girth of some eight inches, it is an impressive organ. Since coming to public attention in a big way in 1999, Jonah has undertaken numerous radio, television and online magazine interviews. Those interviews have, for entirely understandable reasons, focused in large measure on his sexual prowess and the challenges as well as opportunities which go wi
  7. Hi and welcome, Contra. It's good to see another pee enthusiast here and I'm delighted that you're already making yourself at home. Also I'm delighted to see that you're from God's own County - I can think of no finer place.
  8. Hi and welcome. It would be good to hear a little more about the things that interest you and I look forward to enjoying your contributions in due course.
  9. Hi and welcome, Bright1999. I am a 56 year old male from the UK by the way. It's great to meet someone of a similar age here.
  10. Hi and welcome. We're a friendly bunch and I'm sure you'll find many likeminded people here.
  11. Well it's certainly unusual and one can say that if nothing else. Given the reliability of my aim (or rather the lack thereof) I think the less sophisticated the toilet design the better!
  12. Hi and slightly belated welcome, Chris. I hope you have a great time here - in fact I'm confident you will - and I look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  13. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a fantastic time here.
  14. It's far better to stay hydrated and have those nocturnal loo visits. Dehydration is not good for maintaining health and is, in fact, a cause of many avoidable health problems, water infections being one of the most uncomfortable. If you're getting back to sleep early that's a good thing. If going to the bathroom is a hassle though, an alternative solution is to have a container in the bedroom. I've done that sometimes when I've been staying away and not had the use of an en suite.
  15. I'm guessing your flatmate was probably a younger rather than an older man. Nocturnal trips to the loo tend to be a feature of life for those of us who are of a certain age. Had he done a wee before going to bed? In my case I do drink quite a lot of fluid during the evenings which means that a couple of trips during the night are almost guaranteed.
  16. Hi and welcome - and feel free to dive in! We're a very friendly bunch here and I'm sure that you'll find plenty to interest you. I look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  17. Something happened to the screen, I'm not sure what. Many thanks for your lovely, kind reply. Matthew 25 v 35-45 is a good piece of practical theology. I try to put it into practice so far as I am able, although I know that I don't always succeed or get it right by a long way. I'm sure many people of faith try to do the same within the limits of their resources and circumstances.
  18. Dear spywareona. Many thanks for your post above which I have only just spotted and appreciate. Some Christians may indeed consider that membership of this forum and others like was grounds for damnation. There are many other Christians who would take a very different view, especially ones from the liberal or anglo-catholic wing of the Church of England, a body of which I'm a member. Many of them would probably say that an interest in pee was perfectly innocent in the same way that they'd say masturbation was normal and, so long as it took place in socially acceptable contexts, entirely ha
  19. Hi and welcome, Chris. I hope you have a great time here.
  20. Hi and a somewhat belated welcome. I'm sure you'll fit in here very well indeed and I'm looking forward to enjoying your contributions.
  21. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome. You'll find plenty of British pee fans here and I'm proud to be one of them.
  22. That's interesting. My days of early morning glory are now a fond memory. I did find that going to pee - not easy under the circumstances - was the only way to relieve the condition though! I don't remember having but not needing to wee. In my case the two seemed to go together, rather like fish and chips.
  23. Although the site has had some problems, mainly caused by spammers, I still hang on in there at Peesearch and post from time to time when I'm able. I wouldn't bother with peeingcupid though.
  24. Mine is very much at the small end of the scale. However I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who is hung and willing to describe how their penis size relates to their bladder size/retentive capabilities.
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