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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi and welcome, Shiver. We're a very friendly bunch. I hope you have a great time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  2. Hi and welcome, mate. It's good to see Suffolk represented. I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to seeing you around.
  3. Thanks you and bless you. I'm glad to hear that you're not leaving us altogether as you'd be sorely missed.
  4. Thanks for that, glad1. I'm trying to drink plenty of water, more to avoid a recurrence of a pre-Christmas urine infection than anything else. As regards New Year resolutions, mine was to not make any. So far I seem to have kept it.
  5. Hi and welcome back. It's good to see you.
  6. Athough I have been in relationships in the past, I'm currently single. There are aspects of being single which are incredibly positive, including a large measure of freedom of thought and action, not having to negotiate things etc. At the same time there are aspects that suck such as not having someone to tell when you've had a bad day and having to look after yourself when you're ill. Fortunately I don't suffer from loneliness but, for people who do, it can be very difficult. Most of us are by nature and inclination designed to be social creatures, although the habits and routines of even
  7. Thanks for sharing that, Sweets. However good or bad our English is, we all make typos and mistakes, sometimes unintentionally missing words out. I can proof check a piece of my own work four times and still not see all the errors. For that reason I think it's important to have another pair of eyes do it. I'd be very happy to proof read and correct any stories you write. Please PM me if you'd like me to do that.
  8. I'm very sorry to hear that you're leaving us and, although I struggle to understand in what sense this is a 'porn' site, I fully respect your decision and your reasons. You will be sorely missed. Good luck and best wishes for everything.
  9. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time.
  10. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Jamie. I hope you have a great time and look forward to enjoying your contributions.
  11. Hi and welcome, WetAli. You've come to a good place and I hope you have a fantastic time.
  12. I wet these grey pants tonight. My first wetting of 2020.
  13. A Happy, Healthy and, I hope, wet New Year to everyone here!🙂
  14. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a great time here.
  15. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  16. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  17. Hi and welcome, Barnum. I hope you have a gooed time here and look forward to seeing you around.
  18. Hi and welcome, chubmania. I hope you have a great time here.
  19. I just unzip and pull my cock out. Mostly I wear briefs which don't have flys or panties but still manage well enough as I've got a smallish cock and can just pull the crotch fabric easily to one side.
  20. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  21. Hi and welcome to you - and a Happy New Year. We're a very friendly bunch and you will find a lot of likeminded people here.
  22. A Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year to one and all.
  23. Hi and welcome, Wetonboard. I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to seeing you around.
  24. Thanks for sharing that, Anemone. I'm glad you're having a good time here and getting into the swing of things. I've found from past experience that beer can be a pretty powerful diuretic. It has me going to the toilet long before I've any realistic prospect of getting drunk.
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