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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Of course, and what house doesn't have a toilet, even if it's only an outhouse?
  2. Hi and welcome, Simplify38 We're a very friendly bunch here and I hope you enjoy being a member.
  3. Hi and welcome, MrBig139. It's good to see Manchester represented. I'm intrigued by your choice of handle though?
  4. Hi and welcome, sargam. I hope you have an amazing time. By the way, I like your little video!
  5. Hi and welcome, Angus. I hope you have a great time here.
  6. Love you, Nancy, and looking forward to seeing you back here when you're able.
  7. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time.
  8. I put a nappy on this morning. Will it stay dry. We shall see.
  9. Hi and welcome. You've come to a great place. I look forward to seeing you around.
  10. Hi and a slightly belated welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  11. Hi and welcome, Scotty. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a great time here.
  12. Hi and welcome. Like you it took me a long time to come to terms with who I was, the feelings I had and what turned me on. You're in good company. We're a very friendly bunch here and I look forward to seeing you around.
  13. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  14. Well that is quite something! I pee in the shower every day though without any encoragement from the government.
  15. I wet a pair of red panties earlier and thought I'd share. Hope you enjoy.
  16. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who goes to bed at night without peeing. It's not something I've ever done, partly out of training/habit and partly because I don't know how well I'd sleep.
  17. Today I tried on a new pair of blue pants and it just so happened that I needed a wee at the time so they ended up rather wet!
  18. I wet a pair of grey pants this afternoon.
  19. I've got for Western Europe as unfortunately there wasn't a UK option. If Brexit goes according to plan we should be out a month from now.
  20. Thanks I get that problem too. I'll often put my cock back in my underpants only to get that warm splash and I'd say it was about a thimble full in my case.
  21. You must have been close to pissing yourself when you did that. Either you'd had loads to drink or just held it in for an incredible length of time.
  22. Although there are various other forums out there, this is certainly one of the best in my opinion. To date I've been very happy with it.
  23. You take care and get some rest. I look forward to seeing you back when you're able to manage it.
  24. Adyguy6970


    Hi and a slightly belated welcome aboard. I hope you have a great time here and am confident that you will.
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