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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Very nice indeed. You must have been really close to wetting yourself. I bet it was a close run thing.
  2. Hi and welcome. We're a friendly bunch and I hope you have a great time here.
  3. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Drumo. I hope you have a great time here.
  4. Hi and welcome, Yames. I hope you have a great time here.
  5. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time and very much look forward to seeing you around.
  6. Hi and welcome, Hornymarie. I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing from you.
  7. I regularly pee a diaper when out in public but I've not yet summoned up the courage to wet myself deliberately. I've had several near misses though when I've not been wearing protection and been desperate to pee.
  8. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and hope you make a good recovery.
  9. Hi and welcome. I look forward to your contributions.
  10. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Loadie. Judging by your interests you sound like a man very much after my own heart.
  11. Hi and welcome, Ian. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.
  12. Hi and welcome, Shaz. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
  13. Hi and welcome, James. I look forward to your contributions.
  14. Hi and welcome, mate. I hope you have an amazing time here.
  15. I was diapered today and my diaper was heavy with pee by the time I'd done with it.
  16. Yesterday I got a bit lost on the outskirts of a city in the North of England, looking for a shop which seemed to no longer exist. Prior to my expedition I'd drunk rather a lot of water and a pot of tea and, no, I hadn't gone to the toilet. Being a chill January afternoon, it wasn't long before I could feel my bladder filling up and it wasn't too long before I became incredibly desperate. Fortunately I was wearing some heavy duty Tena pants at the time so, after hanging on for as long as I could, I eventually did a bit of a wee to release some of the pressure on my rather distended bladder.
  17. Hi and welcome from another UK member. It's good to see you here.
  18. Hi and welcome. You will, I know, find plenty of other people here with similar interests.
  19. Hi and welcome, naughtyjane. I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to seeing you around.
  20. Hi and welcome, Ladybugz. I hope you have a great time here.
  21. I remember her with great affection and was a member of her site for a while. I really loved her holding sessions. Happy memories.
  22. Hi and welcome. I'm another UK pee fan!
  23. Hi and welcome, Irishknickers. It's good to see Ireland represented. I look forward to seeing you around.
  24. Hi and welcome, Bill. You will, I'm sure, find plenty of people here with an interest in pee.
  25. Adyguy6970


    Hi and welcome, Dave. I look forward to reading about your experiences.
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