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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Adding to what @Alfresco has said, we've tried to use our caravan more this year (last year it didn't get any use for the second half of the year). At the end of this coming weekend we'll have had four weekends on organised sites, I've had a weekend and then a week literally in a field supporting an event we've involved with and I've also had three long weekends at motorsport events. For the organised sites it's always my wife and I and the sites are pretty straight-laced - so it's been strictly caravan toilet peeing and then usually using the site toilet block for anything more. Th
  2. Must admit I've been able to enjoy watching some clips on Eroprofile well today. An excellent gallery including these beauties: https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Dying-for-a-wee-in-the-bathroom https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/I-ve-got-lots-of-wees-if-you-want-to-see https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/So-busy-texting-I-forgot-I-needed-to-wee
  3. [Moderator's note - @Karuhowashere - I moved your post, although the thread here doesn't say specifically ladies nude in public it's sort of worked that way. Instead I've added your post to the thread https://peefans.com/topic/14169-sexy-men-with-big-dicks/?do=getNewComment - I sort of see that as a compliment.]
  4. Absolutely - quite apart from anything overheard, or just the imagination of the action, it's wonderful that the ladies have that confidence and trust that they can enter the mens' toilets safe from harrassment or other unwelcome behaviours. A step forwards in the right direction (and yes I know it's not exactly new, but you know... every little helps) Comparison with Silverstone for the F1 - the mens toilets there seemed to either have an inadequate number of cubicles for the guys or separate urinal and cubical buildings - and in either case meant that outside any toilet block w
  5. It's a really interesting topic, and one I was actually thinking about yesterday that with a suitable body of research (interviews with a wide cross section of people) which could make a really good thesis for someone. Firstly is the thought of where 'naughtiness' starts... I mean as babies we have no bladder control, we generally then go through the period of toilet training where are praised and encouraged for only peeing in the potty or toilet. From that point we become conditioned that is the normal place to dispose of our wee. Perhaps some parents more than others will introduce
  6. Totally agree @Alfresco - those situations where a member shares exactly what they want to share, an experience they've had, something they've done the way they wanted to and they share with us. Possibly with some nerves and worry about how much they can reveal. Often being cautious about being found out in real life. And my biggest pet hate right now is the comment where the first words are 'You should have done....' or 'Why didn't you do....' No, just no. And then a bit more NO. We are here to celebrate, and to encourage just as you have done here @Alfresco - to uplift and praise
  7. Happy 2nd August (is anybody else wondering how it's August already?) to: @ellen48 @pantux @Pisslover2346 Have a great day!!!
  8. Hi and a big welcome to the community. As a regular visitor hopefully you know your way around and what’s acceptable on the site, but do shout up with any questions.
  9. @LetMeWatch - Your comment from an hour ago has been removed, but is still visible to staff. Please read site rules, and particularly rules 3 & 9. We as a site will not tolerate negative posts, particularly those criticising a member’s post or asking for more content than they have chosen to post. Please think before typing.
  10. Looks like you had excellent seats - and a great solution too. Good effort! Guessing nobody spotted or commented on a puddle under your seat, or was it already wet given the weather over the weekend? Definitely a race not worth missing any of whilst queuing for the toilets. (I had my son sat next to me in the grandstand at Silverstone so had to be a little more reserved).
  11. The two things I find which most affect my bladder and ability to hold are what type of liquid I drink, and also my brain fooling me into thinking 'you need to pee, or else...' The 'what type' is something I've posted many times before - that certain sweeteners I think will trigger a sudden 'need to pee NOW' reaction from my bladder which is more time than volume dependant, or coffee to an extent does the same usually exactly an hour after drinking. So instead drinking normal amounts of plain water may be an idea. Obviously don't dehydrate, but no need to drink gallons either, What go
  12. We don't know which country you're from @camper1989 so it's a little hard to give a proper answer. I guess attitudes will vary across Europe, the Americas or beyond. But what we're talking about is other people's reactions if they see you peeing outside. When you talk about normal, civilised campsites - I guess they're the ones which attract other people paying a little bit more in camping fees to have the privilege of shower and toilet blocks nearby. If it's a spread out site with woodland areas and you'll be peeing amongst trees then there's less chance of someone having an issu
  13. Today we celebrate some August birthdays... The 1st of the month for those celebrating without maybe giving too much identity away (which is of course cool) So happy birthday time to @sobbi5 @shuklahnpee7
  14. We have a site rule against ‘begging for content’. Maybe that’s a bit strong - but a member had chosen to share just as much as they wish to. Celebrate what’s written - because it’s their experience. Don’t make it seem like there’s some shortfall.
  15. I know what you mean @Takashi96 - I’m away for the weekend so browsing on my mobile. I much prefer a desktop browser where I can see more than one thing at a time - for example having the bottom corner live-chat pop up visible without it being the whole screen. But hey, at least I can still be here from the middle of a field.
  16. If you hover your mouse over, or tap the name of the user on your mobile it will pop up their profile summary. That way you can see if they’re a current user or long gone, before asking a question. Nothing at all wrong with raising topics back from the dead especially when it’s to bring great content to a new audience. I’d be a little cautious on firing questions in to members completely out of the blue when it’s an old post, and also be aware if it’s a topic that’s been covered to death.
  17. I can’t remember the last time I posted here… mainly because I can’t remember the last time I did any exercise worthy of it. Just for novelty sake, I’ve just found a nice quiet circular bit of tarmac to do a couple of laps on. Three to be precise. Lovely and smooth apart from the gravel traps, with Armco barriers and tyre walls. A couple of very small gradients too just for fun. (Should mention I’m not a runner in any sense - but quite enjoy time on two wheels)
  18. Hello Ed and a huge welcome to this community of friends. Hope you find yourself at home and find your way around easily, just shout up if you have any questions.
  19. I’m sure I speak for a huge number of people when I say I would give this thread a ten star rating. That’s until you posted @puddyls and now I don’t think there’s enough stars in this galaxy to do justice. Love you @puddyls!
  20. Happy birthday wishes to you @Davidinharrow - Hope Harrow is a wonderful place to celebrate a birthday!
  21. I can understand why you may have at one time in your youth thought like that ? Perhaps when the people you were talking to were friends in the playground who simply hadn't been taught the alternatives? And of course if that is the case, we can't criticise your previous understanding . It was your experience and therefore it is a valid thing that we respect. I'm assuming that today of course you enjoy the knowledge that owning a vagina is absolutely no handicap - I'm being very superficial of course in using that term 'owning a vagina', since it's not just about that one body par
  22. In seriousness, after maybe three years or so of looking after the same product, the imposter syndrome is starting to fade - and actually that is more scary.
  23. I refer you to my previous… Are you sure you want me to answer that ? 😉
  24. I could tell you… but I’d have to kill you. It’s secret. No, really it is. 😉
  25. In messages, it certainly appears (in my case at least) that the text entry box has the familiar paper clip and the 'Drag files to attach....' field as normal. And I assume it works still as normal. If you mean within the Gold privilege of being able to Live Chat one to one with other Gold members, I don't believe there was ever the ability to attach image files there. Although you should be able to post the http address for an online image and the site should still insert the image there.
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