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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Out of curiosity, what do the CSV files contain - I guess the data used for the bar chart, ie the places by name and then the number of replies against each? Also the worded comments entered too? If that's right, would it not just be worth saving a snapshot of the graph as a picture and then the comments as text - you could post the picture here and past the words in too, if they're of interest. How much use are the CSV data - other than being a record of the responses at a point in time?
  2. Hi @Maclir and the hugest of huge welcomes to our community. It's a privilege to have you joining us and hope you quickly find yourself at home. My sincere condolences over your girlfriend. I know as you've said it's 7 years, but I bet you still feel it every day - so thoughts with you. Hopefully you'll very quickly find yourself amongst friends here. Do shout up with any questions as you browse the site though.
  3. Hi and a huge welcome. Lots of wet fiction to be found, along with all sorts of other material too. Enjoy!!!
  4. Hi Bubba, like I said on your other post - a huge welcome to the site. When you say 'meet', if you mean get to know pee fans from all over the world by enjoying their online posts then you're in exactly the right place. The best way to share is by reading and posting experiences and there's a huge amount to keep you stimulated on the forum.
  5. Absolutely appropriate - and very classy images too, although I can't decide at first glance whether I've got a favourite or just like them all equally.
  6. Last year I found myself feeling very honoured and a little unworthy at receiving some award or other for a bit of writing. That award has been totally been blown away at the visual imagery of my words being sufficient to bring you to such a state of arousal. I feel now truly honoured and if I'm honest just a little aroused myself at the thought. Thank you Hon,
  7. In my opinion - and I'm not the sort of guy who's had multiple relationships, so I'm probably no expert - it's important you're with someone you get on well with, someone interested in you, good to chat to and fun. On a first date you'd get a feel for all of those things, then all being well get on to seeing each other more. In those early days of relationships that's where you'd chat about all sorts of things. Where you'd love to travel to, where you've been, favourite bands, video games, TV shows you love. All those getting to know each other things. And slipping in a 'humorous' quest
  8. Great experience - I guess it's entirely possible he just did what he always does in his apartment and doesn't bother to shut the door, like when he's alone. Also guess it could have been a deliberate show of trust for you. 'We're good friends, I don't need to hide behind a closed door'. It's also possible he was putting on a show for you, especially if there was a chance you'd see him through the crack in the door? Did you go for a tinkle before you left and leave the door ajar too? Maybe that would be a step too far for you? In another thread we mentioned turning the conversatio
  9. I'm a huge fan of the idea of using lighthearted comments to 'test the waters' - the sort of comments that could be laughed off innocently, but at the same time can open a whole line of discussion. That laughed off aspect gives an escape route back to the vanilla if needed. What's your favourite movie? Who's your favourite band? Dream holiday destination? Favourite subject at school? Weirdest place you've ever peed?
  10. Seems like I was on your doorstep... for last week on holiday anyway, near the North Devon coast. I almost drove past your doorstep I guess by J27, on our 300 mile journey there and back. One impression I got was WC facilities in public car parks and towns appear far more available than other parts of the country - depending on the particular part of the kink we enjoy that could be a good or a less good thing. Either way, beautiful countryside.
  11. A couple of pics from last week's campsite, a farm in the southwest of England. On our field was a small toilet block with a wet room - combined shower and toilet. Often the floor would be wet after people had showered, but on one visit I managed to find the room dry. I stripped off from the waist downwards, and I was tempted to emulate a female squat, peeing an arc from a low angle across the floor, but I wasn't sure I was desperate enough to pee a good arc, so instead decided to stand in front of the toilet and just pee standing towards the shower area. Somehow my pictures never s
  12. First of all let me say a huge welcome to the forum. On the private message thing though, that's really not what this site is about - it's possible of course to send messages between members. There is a restriction though on new members being able to jump straight in to messaging people. You'll see we have a chatbox which is a more realtime way to communicate. Basically though we're a forum rather than a chat site, and we're definitely not a hook up site. We're a community of friends who like to share their common interest - and most of that is done in the open, rather than in pri
  13. Was in a beachfront bar in a UK seaside town at the weekend that had the toilets labelled 'Gulls' and 'Buoys' - made me smile a little. No pictures though - the toilets themselves weren't that interesting.
  14. Hoping there may be some more 'no toilet' days.... I think your videos have won Erome for today. Absolutely awesome.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome. You've hit so many nails right on the head in your intro - we are very non-judgemental and work very hard to keep it that way, and you'll get loads out of the forum depending how much you put in. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  16. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Lots of people here with lots of different interests, so don't imagine for a second that your spectating experiences are less exciting than other people's. We'd love to hear about them. As far as deleting a topic goes, us moderators (four of us) and Admin can do that as necessary. But looking at your profile, seems there's nothing to delete.
  17. There's definitely a few... @Scot_Lover for one. If you look on the member map you'll see 'all time' members who have placed a location into their profiles. However, not all will still be active and there could be lots of other fellow 'down-unders' who haven't mapped themselves.
  18. Sadly we're not the kind of site to be able to match you up with the girl of your dreams. But there's every chance you can get to know lots of new online friends. Unfortunately (or fortunately) most people like to get to know each other a little more - so sharing in posts, joining in conversations and chat will help.
  19. Definitely anything that needs concentration on a task, other than concentration on the holding - so DIY tasks as said. Also tasks involving liquids seem to intensify the need, like washing up, brushing teeth or putting petrol in the car. As I've said before - I find that cycling completely changes the feel of desperation for me, pretty much taking away the feeling of urgency but leaves a full bladder ache.
  20. If I may say, the whole damned thing was pretty damn nice... very, very nice. Huge thanks for sharing.
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - hopefully you're finding yourself right at home, but do shout up with any questions.
  22. Well done all - every marathon starts with the first step. It's not about the time, the pace or the distance - it's about the doing it.
  23. Hi and a huge welcome as everyone has said. Lots of different aspects represented, from the wet sex, but also lots of less sexual aspects too - everyone’s different and all welcome.
  24. Amazing and wonderful @Sophie - perhaps made all the feeling of relief made all the more intense by knowing that you’d made it safely, after I guess a rather desperate time at work and even more so on the drive home.
  25. Bit of a sombre song… but fear not, I’m not feeling down. Partly a song with a great guitar tone, but also as it seems today I was right by the beach in Devon where the album cover was photographed.
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