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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. And just for good measure a few more proof-of-concept images. The first maybe isn't looking upwards so much, but it's an old favourite of mine.
  2. I sort of think that any photo where is subject is looking into the camera is alluring, or at least a lot more engaging than looking away. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul - and those windows are definitely open in the example you've given. That and the smile clearly says 'it's ok for you to watch - I'm going to be a little shy and hide myself, but at the same time I love that you enjoy seeing me like this' or something along those lines. Maybe there is a deeper and more subtle psychological thing going on with the dominance and submission of the difference in eye leve
  3. "These ARE the 'droids you're looking for"
  4. Happy Birthday - Today's the day - another year older for @WessSK & @Ms. Tito
  5. For those with Gold Membership of Peefans, this clip is also preserved right here at:
  6. Love that ^^^ @Alfresco - I did have a bit of a crush on Sally Webster when I was a lot younger, maybe I should start watching again. Seems like they may have got a scriptwriter with some 'interests' lol. On a completely different note, I'm not sure this fits in the category of 'actors' or 'regular TV' - but Geordie Shore. This is an MTV series filmed for the last 10 years of so in the buzzing city of Newcastle, one of those trashy programmes where a bunch of young uninhibited guys and girls are thrown into a shared house to live out their dramas on camera. Last night I cha
  7. Today it's the turn of @JoeBob563 & @PeeFan86 - Happy Birthday
  8. @PixieRyder @windy55 - Happy Birthdays to you both.
  9. Hi @lizaff28 and a huge welcome to the site. Please though can you make sure that all your posts and also your profile is written in English. It is part of our site rules that all must be written in English. Thanks and welcome!
  10. Please understand that these sort of detailed questions can actually be really off putting and discouraging. Most people here enjoy pee in a simple and fun way, and not a scientific experiment. It’s not a science project - how is a lady hovering over a 2 litre measuring jug supposed to know when the first 500ml has been reached? Just enjoy the fact that a member has chosen to share an experience.
  11. Looks pretty perfect to me - a beautiful picture.
  12. gldenwetgoose


    I'm here right now aren't I....? In seriousness I know exactly what you mean. I can imagine on tacho breaks and as you say, waiting times you need to do something to keep yourself sane. Do you have any Netflix recommendations at the moment? Usually about every 4-6 weeks I have a trip with a two-and-half hour flight each way. I've just got a phone with battery life long enough that I don't have to worry about it going flat, and downloading a movie or two has transformed that journey. I can zone out from the stresses of all the passengers around me and just chill in my own world.
  13. Welcome in - as you've been around for a while you'll know where to find everything, plus double the fun now you can contribute too. Great to have you on board.
  14. Absolutely love it - The really exciting thought that struck me is wondering if, as you were both drinking earlier in the evening you were both deliberately filling up with the thought of a potential desperate pee later. Both thinking the same thing but both keeping it your little secret from the each other? Maybe it's just me loves that thought. But now it's out in the open, here's hoping for much more shared moments to come in the future. Maybe now you've admitted to her, she'd like to join up here too.
  15. And today's Happy Birthdays go to @EngineerRob20 @Kataal @Guitar Mike
  16. For a rare moment I’m in the same time zone as @kalle2020 - and loving every minute.
  17. I have a set of protective seat covers bought when I had a 4x4 and was doing outdoors type stuff. No idea if they’re truly waterproof - the fabric is, but they have stitching which I guess may leak a delicious submersion in pee - I haven’t tried them.
  18. You can do it… although the sight of double crossed legs at the sink won’t go unnoticed I’m sure.
  19. Ditto - it’s very likely I’ll be in the real world tonight - but let’s face it, we’re not exactly target audience are we… I know though how much it adds to have a bit of support though - so I’ll offer mine now. Love the mental image you’re conjuring up so far and you have my 100% encouragement and coaxing into being super naughty - your husband is a very, very lucky man. Hope you have a wonderful buildup, an amazing and explosive moment of relief and a very special rest of the night.
  20. Now that ⏫ is the best advice I’ve heard in a long, long time. It should be in metre high lettering with a spotlight above it.
  21. Forgive me if I'm jumping to conclusions - it sounds like a very open and forthright relationship, the sort of thing many will be jealous of (in a nice way of course). On bonus could be the attitude of 'easy come, easy go' - and what I mean by that with a relationship that has started so suddenly, if it were to stop just as suddenly you'd have happy memories but it would hopefully be easy to deal with. That's all compared of course to a long term relationship where both partners have invested a great deal of love, trust, time and commitment. Such a relationship may hurt an awful lot mor
  22. And today's Birthday awards go to: @pissingfanwlp & @Sikacz_PL
  23. Very good points raised there @ShyPeeMan & @mrfox Of course the site provides the ability to send what are termed 'Messages' from one member to others. Think of that as email in the way it's written, given a title and posted. It appears in your message inbox. (I have mentioned before that an envelope icon on the top line of the site rather than chat bubble would be more accurate). Then there is the Live Chat facility which everyone can take part in, with the Live Chat window on the homepage, the Live Chat page itself and depending on your theme with the Chatbox tab on the botto
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