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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. And Happy Birthday today @Kylenut2 & @pantylover
  2. Sometimes Staff look a little wider into situations... I agree this thread in isolation is asking an innocent question.
  3. Just to explain - this @Uroguy comment was made in response to an image which has since been deleted - which is why it may seem a little lost. It made more sense when the image was there. Photoshop, implants or just mother nature? I don't know, it does seem to be the case that South America seem to produce and appreciate ladies with the larger, more voluptuous rear. But anyone who can truly understand what makes people want to change their bodies, or even just why certain body types are considered so attractive - well they should be assured of a long and happy career in the advertising
  4. There must be something linking Pee and Prison (apart from the letter 'P'). I caught the first episode of the current UK Channel 4 drama 'Screw' which begins with a lady waking up in her prison cell, getting up and then sitting briefly on the open toilet in her cell. Nothing is really seen or heard, it was only actually after I realised it was a toilet they'd shown her sitting on. Plot twist, it very quickly becomes apparent that she isn't a female prisoner but is in fact the Governor and uses a vacant cell for convenience and for the avoidance of an empty house. Nina Sosanya i
  5. I've seen better green screen images - but who's looking at the background anyway. Do you mind settling for the girl on the right?
  6. I hope M took suitable precautions - I mean asbestos gloves, sounds like putting his hands on you he was risking some serious burns. You were on fire!!! (Sorry - so cheesy I know, that's why I never try chat up lines) But that was incredible - loved reading every word of it. Good job I'm not the jealous type.
  7. I’d suggest that nobody ever comments negatively on this site at least ‘cos we’re all such nice, happy and considerate friends. It’s just not in the ethos here. But you knew that anyway of course.
  8. Now when you start to transition from the theoretical to the actual locations - that’s where we start to remind you around site rules and what we’re about…. In a nice way of course.
  9. Hi and a huge welcome - Great to have you on the site, and you're definitely in the right place for like-minded chats.
  10. So today's celebrations are brought to you by @udai @Panther95 @Slim4531 @Oleg777 @funlover1000
  11. Mod note - I've moved the post into this topic.
  12. Update: Also an important note when pasting in content - please ensure that you click on the text link 'Paste as plain text instead' if it appears at the bottom of the text box. That applies to every part of the site, but is perhaps more likely here where people prepare stories first and then paste them in. By default the pasted in content may contain it's own colour and font information, so it may look fine on your screen but then may be blank or unreadable in a different colour scheme or night mode. Plain text will always follow the schema of the particular theme used, so will
  13. Well yes... I mean in the washing machine case, they're designed so we can put in clothes will all manner of dirt on them - dirt, mud, spilled food, drink, even clothes we may have wet ourselves whilst wearing. And the washing machine washes away all traces down the drain. So no difference peeing on clothes already inside the machine or peeing on them and then putting them in? Similarly the dishwasher rinses away all the food remains and then before it finishes its cycle uses steam to sanitise everything. If there's other people in the house perhaps best to make sure you switch
  14. Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day isn't it @Abluhwleh & @Slicklipster - have a great one.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome in. You've broken the ice (or at least left a slightly yellowish puddle) with a introduction, look forward to seeing you around.
  16. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - hopefully you'll very quickly be finding yourself at home and making lots of new friends. It's worth noting that we're very much online and globally focussed - with the emphasis on members from all around the world.
  17. Lovely clip, and great description of the build up - great to know the bigger picture part of the event as well as just your fun. Also, when you mention the forum's focus, yes this particular topic is about pee experiences, but I'd hazard a guess there's lots of people would enjoy hearing about the wider aspects of your other activities. No reason at all they can't be featured on the site - the Sex & Porn area is perfectly placed for that.
  18. @Smyer @Mtlfan93 @eternalarousal - Congratulations
  19. I'm going to have to bail out here - glad you got relief, sort of... Hope you can get the kids without too much embarrassment and then home. Hoping too as you think back on it later this evening you'll be able to enjoy the moment in your privacy. Thanks so much for sharing.
  20. Bet the relief felt mind-blowing. Hope the collateral damage isn't too bad - that your pants didn't get too much of it.
  21. Messages crossed a little there - is scooting forward in your seat and pulling pants down to wet the car floor an option - at least may mean you have fairly dry-ish pants and seat to carry on the journey in?
  22. I'm looking forward to reading about that then, if you do happen to post. But back to the present - guessing ideally you don't want your kids to see you wet. No options to stop at the side of a road at all, even if it means you don't have much cover yourself? Anyone who sees you is of course most likely random strangers you'll never face again.
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