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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Well you’ll certainly get fit cycling your normal route four times a day in the hope of chatting to her again lol. It does read almost like a show put on for your benefit - obviously she needed to go, but could have gone sooner or could have taken to the bushes etc. I know ‘we’ all read things in situations that maybe non pee people don’t. Anyway, if you do see her and chat again it certainly opens the door for a not too obvious chat along the lines ‘how’s your bladder today?’ And yes. Add me to the list of jealous people. (Post moved to Real Experiences since female
  2. Happy Birthday to @Peelover94 & @bbb_666
  3. i can still remember the look of my father-in-law's face when my wife told him she was expecting. It was sort of 'you did WHAT to my daughter' (even though we were married).
  4. Hey folks - Happy Birthday today to @Barbieoxo @kepee314 @KinkyPeeInMyMouth @bblasehase @Levis510
  5. .... whilst remembering that copyright remains with @puddyls as the original creator of the image. So yes, they are great to look at and enjoy, but not to diminish the glory that is those original images by reproducing them.
  6. Hi @AaronRF - and a huge welcome to the site. The bad news (and give me credit for honesty here) is that here guys outnumber the girls maybe 4:1 or more, but there are a good number of active ladies. That said we’re a community of friends and not a pool of people waiting to be chatted up. Many people are more than happy to chat, but bear in mind friendship is what the site is all about - so don’t rule out getting to know everyone.
  7. … and I guess the other thing I didn’t say (which @ukpeegirl86 has reminded me of) is the role of ‘fantasy’ in our thinking. That difference between loving the idea of doing something, but for whatever reason not actually going though with it.
  8. Now that it’s known to be the subject of a DCMA complaint, then sharing a link on this site would be a breach of Rule 6. Also please note that since the original post Admin has issue a fresh set of advice around extreme pee vandalism content which causes distress to innocent third parties.
  9. I guess if it’s a case of remodelling your bathroom at home and wandering around a bathroom store looking at products, you’re more likely to choose a suite based on price, colour, style and so on - and that could include the style of seat. On the every day use of a bathroom, I’d imagine most people just use the ‘when you’ve gotta go’ logic of walking in a bathroom and using whichever style of toilet seat is there. I can really imagine anyone thinking ‘oh that’s the wrong type of seat, I’ll hold on…’ I could easily be wrong of course.
  10. A bit of moderation advice here… we recently had a lot of discussion around the situation of pee vandalism causing distress, damage or loss to innocent third parties. You may recall that Admin made the statement “Some people love the more 'extreme 'content, others have been deeply troubled by it. There are many thousands of us here, and it is understandable we all have different interests when it comes to pee. Firstly, I want to be clear that we absolutely allow 'naughty peeing' discussion - for example, peeing in public, on acarpet, seat etc. An issue only arises when the post is talki
  11. Canoeing ? Paddle boarding? Kayaking ? This is general chat after all…. 🤣
  12. Hi Joe and welcome to the community. Dont be too upset if you don’t get a queue of girls queuing to hit you up, we’re not really that sort of chat place - even less the sort of place to get face to face experiences. But we are a huge online forum and you’ll find loads of content to enjoy, and lots of people to get to know on the forums. Enjoy yourself, get involved in reacting to posts and maybe even contributing in forum posts and before you know it you’ll have made many new friends.
  13. Quick reminder - this ^^^ was the intent of this Thread when set up, and it’s worked brilliantly on many occasions, where someone has been holding and other people have supported or even had a joint hold and eventual release together going on. On those cases where it’s after the event, you’ve already pee’d and you want to share please do… but perhaps in its own entry in Real Pee Experiences or in Men Pissing if you identify as such. For those that have notifications set up on individual topics it’s always exciting to see a post has been made here, hoping it’s going to be the start
  14. During lockdown I found that availability to browse and contributing had really benefitted. In large part down to the increased flexibility of working from home - an extra hour in the day of non-commuting time at least. Recently my wife has had a lot more time at home and also very recently I’ve found myself much busier at work with a short term peak of urgent work. Both should return to normal soon. All of that said - I really don’t think my contribution is that big a factor. I definitely don’t have the kind of ego to think that anyway.
  15. Yes - and in fact it can be sometimes a ‘down time’ of a couple of weeks followed by a horny high again. I still browse here every day, but it’s more a case of looking at content and ‘meh, whatever’ rather than at other times being like a teenager seeing a porn mag for the first time. Also I don’t think it’s a purely biological male cycle (I do think that plays a part) but if I’m anticipating going away on a solo trip where I know I’ll have ‘me time’ my levels always seem to rise in anticipation.
  16. @Qwertyboy @humbub - Today’s the day - Happy Birthday to You
  17. I'm very, very late in finding Secret Diary Of A Call Girl starring Billie Piper (finally followed @Sophies recommendation). Curious I'd never watched it before, despite having many times expressed my attraction to Ms Piper. In my parallel universe I could imagine easily bankrupting myself with the procurement of Belle's professional services. It was a bit of a disappointment though watching an episode the other night where Belle reeled off the list of what she does and doesn't do, with watersports being off the table. I'd like to think there'd still be the possibility of some st
  18. If they have been featured (and I feel they may) then no problem with a refresh. The first ever pub to achieve Grade I listed building status, so those toilets aren't going to get ripped out anytime soon. Quite a unique and magnificent venue in my favourite English city - if Eli or anyone else wants to pop in for a pint I'd happily keep them company.
  19. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear @goldenprincess333 @grv @Funner Happy Birthday to You!
  20. Hi and a big welcome to the community - do shout up with any questions.
  21. Agree 1000% there @Eliminature It’s one thing wanting to avoid people for reasons of personal preference, but if it’s because of any hint of intolerance, hate speech or just general intolerance (etc) then please report it.
  22. Thank you for the clarification @Remyryannexxx - Unfortunately I've removed your comment too for exactly the same reason as the previous occurrence. All please be aware though that the purpose of this thread is to post, read and enjoy works of pee related fiction. If people wish to use this site to voice their opinions on a real world individual and their real world views, then I'd suggest a specific topic be created in the General Chat area. Don't use this fiction thread for it.
  23. That's an incredibly, incredibly hot fantasy scenario you've described there. There'd be lots of willing volunteers for that privilege - but of course fantasy is a world away from real expectations.
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