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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Oooh those eyes... In mediaeval times there'd be a real risk of getting burned at the stake with those. These days I bet she can work a whole different kind of magic.
  2. Can we keep a little balance here folks - I know the subject is obviously just about 'is it ok to watch and record' but please bear in mind there are two sides to either story. Please can we stop turning this into a 'it's my right to do it...' type argument. Also the 'men treated worse than women' arguments aren't helpful. I'm not singling out any one person there in saying that - but the original question is an opener for intelligent discussion. Let's have some real and intelligent discussion. Let's celebrate what Peefans does best of bringing people together. Some of the comme
  3. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - lots to find in the Stories section, but also you'll find lots of Real Experiences too - enjoy finding them.
  4. And today's big shout goes up to @chelseastorm & @mapeeciek - Happy Birthday
  5. You've hit the nail pretty much exactly on the head there @MasterDarcy. The main part of the rule 8 covers the 'not spamming, not treating the place as a dating site, and not asking for off-site contact details' aspects. So the main aim there is that we don't have a personals section of 'man 50 seeking woman 18-25 for golden fun' type adverts, because we guess that for every genuine ad there could be dozens and dozens of false adverts, either scammers or services for sale just as you suggest. Then the addendum to rule 8 which was nearly two years ago now is more specific on the sam
  6. I think there @Peewee123 you've just summarised the issue that was in my mind. For someone wearing a skirt, and commando it seems almost effortless and very discrete to pee straight down and be almost undetected - especially perhaps in a dark corner of a nightclub or standing on grass just to think of two examples. However the penalty of that is likely to be lots of dribbles and splatters down legs, pee filled shoes and of course wet underwear if not commando. In comparison the general situation for a guy in trousers would be a significant wet patch on the front - unless able to pee
  7. Hi and a huge welcome to the site Nikki. It's great to have you on board the fine ship Peefan. I've just glanced over your profile and I see that we removed your first post (it was because there were various mentions of other sites and social media channels). As I'm sure you realise, we work hard to remain a community of enthusiasts without being overrun by sales pitches. You know how it can be when a site ends up overridden with pure spam, mostly from people who've got no interest in the kink. Anyway - no issues at all with your posts, it's great to have you with us.... looking fo
  8. I'm not doubting for one single minute, but the transformation is incredible - both equally attractive for different reasons.
  9. Hi Craggles - Apologies but that was nearly four years ago. Since then we’ve made quite a few changes and now the sharing or asking for off-site contact details including Snapchat is no longer permitted. There’s an amendment on the rules page which explains it in more detail. Sorry about that…
  10. Fascinating to consider how individual countries' attitudes and laws can vary - so of course anyone would have to take note of the law in their individual countries, and any changes introduced. For example in the UK, the Voyeurism Act of April 2019 makes it illegal to photograph 'upskirts' with a potential prison sentence, and whilst I don't know of precedence, I guess it'd be a pretty easy prosecution argument that photographing a lady with bits on show whilst peeing is also similar. The wording on the UK Government website includes: "The Voyeurism Act outlaws ‘upskirting’ where th
  11. Just a quick note - Thanks again for posting. You'll note though when you paste in, a little link at the bottom that says 'Paste as Plain Text' - this will make sure it shows up correctly for all browsers and themes. Thanks!!!
  12. It's a little while since the person who asked last visited the site. I guess you could answer for any or all of those directions - whichever you prefer most. For me the grass is always greener in the other field, so I'd prefer Vulva any day - at least to look at and play with. And if it's messier to pee with, that doesn't strike me as a deal breaker. But everyone can have a different view.
  13. Happy Birthday again to @Sandman033 & @HairyPee
  14. Thank you guys - such a shame you couldn't have come along for the roadtrip.
  15. Guilty as charged…. Yes here for me. Usually it’ll be a fairly ‘respectful’ level of thought - if any such thoughts can in any way be considered respectful. [Edit - Read the post from @Sophie below. Sums me up too]
  16. @pee01 - I probably won’t be around too much but have a great one!!!
  17. Happy Birthday to another two fine members today - well, every member is fine before anyone gets jealous. HB to @daemoniak & @brppfan
  18. I recall her in the post race interview commenting that stomach cramps were hampering her pace - and for that reason I'd also always assumed that it wasn't pee. For an athlete of her experience and commitment to winning, if the issue had been her bladder I cannot imagine for a moment that she wouldn't just have peed in her shorts as she ran - but her instead stopping and squatting over a grid was a conscious 'balancing of need' decision. I can't really think that she'd have prioritised stopping, pulling shorts aside etc as needed for just a simple pee? Lots of lady athletes finish race
  19. Thanks for sharing @sexyskier19. Typically the stories in this Fiction section are a little more developed, but it's a start. Look forward to reading more from you - perhaps if there's more to come in the future, maybe a little more about the characters involved and a little more detail on what takes place and what follows on?
  20. Hi - hopefully you'll see this as 'adding' to the thread and not hijacking it too much... I just wanted to share a real life experience of yesterday. I'd been in Scotland over the weekend where because of train delays, I'd taken my car at the last minute. Travelling home yesterday I somehow had managed to avoid a hangover and my host cooked a good breakfast to prepare for my journey home. The first part of that journey was a lift into Edinburgh, where I grabbed a sandwich and a 500ml bottle of Sprite, before boarding a train back to Glasgow where we'd been the night before and where my
  21. Happy Birthday dear @Scot_Lover & @harry_jones_1975 today - There's a little something special waiting for you at the Peefans bar...
  22. Just Googling the driver - and he's German, so I wonder if cultural practices and the German openness for nudity, pee and the like have a little to do with it. But of course, the practises of the country must be respected. Not only that, but this took place during a period of race stoppage and right in the vicinity of the grid, so there could easily have been many families watching. For those not familiar with the 'Red flag' reference, it means that an incident has occurred and the race director has temporarily halted the race. Perhaps an accident which needs a recovery vehicle or mar
  23. Hi @Seanie - thanks for shouting up. Welcome to the site, and glad you're enjoying it.
  24. @susaward75 @ImarkellI - Have a great day!!!!
  25. I'm only a bloke - and so there is a very high risk that anything I say will come across as mansplaining, mysoginistic, sexist, trivial etc. I'll take the risk anyway to say that my heart goes out to all of you affected by the physical, mental and psychological effects of menstruation. Sending virtual hugs, hot water bottles and chocolate.
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