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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. It is a good point that the more we speak and share with like minded people here, the more normal our 'interest' is - because everyone thinks the same as us. But in the 'other' world, taking the hikers as an example, pee is a necessary bodily function. They understand the need to be hydrated when exercising, they understand that fluid in means fluid out. They know what the opposite gender's tackle looks like and in all probability they're just conducting a bodily function, just like eating a sandwich or drinking a coffee. They're close enough friends and respectful enough to not be shy
  2. [Moderator's note - Title changed to allow searches to more easily find this - a very useful starting point of a thread]
  3. Love the videos, and an awesome account of a perfect day. Sounds and looks great. BTW - It looks like the links to photos haven't shown up correctly. If they're under 5MB in size you're able to attach them directly. But great post - thanks!
  4. Thanks @Alfresco - this for me is right up there and reinforcing the experience that some of the worst people I've met have been the pious church going types and the nicest and genuine have been on the fringes of accepted society. I'm talking of course about the 'outraged' homeowners and the cheap hitting headline writers here. Yes ok, it may have been a surprise that a postal worker or delivery driver chose a spot to pee within the boundary of your property - well away from your front door, but at least somewhere they felt safe. Or a delivery driver left a small puddle of largely
  5. Wow - That last image... Looks like her pee would be stale before it hit the floor!
  6. Happy Birthday today to @Starks2010 @Dr.P @ArcticPiss
  7. I feel like I should issue a formal warning or something for using the 45+ and ‘older men’ in the same post. Still, if the flat cap fits… There’s a few bits and pieces from me here > https://peefans.com/topic/20417-challenge-goose/?tab=comments#comment-278345
  8. Now there’s a set of fantasy images which will quite happily live rent free in my head for hopefully a long time to come - especially the last part.
  9. Ha ha - that is a consequence of hanging out with reprobates like us. User name changes are a bonus of Gold Membership, but other than that @Admin may be able to help.
  10. Thanks for sharing - and hugs. I’m also one of those who wouldn’t wish an unpleasant experience on anyone and doesn’t derive any fun from someone’s misfortune. At least though you managed to make it home without being seen wet or wetting. Hopefully retrospectively you’ll be able to focus on how good the actual release felt more than any other aspect. Huge thanks for sharing.
  11. On UK TV at the moment, a new series Sue Perkins’ Big American Road Trip - where as the name suggests, UK comedian Sue Perkins makes an American Camper trip in a surprisingly ill-equipped camper. The basic nature of her van (which wasn't by any means the typical RV) meant we had a quick very tame glimpse of her squatting behind a bush, discussing where to pee and telling us of her weak pelvic floor. Whether that's enough value to make the programme watchable is your own decision. I've formed my opinion...
  12. It seems there's only one Birthday worthy of a shout - so lets make it a big one: Happy Birthday @bpb
  13. As @Kupar said. In fact, everything he said. I have a huge problem finding anything genuinely humiliating to be in any way exciting to me - which is why I'll just send my hugs to you.
  14. I agree that gender stereotypes may mean that a lady, already in a vulnerable and exposed position may feel more uncomfortable at a male stranger walking up to them rather than the opposite. Plus a lady in that situation is very likely to be a lot more exposed and a lot less able to move than a guy with just his zipper open. But in a festival scenario people are possibly a lot more laid back and there’s probably the opportunity to try and disarm any fear - as said asking if it’s ok to also pee there, making it obvious you’re not trying to watch them, facing the other way if that’s f
  15. Hi @Draco36 - Hope you don’t mind, your two posts looked very similar and so I’ve merged them together.
  16. The way I read it was that @The99Club has, as other people have done, offered their understanding and empathy for the situation. I know that in the forefront of my thoughts when I personally answered was my view that it's difficult to express everything about the actual situation in a few words, so it's difficult for us to know the whole picture. In my mind a marriage is a huge undertaking in every sense and my personal belief is that @ShyPeeMan alone can make any decisions on that. We offered our positions, we emphasised our care and empathy to them without 'leading the witness' in a parti
  17. @Kevvvv @KinsleyKisses & @Pee_Jeans - Come on down and collect your Birthday Gifts
  18. And very glad you did stumble in... pull up a chair and relax. Hopefully you'll find yourself very quickly at home. Do shout up with any questions of course.
  19. Great song @Kupar - always liked it, and saw a documentary on songs with hidden meanings a little while ago- including Turning Japanese.
  20. Have a great day @WarmWetting and the very same to you @cplhiggins
  21. @ShyPeeMan - You'll see I've joined your post with this existing content, so obviously you're not alone. You may also be interested in the following if you haven't already seen them: https://peefans.com/topic/18454-desperate-and-peeing-during-sports/?do=findComment&comment=254511 https://peefans.com/topic/17458-the-peefans-sports-club/?do=findComment&comment=243374
  22. Lovely, lovely imagery there @Bacardi - thanks for sharing (and brightening my day if nobody else's). The locker room I guess you 'could' have made some excuse if caught... mummy-bladder, suddenly got hit by the need to pee RIGHT NOW, that sort of thing, and maybe then the laundry room is actually naughtier. "Mommy, what are you doing....?" Love both scenarios though.
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