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Everything posted by wettingman

  1. No worries. Although like all such circumstances it was very unpleasant at the time, I enjoy looking back on it now. Sometimes I imagine I did wet my pants but only my girlfriend knew, as it wasn't too much , and I covered it up. The best situation I imagine is I actually did get sprayed with the hose , covering my accident , but allowing me to let the rest out , and nobody knew. As it was I only wished I got sprayed.. Anyway I have fun with the situation now. Remember, I have many times put myself in a similar situation of holding my pee until I couldn't and my sphincter bladder gave out
  2. I have a truly odd situation here. Of course I pee while sitting to poop but for some weird physical reason I can not empty my bladder sitting. I naturally let out the strong pressure if I really need to pee. Any more I have to focus to get more pee out of my bladder, but my bladder is still not empty. As mentioned it is a real pain in the ass to have to stand up, turn around and pee, but if I don't my bladder is still uncomfortable with pee in it. It has been like this for as long as I can remember. I have no idea why. This started way before my prostate became enlarged.
  3. Pee Shy at a Day Long BBQ This occurred many years ago when I was around 20. I don’t think I ever wrote about it until now. this is a true story . I believe however my recollection is fairly accurate. I remember stories about pee desperation, mine and my girlfriend / fiancée/ wife well, because they are such a turn on for me, and hopefully you as well. I know this is a bit long but I strive for detail. It was about this time of year with long summer days with sunshine well into the evening. My fiancée and I went to a BBQ/party at a friend of her sister’s home. We were outside all da
  4. I enjoy the sensation of a full bladder, especially like right now it is stretching to make room for more pee. I am leaning back a bit so not to squeeze my full bladder. I love sharing pee stories with others. I have had to pee for a few hours now, and I don't want it to end. But it is very late. I suspect I will get desperate and maybe leak when I stand up. I really love the pressure in my penis as I get desperate. I keep hydrated and relish the feeling of my entire shaft feeling full of pee. The best part is when I near the end of my ability to hold . The intense pressure at my pee hole
  5. About a month ago I underwent a urolift . It's a minimally invasive procedure done under an anesthetic. Going through my urethra the Dr. "tied back"my protruding prostate pressing on my urethra. I was quite uncomfortable for a couple of days and had very little control for a few after the catheter was removed. Although , obviously I had this unexpected accident, ( I was not holding my pee) I can definitely hold my pee much better than before. The Dr said my control would improve over time . I have been doing my part by deliberately holding my pee at home until my bladder feels really full and
  6. Yes , I did, but we were too young to know about sex, and had no idea why we thought this was interesting or even exciting somehow, other than curiosity how the other peed. We never play any games like Ill show you mine if you show me yours. On several occasions my sister who is three years younger than me would jump out of our little pool when she had to pee , squat and let go, peeing through her bathing suit. She would grin and say can you see it ? Can you see my pee coming out? I was very interested and wanted to see but with the pool water running off her it was impossible to tell wh
  7. I love the long detailed stories s out your gf peeing. I especially enjoyed the ones where she peed on you. The one where she was sitting on your leg in the water and you didn't let her up so she peed on your leg got me hard . This is a life long unfulfilled fantasy of mine.
  8. Due to an issue my prostate I have been unable to do any holds in a very long time. I recently underwent a procedure to fix this and my ability to hold seems to be that. I should not get cocky though. While some days I can hold it well held 780ml on Monday only letting go because it was distracting from what I needed to do. Plus as often happens my full bladder pressed on my bowls causing me to need to take care of that. Then this morning I went walking with a rail trail group I regularly walk with. I knew that third cup of tea was a mistake ,but hey I can hold it again. We were abo
  9. Absolutely please continue. I look forward to day three, which will likely be my favorite, since it appears to involve wetting your at least your panties . Will you have pants on too ? The rules say you can't remove or pull your panties aside. Does that mean you will continue to wear them after you wet them ? Do you go whenever you get the urge, or do you hold it until you are desperate ?
  10. Technically a naughty pee is going anywhere not a urinal or toilet, including my pants. But pants wetting is my favorite and I put that in a whole different category. I firmly believe that peeing anywhere that is going to leave a mess for some unwilling person to clean up is just plain wrong ( * I unintentionally did this once felt really bad and embarrassed details at end of this post ). We should not involve anyone not enjoying or wanting to participate in our fetish in any manner . I will not damage or destroy anything by peeing on it, including my own property. While I do pee on the
  11. Don't worry about your English, it is fine . Your point comes across clearly , and that is all that matters. There are no grammar police here. Your English is much better than my any second language. I would love to hear how your day without a toilet went. How long were you able to hold it? I have done this , while still drinking plenty. I tried hard and held on as long as possible but could not avoid peeing. I wet my pants a few times that day.
  12. I loved your story of your naughty pee in the sea. It was for me anyway made much hotter because your bladder was at its limit.
  13. I really like the way you started with desperation stories that kept getting more dire and eventually to Natalie wetting her pants. While I can't say for sure if she enjoys holding her pee and therefore deliberately puts herself in these situations, but for sure she enjoys talking about her desperation and accidents. I think a non-pee fan would be too embarrassed to discuss it, especially if it was not obvious due to dark pants. Thank you for the enjoyable series of posts.
  14. I never heard of a female blasting pee all over everything, including your face , until now. Guess she should have just wet her pants, if she couldn't hold it. Interesting story though.
  15. I guess like the females this proves like females, we are all different. Perhaps it matters if a male is circumcised or not, I am. I just tried this after holding for a while. I opened my pee hole as wide as I could but the only difference was that my stream was less focused and intense. It splattered a bit, but that was all. There was no hiss at all, my stream only sounded more diffused a bit as it hit the water. I may have emptied my bladder slightly faster since my stream was less restricted, but not by much. I have when I very full, finally getting to go the pressure seemed to st
  16. This is an arousing story. With your description I can almost hear that unstoppable tinkling in the toilet. Thank you for getting me excited this morning. I reminds me of my ex sitting on the toilet while desperate. She was not to pee for five minutes. She lasted close to four before I heard the tell tale sound of her pee hitting the water. She said I can't hold it. Thank you. I have tried standing in front of the toilet with my dick out while desperate. I don't think I lasted a minute.
  17. This is the answer to my life long unfulfilled dream . I am jealous of Mark.
  18. Good description ! Thank you. Your tongue in your mouth actually tingles ? That is new one on me. Although sometimes if I noticed hy ex-wife holding her crotch I would ask er what was wrong to hear her response. "I have to pee so bad I can taste it ". I didn't know she meant litterly ! 😊
  19. I find this topic fascinating as well. It seems everyone is a bit different . I love hearing a detailed description of what a person is feeling and exactly where,especially woman. I start with a dull ache or pressure in my bladder area. As the pressure intensifies it gradually moves into my penis especially at the tip. I feel it at my pee hole before the rest of my shaft. Eventually the pressure/ pain is so strong it feels like it is going to come out, but I can still hold on for hours. I find this odd because my sphincter is at the base of my penis, but I feel the pressure more at the t
  20. Not at all too graphic . I almost obsess about exactly where a females pee come out. Usually her pee hole is difficult to find hidden up there with her other lady bits. Thanks for the pix, solving the mystery BTW I love pubic hair that still lets us see the important parts.
  21. I love this description of your desperation , slight accident and peeing. I enjoyed all your recent posts in this thread.
  22. No matter how quickly whatever you wet dries they will begin to smell after awhile. Please don't misunderstand, I not being a preachy old guy , but if possible you may want to consider doing your own laundry at least if you are wetting. It will go a long way towards you not getting caught . However, I know logistically it may not be possible without notice especially if you have siblings or people always around. I faced that situation in my late teens. I had to try putting first toilet paper , and later a wash cloth over my penis, just so I could enjoy the wetting sensation. The
  23. Damn I have to pee. I have not held my pee in ages. But after a medical test today I was told to drink lots of water. I have been sitting here for hours as the pressure in my bladder built. I mostly ignored it but now it is starting to hurt, and there are increasingly frequent waves of pressure at my pee hole like it is going to come out. Wonder what will happen when i stand and slowly walk to the bathroom. I can't hold it like I used to. Update 45 minutes later: I had to pee badly for about 2 hours. I had not intended to hold and post , until I realized how full my bladder was. I hav
  24. I don't pee on things that are difficult to clean up, or may retain a stain or odor. I only pee on a hard floor covered by tile or similar. I use a few towels to contain the puddle and use them to wipe it up easy pezy. Either that or I wet/ pee in the tub.
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