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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I have a humiliation/dominance kink, so the thought of someone pushing me to my knees and showering me with their piss to degrade me and to place themselves above me definitely gets me going. I have a few others too but they don't really go along with my pee fetish.
  2. I would have to know what super powers I have for that lol. Any suggestions?
  3. I am relieved then that I wrote that for the user that was struggling to accept his fetishes, and not for the prosecution lawyer in your head 😇
  4. I've gone through periods of time where I felt the same; especially after I confessed to my ex and he shamed the pants off of me. For what it's worth, I am wired to be into pee too and it's been that way since my age was in the single digits. I also grew up very conservative Christian (which teetered on cult levels, so I am talking VERY conservative) which looked down on anything that wasn't missionary sex between married couples. I was taught that sex and my body parts were dirty, that pee was dirty, so I always thought this one part of me was something to be ashamed about. One thing th
  5. Anywhere I was lol. Most of the time it was in the water, but if it was a short pee I just realized I had I would just pee wherever I was. Sitting in a chair, setting up lunch at the tables for the kids, or going on a walk in the sun. It really didn't matter. One time I peed over a drain in the middle of the locker room because I could 😁 I was so proud of myself that day.
  6. Haha I agree with going into her room and pissing all over her things. I have had roomate troubles in the past too and this I think is the one time I'd ever condone peeing on someone else's stuff. Then just blame her for it when the landlords come after you 🤷🏽‍♀️ And, for the sake of the rules, make sure your clean up after yourself or take what I said as a joke 🤣 because that's *mostly* what it was.
  7. I dont swim in one pieces any more, but when I did I either peed through them or I pulled the crotch to the side. I think as time went on I just peed through it so I could avoid washing my hands when I was done, and now I don't even go to the bathroom at all. I'll just pee on myself wherever I am at the pool. It's no big deal.
  8. @Kupar training has begun and my chosen partner/pee coach has vowed that we will drown you in pee so get ready 🤣
  9. Literally the best feeling ever 😌 🧺
  10. I was at a friend's house the other day and this friend speaks fluent Italian. Since I am learning Italian too he suggested we watch my all time favorite movie in Italian : Tarzan. I haven't been able to get the cover of You'll be in my Heart out of my head since then. It's such a beautiful song and I'm so impressed that Phil Collins sung both versions and several others.
  11. Happy father's day to all the peefans dads out there!
  12. @Kupar @gldenwetgoose @Sophie @glad1 These are the things that make me smile on a daily basis.
  13. Training in my mind is going great. Part of a very naughty dream I had last night was letting the last of my pee out in the corner of my bedroom but it shot across the room to the other side of the wall and absolutely flooded the floor. Training in real life hasn't begun yet 😅 but I will certainly keep you updated!
  14. So....what do I have to do to compete in this contest? Because I am certain i could out pee both you and K on any day of the week 🤣
  15. Yes 🤭 guilty as charged. Although most of the time it's pictures and not videos bevause theyre easier to share. I am such a shy girl that a lot of the time I just delete them, or ill share them within my trusted peefans friend group. They will never see the light of day on a public forum because I have a crippling fear of my identity being figured out, and that include people piecing small things together like my hand writing, my floors, my walls, the sounds of my house etc. So I am happy to take pictures and the occasional video for myself and my buddies sometimes. They'll never be made
  16. Hi there! I was real nervous and shy at first too. But once you start to open up and see how friendly we all are it will get easier! This is a very warm and welcoming community, and I am thankful every day that I discovered it!
  17. Yes. That would work for me. Large amounts of people and lots of noise are not my thing. Maybe I should plan on trying that at least once in my lifetime. Because I am really only a floor/carpet person. Peeing on things like furniture doesn't do anything for me. I am a believer in soulmates but I never thought about soulmates specifically for pee/sex. Sexual soulmates is a really interesting concept.
  18. Shy girl. Definitely not into parties because I can't stand being around so many people. I do really love to read about girls who pee in random spots at parties, specifically house parties! If I ever had the courage to attend a house party I think that first thing I would do would be pee on their bedroom floor.
  19. I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰
  20. You know what I always say. If you want me to pee on you, just say that 🤣 Thanks for the encouragement, man! It's good to see you again! It's like the number three thing that stops me, my fear. Once I was able to eliminate the other two (husband and kids) then all I had to do was relax and let myself have fun.
  21. Well you're in for a bad time because I take care of the majority of my plants lol. You in particular know why I couldn't take care of that one last week. It was a picky lad and when I forgot to water it it just died. My other plants are good 🤣
  22. Yeah. I used to pee outside the toilet more often and I forgot how addicting it is. *sigh* I need to get out more often.
  23. Hi everyone! I had been planning this for a while now and I finally got to have a decent naughty pee! First of all, if I sound too excited its cause this took place just a few minutes before writing it. My heart is racing. Thanks so much to @glad1 for encouraging me and being there with me throughout this entire process! Anyway, on to the show. I was sitting in bed last night mourning the loss of a plant that was very near and dear to my heart. Under circumstances I couldn't control, i just couldn't take care of it and it died on me 😔 I decided then I'd throw it away when
  24. ♀️♀️♀️ here. I do this too, especially at night when I'm trying to be 100 percent sure that my bladder is as empty as it can be. I hate waking up in the middle of the night. I also find if I am sitting on the toilet for an extended amount of time (see: 💩) that my bladder will fill and empty a few times until i get up. Sometimes I sit down to pee and stay an extra few minutes just to get away from the chaos that is my family for a while and it'll happen then too. It's always an extra two or three seconds worth. Nothing too extreme.
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