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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. A heart-touching question from you, my new and much appreciated friend I think everybody got personal GOALS, but "meaning" is more than goals Meaning is something scientifically and spiritually INHERENT And thus, on a logical-deductive stance, it mandatorily transcends individual differencies and peculiarities It must be the same for everybody sharing a same universe built by the same scientifical and spiritual rules
  2. Sometimes people are out to prove to themselves that they are superior and that they need no help nor implements from anybody With time, everybody will notice how cool is it here Plus, Peesearch does NOT have ME hahahahahahahahahahaahha
  3. Hi Danielson I wanted to cuddle you a bit so allow me a little advice though quite obviously not what you expected for I like the fact you completed your profile, and the lack of grammatical and sintactical errors shows you are not a demented horny randy goat here to illuse himself this is a meet-up for perverts That's why I am answering to you so gently First: almost no girls here wanna share their ID so openly If they post something, they do in terms of pics, and is already so much Here and there maybe there are a girl that shows hers
  4. Aahahahahah agree with BOTH things ahahahahahahahahah Steve, I respect how much pain still lingers in you for that You are a good-hearted and sensitive person and being a Mod is also related to your deep soul now that I know the Legion you belong to, so he hit you in your deepest spot I am not gonna tell you to simply let go: but I want to cuddle you into stepping away from it Yet with the most absolute respect
  5. Thank you… I adore the two of you I was thinking about the fair these days… more than anything the girl at the end I still remember her words… "You should have told me you ware taking a piss, I would have waited" It still drives me MAD with horniness
  6. Ouch!!! Let us leave him happily where he is!!! and let's talk about ME ahahahahahahahahahahahah
  7. I did too ahahahahahha But it was night and I never knew what I pissed on!!! So naughty!!!
  8. @Lutab IT WAS YOU?????????????????????????????? AHAHAHAHAH I loved those polls!!!
  9. Did you ever needed more? You're such a fucking viking conqueror!!!
  10. @will64 Your recent contributions had been hot as hell WOW Just WOW
  11. @mickymoist GREAT!!!! I have never been into these things but this is almost art It's… actually… erotic...
  12. @speedy3471 I knew this boy would have done just GREAT!!!!
  13. @speedy3471 @mickymoist SOME GREAT NEW STUFF!!! I have pissed in bins in the past, many times when at home with my lesbian lovers They often get mad at it because there already was stuff in them and they had to trash that handpickedly while soaked in my piss to subsequently empty it from the piss pooled on its bottom under all the things which were present in the bin already Obviously I did that BOTH out of laziness and actually because it made them angry!!!
  14. ALWAYS MORE LAZINESS!!!! GREAT GIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. @chubbybirb999 HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sink one made WET ON THE SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. One of my friends love girls using urinals I personally don't love toilets at all… but I learnt to never say never!!!
  17. I will post more bum pics of myself ahahahahah I would play with your wife's bum myself ahahahahah very happily!!!
  18. It's spineless to prefer recording it instead of LIVING IT
  19. This is something I will see orgasm by orgasm ahahahah
  20. Maybe a Major crimes one, they fight real evil people and usually are kinkier than many so called normal guys in their spare time
  21. You can't imagine how many times Alex risked fights for asking people to delete videos where my face is shown while I pissed somewhere openly outlawed MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!!!! Why are men so FAGGOT???????? (provided to me that is a word to offend spineless hetero men, gays are another thing and I have nothing against them, some of my friends are gay, and won't get their fucking eyes away from Alex' shoulders ahahahahhah) WATCH MY FUCKING PUSSY PISSING FOR YOU ALL AND THEN FUCK OFF!!!!! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO RECORD??????????????????? SUPER-MEGA-HYPER-UL
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