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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I love advices from my pals here Thank you both so much!!!
  2. @speedy3471 Your last pics were amazing THANK YOU This too means so much to me Black holes are an important field of study in the Occult because our explaination of supernatural is a link of quantistic informations deployed by subatomic particles To study what happens to Matter when shred to pieces by extreme energies (like black holes gravity) is thus a very interesting field of research
  3. Now that my belly is working properly once anew it is time to be back here ahahahahah!!!
  4. I think exactly what speedy and steve here said
  5. Pissing on flowers is adorable Unless I want to pick them In that case I chose my favourite ones and then cuddles the shunned ones by at least giving them a little treat...
  6. You know mw enough to know I agree with this so much Keeping myself updated to the correct number of drinks per day is heavy work but is also a moral duty I uphold with honour and endevour HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
  7. When younger (really younger) I visited some distant relative in the USA Never had I been with a female cop
  8. Well… we are waiting!!!
  9. Maybe THIS is a meaning, uh? Yes, life is not equal to everybody, but this doesn't mean there is no Greater meaning It only means that the world is not there to comfort us, just to give us a chance One of Las Vegas first founders was a lame taxi driver half black half jew in apartheid age america Even without that you would be rich... The meaning of life is to improve and overcome Become more grateful of what we have and more brave in conquering what we still not have Achieve psychological stability in front of everything and be
  10. I personally think there is a meaning And I live according to it with all my strenght
  11. @steve25805 We are also forgetting to add one very important thing to the list of what people can find here 🤣
  12. But when science offers possible explainations about something millions of people have described for centuries, then maybe it's not that absurd Careful: I don't say they proved the soul exists, I say the explained how it would work if it existed THEN, I personally had actual infos from "under the surface" but I am not interested of pushing them here, I am adding this line only to avoid sounding hypocrite when I say I actually am sure the soul exists I just like to focus on explainations of how it would work if it existed: and quantum physics offers inherently coher
  13. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is "good journalism" indeed!!!!!!!
  14. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH We Witches worship the Penis But our pussy is big deal nonetheless… eheheheh
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was burrowed from an occult entity, but believe me... the original one is not exactly a fat happy man riding in the sky HAHAHAHAHHAHA
  16. Occult lore describe a number of souls taking turns The precise number I won't disclose but is bigger than the Earth would ever house Even upon colonizing ten different planets, we will never be that many, unconscious programming in our DNA will push us to reproduce less (or to engender wars if we chose the hard way) before reaching that number Ghosts as I previously wrote are born from feeling offended about death Only humans have that EGO Animals ghosts can happen if a strong willed animal dies in a place filled with spiritual energy but this is pure theory: I nev
  17. @Blackinksoul30 I am quite proud to state I had been one of the person that first noticed you, and I still have tons of cuddles about you in the forum because I really thought of you what I wrote, that you got a soul as strong as an armored tank But there is one thing that I told you many months ago, I think in PM, and you did not followed my advice: You lose confidence easily Your complainings are understandable but there is in them a nuance of desperation, and I do not mean desperation that comes from the sadness you told us about Desperation tha
  18. @steve25805 Did not know what to quote because I meant exactly this ahahahah I agree with the Whole reasoning The core is this:
  19. I am amazed How can you PROVE that something doesn't exist? I mean... You simply eliminated a possibility How can you be sure a multi-dimensional alien, able at creating universes just like a programmer creates a videogame, did not created ghost just to make you angry in April 2019, foreseeing your Birth and the development of your character? Everything is possible if you possess enough joules and know how to shamble quantistic particles… let's say that not everything actually happened… but NOTHING is impossible I really think somebody here knows ver
  20. Also 😘 But to avoid cheating, I focused on the technical and fascinating part of the debate, and my positivity comes from this very reflection of our friend here: Risked my life to sneak into groups that know secrets Truth is both better and worse than we think: better because chances are limitless and the Power That Be are on our side Worse because some humans are convinced they are not playing nasty condemning billions to famine and plague in order to become richer and these person will ACTUALLY keep Knowledge away from us So unless
  21. I personally think no, but here I call upon my personal faith so I am "cheating" Humanity is under the scope of alien races which consider us interesting, so simply we won't be allowed to become extincted, even if this would mean force us to act properly And I actually mean attack the Earth, kill 99% of the population, nuclearize every life form after abducting a bunch of survivors with interesting DNA, and then repopulate the Earth through them, after eliminating latent radioactivity with some yet-unknown technology and re-Earthform our planet with plants and animal like a Noah's ar
  22. Absolutely you can mix them!!! All same colour goes for a stronger and more focused result, but you can mix them too!!! All is possible with the Masters For example Yellow and white would mean the ability to look at things from a distance in order to catch the complexive quintessence of the situations, take a breath from feeling without a compass, and allow planning capabilities to be re-instated and bring success and dominance, yet with a serene attitude in the meanwhile The black one are PERFECT as they summoned Lilith Keep them on the altar even if you don't use the
  23. I would like to add this I have studied the way the mind works and I can understand why some people hate the occult. But usually is because they hate moron-believers. Putting the studies of scientists in the most secret military labs about the Boltzmann Brains (disembodied quantistic intelligencies, like the soul) at peer level with fear of black cats shows that 2prnot2p fears we are moron-believers, in which case I would be terrified myself and ran away shouting just like him I would love to cuddle him into understanding we are not like that, and we can still be a
  24. Ok, theorically speaking a permanent one is more serene and builds power quickier than a disasembled one, but true occult power comes not from emotional suggestion, if some objects are charged they ARE If you CAN, go for a permanent one Dedication and overcoming obstacles engender a spiritual attitude of occult relationship If you can NOT, no problems ps check the cute post about candles in the beginning of the page!!!
  25. @speedy3471 The recipe for that strange cocktailbeericecream was Amazing, and the pic is adorable THANK YOU for all you do for this thread… and for me...
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