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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. It's a strange kind of cheese, similar to the one can find in commercial hamburgers
  2. She is hot, I adore her and her voyage toward greatness... As for breast size, I'd love some pics of your woman… If possible...
  3. Advices are another things that strenghten the grid I bough a honey grapevine recently inspired by you, it's delicious!!!
  4. You want to know how cheeck I am? Check NOTIFICATION FROM SPYWAREONYA in the peetalk section
  5. This is one of the reasons I love Army guys... One of the many... I knew of many of these… but it is Amazing to live it first person… wow… AMAZING!!!
  6. Ok definitely a girl I could marry ahahahahahahah
  7. Love to tell this story I have my own Ben Wa balls myself ahahahaha
  8. Uhh… keep us updated!!! Oh I so long crave for you...
  9. I ackonwledge some will need fights and reflections before turning to friends But I sincerely look forward to achieve the change Now, for measurements, as the topic says… how long is you cock? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH from the pics it's yummy!!!
  10. It's the core, Speedy You have all you need becuase you are a great man But here in Europe… brave people like you have a harder life… people are… isolated in themselves… to cuddle them and lure them out of their retreat, it needs love… the Grid exists for that… and is the reason I am here...
  11. Ouch, I'd love to have a porn mommy
  12. @chubbybirb999 Did them all, exception for 19 It's painful for my belly, much beside my bladder!!! (No cctsv in my office, unless they would have seen me doing jumping jacks) (also, does coffee from the office machine worths as drink?) Ok I'll try now to press for so long... poor belly...
  13. Never have I ever tried to fly tieing big bird to a chair and sitting on it
  14. Ouch, delightful… Thank you for telling us… Love you...
  15. There is a thunderstorm today!!!!!!!!! I love storms!!!!
  16. Have to admit, I should care less about human vanity, Witchcraft is still a satanic form of dark ascetism... Beauty is allowed only as long as it manifests Marvel, not Ego… there is no Ego in my attitude, but… I actually love to be stylish...
  17. I adore this thread Waiting for more stuff!!!!
  18. @speedy3471 Lovely sink, and AMAZING COCK Now it can be seen better… hey it's so long!!!
  19. I am into all fetishes, piss is just the main one I am deeply into farting girls, but only if the farts are hot and the girl even hotter, unless the thing in itself doesn't move that much For huge tits… who doesn't love them? I still remember once I had sex with a professional pornstar (won't disclose her identity not even under torture so don't ask), she got fake tits and usually I don't like them, but she was so hot to actually have them under my hands, they were so big!!!
  20. As for what I can see, there are a couple of german friends I chat with, but it's up to them to decide to disclose their nationality or not For girls… not many active last months, boy… and those that do, are not german for what I can get to know them... But many things changed since 2016 I am not from Germany (Europe nonetheless, but don't divulge where) but I hope we can get along... I post much stuff from me on the forum, I am an official exclusive contents producer, and also I am a chatty girl ahahahahah
  21. Quite ridiculous!!! You live in among Nature, farm for a living, have a great wife, a marvellous son (and a funny dog), you love weapons and drinks and fuck your girl hard, and you are sensitive and polite and intense Sorry… what is a macho in your opinion? Was I a man I wouldn't bother you in a nasty bar...
  22. It did It was during my vigilante life, we befriended a lot of people, mainly for political or occult reasons Most of them were girl and they were unashamed fighters Thus, unashamed among bedpands (or parking lots) too Also, many nightclubs weren't closed, so there were more chances to hook up Now, only dance clubs exists, and hooking up there is more difficult: when there were more metal-heads retreats it was easier to find girls, metalheads are more open and intense than arrogant welldressed ladies
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