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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. With such a character, as soon as she will find the chance to go out in the open, boys would run to her... ...her pussy is delicious… I still remember the pics she posted of her pissing in the Holiday thread…
  2. Why everything you say is Always so erotic???
  3. Aahahahahhhahaha likes are useful, they give visibility so to cuddle newcomers Plus, it's important that when somebody put so much of him/herself in a pic, it gets a little treat!!!
  4. I suppose she was talking about Real Life Anyway, yes, this place is a temple of Love!!!
  5. Definitely agree Ben Wa balls were used since the times of Christ ahahaha
  6. Deep analisys That's one of the reasons I said you brought us a piece of History It's so… "real"
  7. Ouch there was this woman of absurd beauty at the bus stop… huge boobs and raven hair… talking about pussy to eat...
  8. Ok this is the kind of post that makes me DIE of laughter ahahahahahah I'd piss over you because you are #1 a goodhearted soul #2 a friend #3 an ex soldier No need to dye your hair ahahahah
  9. HAHAHAHAHAH quite agree
  10. Here it's ok to buy Lagavulin Do you like it?
  11. It's still raining It helped me getting away with my piss in the bus...
  12. I love onion omelette, I add emmental
  13. OUTSIDE ritualistic context ahahahahah
  14. I think she should But also the Holiday thread is ok for sharing stuff
  15. Don't know why but it's soooo cute ahahahah
  16. Yes, and everyday more!!!
  17. You can't understand how much I long for it I won't ask you to read this Whole thread (but you would discoversoooo many thing of me in case you do, this is my soul thread, it isn't only about places I pee), just let me tell you some places had been already suggested and refused due to chances I am full-time worker that spends time with his man only during the weekend, ina touristical town with cctvs everywhere Chances to shoot movies are scarce, unless I would post one per day So give me a long and sincere list, every NO will be fully explained to show you I don't si
  18. Ouch Darling, no indoor stuff, unless exceedingly easy to clean up… forgive me!!! Any other suggestions?
  19. Feel free to quote the pics you want to hear the story of... and thanks for the likes… I'm a vain girl and I want sooooo many of them!!! Just as you said all my pics are hot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. @UnabashedUser Holy fuck, much more than a contribution to a porn forum, this is a fucking page of History!!! KUDOS to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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