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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I experienced this with my old phone Before starting to make big work, I had an old Samsung which could barely sent messages and make calls Days of never ending battery, hours and hours of non-stop chats without the slightest problems, and it happened just once I was without coverage, and I was partecipating in a paid visit to a CAVE
  2. After all the shit I swallowed in life, I had to make a choice You do believe problems can be solved, or you do believe you can only try to survive I chose the former And now I live accordingly
  3. I adore you Your way of talking, your humour, your wit...
  4. I wouldn't get in such a filthy place to even to take a dump, I'll poop on the street rather, and say hi to passing cars
  5. As I Always said, you are a M - A - N Which not everybody knows is a shortening of "ComMANder"
  6. Shedding the chrysalys, are you?
  7. @Jjones5285 That place is a mess!!!! So glad you raised the price a bit by doing some nasty and kinky operations in it!!!
  8. A personal joke? Most of my galleries are in the Non-pee sex section ahahahahahah
  9. I prefer highly elaborated soups Beside Gulash (one of my favourite foods at all) from Romany, also some secret recipes of Italy are great, like Zuppa de la Santé ("The soup which is good for your health"), which includes meat and vegetables broth, actual meatballs made of various meats and cheeses, and baked vegetables turned into a grilled set of tender consistence You mix it all together and put some roasted bread slices with garlic in the bottom of the plate, then you pour it all unto them
  10. I would NEVER like to get on your bad side One of the reasons why I adore you When you fight for something right… you can be quite… intimidating I would have no problems in getting filmed upon request!!! I got filmed SO many times dancing pantiless in clubs!!! But ONLY after explaining my pussy was ok to be taped, my face was NOT ahahahahah
  11. But it cannot be described by words She was GORGEOUS and it was almost like she was really convinced it was my right to piss from a slope unto somebody's garden It is Beyond human
  12. @will64 Your cock is becoming an aficionado of the web ahahahahaha
  13. It's against the law to show the Death of a human so it wouldn't had been turned into an advertisement if the girl in the end was dead Thus I judge the Whole video according to the fact that she survived and say LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I am sorry for her bad time, you can actually see drops of blood on the windshield, but the thing in itself is very expressive, and the first half is GREAT
  14. Little admittance of shame? I read it in two times I still am not fine completely after had been seriously ill and my sight crosses after a little while No matter how much do I speak english in my employement (international business), it still is not my mother languange and my brain overheat after a while if I am not 100% operational But I loved the atmosphere It struck a chord in my mind I am not necessarily that different than this msyelf… or more precisely, a facet of me Not the entire me But a facet… yes
  15. Enemy. NOT foe. A foe is a lowlife adversary. An enemy is a THREAT. A big fish of an opposing political party that gets money for fueling his campaing by neo-nazi selling drug yet manage to keep police away from his stuff and you can't risk for him to surpass your allies. A landlord that can bully a friends of yours. A new neighbour you reported to the police for beating up his wife and now hates you. A THREAT If that person we know is a threat for reasons I do not know, then OK But REMOVAL, not REVENGE It's different: glad you understood that is beneath you, I am adding th
  16. This has been among the best compliments I got recently!!!!!! I am blushing!!! Why hadn't we made friendship already? PM me anytime!!!
  17. Some dishes has Worldwide names… so I got it immediately ihihihihi I ADORE east europe gulash Definitely my favourite
  18. It… made me wet Holy fuck
  19. Fanny has something harsh, in a positive and manly inferring of the word Like he was a wild goat with matted hair: not for all tastes, but proud and marvellous to those who can understand it Sometimes his posts sounds strange… but they have a unique taste Thank you for trust You know the bottomless amount of respect I have for her You know I never lie on these matters, not if she is involved
  20. You can bet on it For my double fetish, you wanna know a silly thing? I usually fart a lot when I piss, but when I shoot videos… nothing!!! It's so strange!!!
  21. You know, you have a point there!
  22. I am sure, gun to the head, that Fanny was simply taking this a playful game You know he likes to analize stuff Obviously feelings are ALL that matters For your woman being bottomless, I don't know why but it kind sounded both erotic and spiritual to me A black hole pussy Like a motherly abyss Wow...
  23. Ouch, can't control myself, LOVE this one Delicious arse of a delicious slut...
  24. Beside the erotic stance of it, this is a great pic The place, the angle, is really great and happy!!! Thank you Will!!!
  25. I said THE Penis HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Kinky boy!!! I can play around with friends though I am married ahahahahahah
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