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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Moscow Mule prepared without great vodka just taste like unwashed arses No thanks
  2. Proficient with likes and compliments I am, but very avaricious of money!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Plus, the kind of things I want to do with people in bed cannot be done unless the other craves for you desperately
  3. We discussed this in my Gunpowder club I remember!!! Ihihihihihi
  4. Some are, don't get me wrong, every evolved entity Beyond humanity agree with some basical rights Some Others are extras
  5. @Peefreak99 He's even too tranquil HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Seems like I feel when somebody defy me and I reply calmly HAHAHAHAH
  6. Absolutely agree Mine was just a good-hearted provocation, because I personally believe existence is a honourable but not mild place, and many of the so called rights we humans claim are just given by Others out of love, they are not cosmical laws I endorse them nonetheless uh!!! Which is why I say this forum should be more tight
  7. After an impossible great game, Tottenham surpassed Ajax and Liverpool crushed Barcelona I cannot believe that one of my favourite teams (Tottenham) will play against the team (Liverpool) that kicked out my originally favourite team (Bayern) I think this Final will be one of the greatest I ever seen I am just worried that after the match, Spain could declare war against UK because of the devastations caused by the loser's supporters AJAJAJAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  8. Your wit and the speed at which you master new things clearly speaks
  9. OUHHHHH SLOBBERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Ok my nomination for Forum best contributor 2019 after this post and also my nomination for anything, these words enflame my heart
  11. This too is embarassingly true
  12. spywareonya


    I curse quite creatively ahahahah
  13. Well we want to hear!!! Thank you for this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well I never jumped out of a moving vehicle myself, but maybe once I should have ahahahah But I pissed out of the window of a moving vehicle, does that count? For the bungee jumping ahahahah I'd love to try, rollercoaster are my favourite attraction ahahahah And for forcing a girl to do things she did not want… wel… a couple of time… her upper lips were saying "Please no"... but her lower ones were saying "Pleeeeeease" AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  14. No Steve, the truth is much worse My family was of the kind that went back home after a day at a work they hate and take their stress out on me like uncivilized monsters Sometimes just words Very often, violence Sometimes, turning in an attempt to kill me (mainly one of them, and the other doing nothing to protect me) Police hadn't been involved for nothing Nolove/hate relationship: Witchcraft trains to reach the trans-causal portions of our brains where Forgiveness and Love reside as standard, and to take them out on demand even if your hurts suggest hatred, but
  16. Holy fuck Such an Amazing story Boy you are such an asset for this forum THANK YOU
  17. you should visit my Gunpowder club I'll PM you the link
  18. Ouch... on the same level stand the highest qualities of Scotch and Rum I have bottles in my collection which are almost 20 years seasoned, they could cost 1/10 of the monthly salary of a full-time emplyee If for drink you meant a synonym of cocktail, than Moscow Mule and Tequila Sunrise!!!!
  19. Imagine even better: a Government, uh? That cheers up for you That explains problems to people instead of barking at us how it planned to solve them That summons us to act instead of giving orders A heroic Government for a Nation of Heroes
  20. I have never used LSD but I had been so drunk to fart a singing pink elephant on demand, and the thought of seeing such a thing would have set me on laugh-reaction non-stop for hours ahahahahahahh ...which is fascinating as fuck Ouh!!! Love Love!!! We must prepare, uh, 6 weeks before your birthday!!!
  21. Well it comes so natural to you that ahahahahah you just live by it!!!
  22. Ok THIS is Amazing!!! I can understand you I spend among international economical complainings 12 hours per day without lunch break GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. We must help her True love is NOT lip-service We are shaking her out of her fears Because we do not want to protect her, but to show the world she got balls of solid rock
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