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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. What about a female friend without camera? I could help you being sneaky and stealthy ahahahaah I am trained in these things
  2. Holy fuck this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to do this:
  3. If it was LAST week it is AFTER he fixed last time I still think we should check When he will see this thread he will have all the infos he needs and act quickly THANK YOU
  4. LAST time it happened? I am asking because Admin fixed this stuff last week so if never happened since the beginning of May it will simply mean he uprooted the problem
  5. Contemporarily?????? Not even I managed to do that!!!
  6. Ok, Google Chrome from a Samsung Smartphone? Other questions, to make Admin's work quickier when he arrives #1 When was the first time you noticed it? #2 When the last? #3 Did it stopped or it still is being naughty? #4 Many times per day? #5 Everytime you try to log in, or just sometimes? Thank you in advance
  7. spywareonya


    It's also a slang for "spineless male" Slang works like that... For example, I have many homosexual friends (one of them even tried to date my boyfriend ahahahaha Alex just politely told him he already had a partner, he did not even specified my sex, in order to be even more polite) and yet I use the words "gay" or even "faggot" to mean a spineless heterosexual man If I am talking about homosexual men I just say "homosexual men", holy fuck is that hard to be polite? Slang is slang...
  8. No, Admin recently used the money from Goldmembership to buy more bandwidth rights from the BusinessBosses, it cannot be that Which browser? Firefox? Explorer? Edge?
  9. Ok first of all it is important to Always notify @Admin On a second stance, which browser do you use? And what kind of device you log in from? PC? Smartphone? More infos are Always useful Many experienced this is the past months and Admin fixed it, but if it is happening again we must check
  10. Here I was laughing already Me too at the moment ahahahah HOLY FUCK AHAHAHHHA SILLY DOC ABSURD STORY ahahahahahahha Your girl has napalm in her veins
  12. Men must be brave and gentle When a man is both (and a man like you talking of Dangerous thing is top score), then my pussy plays like when you spoonfeed a baby: "OPEN WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE" ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Boys talking of war… I could just lay down and finger...
  14. I would like to have so many women be at the receiving end of my piss stream HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  15. These questions are huge And sincerily my idea would be really shocking to you all I would keep them, just use them differently For pissing in public, beside happiness a President must be RESPONSIBLE: I would thus modify laws to suit a personal concept that I find interesting I would create a "Harmless Citizen Card" that nobody must reveal if he posses or not, but means you never performed crimes and you have not serious illnesses Such a human would not piss in public in some deranged way and would not be dagerous for health, so he would be entitle
  16. More details please The meat is chopped or comes in a single trunk? And the sauce is garlic and onion ok but cooked or raw, mashed up in white wine? And You mean meat is added like meatballs-spaghetti? Sorry for all these questions but I cannot immediately figure this out, yet it sounds delicious….
  17. Now that you know how I really reflect, do you think I would have proposed you for Best Real Story unless I was convinced you were great? You deserve it in a technical stance but unless I considered you huge, I would have simply kept my mouth shut and my fingers in my fucking cunt instead that on the keyboard writing your name in a post I picked you for your HEART So nothing strange to me that you openly understand what I am saying Follow those you deem fitting and react to a higher percentage of their posts, even shamelessly ALL of them Your part woul
  18. Such a hearttouching sight OMG it's marvellous THANK YOU MICKY
  19. Ok this is marvellous Shit it's amazing
  20. OOOOH it IS lovely!!! How was the food? What did you eat???
  21. Be sure that the attitude by which we decide who to follow, who to react, who to reply, extends in our instincts ,Beyond the singular content we must decide if to reply or not, and extends to the opinion we have of that person, giving likes not only to the content but to the human that posted them, to make thus that the outside number of reactions he gets would be even to the Worth we think he possesses Acting like a "likes-broker" that decides "salaries of likes" according to the goodheartedness of the users around him For example if I one day would think somebody had been really na
  22. Would anybody help me patrol the number of likes and replies people get. not to save everybody it would be ridiculous, but at least the most deserving ones? Because I exactly want to heal what you just denounced!!!
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