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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Difficult for me I love war movies on a morbid stance and chose one is Beyond my capabilities If I have to drunk-reply so up to quickness more than well pondered reflections, well Apocalypse Now but it's not a war movie, just among my favourite for a deep list of reasons Another I loved morbidly is The Enemy Below Also Enemy at the Gates and The Thin Red Line Jarhead too, though it's different I also adored Midway and on a general stance I prefer war movies from old times rather than modern ones The last I really found realistic and touch
  2. I PERFECTLY know what you are talking about Not them themselves, but other people of that like, I know Ok, sorry, imagine I hadn't write anything Kisses
  3. Oh I'd love to quench your thirst for… knowledge AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  4. Agree 101%, I usually shut up just because I am not gonna have babies thus I would sound hypocrite
  5. Great cumshots make a woman feel loved and greeted
  6. spywareonya


    Ok THIS is marvellous Hot and visceral
  7. My piss tastes delicious, I can dig why girls love it so much!!!!!!!
  8. If you allow me a joke which may SOUND harsh (but it's JUST a joke) disliking anything in a woman is weird and NOT in a good way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Small tits, big tits, all beautiful ahahahhahahaha Now speaking seriously I personally can dig why people love girls with small, firm tits, they have the freshness of the tight, athletic woman I love them too, don't get me wrong I just prefer a big-breasted milf
  9. I'd love to visit (I will anyway sooner or later) to some places in Africa and India Above all I will visit (Witch duty at least once in Life) the Charnel Ground of Mumbai, where the Aghoris (cannibal monks, masters of Witchcraft) prays to Shiva 24/7 among funeral pyres Obviously I would piss there but as part of the most intimate ritualistical attainment I would strip naked, and pray all day myself, pissing around like those "mad" monks myself Anyway, the adjective "mad" must be inferred as a way of respect I would also visit all great muse
  10. Kebab can be fat and trash-food-like Or it can be a healthy hamburger-like bread filled with crispy and un-baked vegetables, with roasted and fat-less meat and home-made sauces without mayonnaise-like fat-basis It depends on who prepares it!!!
  11. I adore Italian cooking Mainly Pizza, but anything including pasta and meat goes I also love asian cooking, both japanese and indian if properly prepared and not overwhelmed with poor-qualities stuff, I also love Kebab, to a morbid degree, but only if with fresh vegetables, and handmaid sauces and not fat-dripping shitlike meat
  12. Hi Boy!!! I have drank the one of my man and sometimes of some of my lesbian lovers too To me is normal, I am sure it so also for many Others on this site, never believe the opposite I also once drank my own, there is a pic of it on this forum
  13. I will soon build a good, new book Meanwhile I wanna drag more persons to the interview thread I started ihihihihi
  14. I know, I know ahahahahha
  15. I am here to this Our League will extend We will hug our comrades and make everybody happy
  16. Tantra helps, your cock is marvellous from the pics I saw
  17. EXACTLY the kind of report we need, filled with details Thank you No problems in last hours New updates regularly in the next couple of days
  18. Come on, more questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. @Brutus Holy FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! So visceral it's almost morbid!!!
  20. Alex cock is HUGE and slightly bent, with a large tip so swollen it is almost "disgusting" It rams my deepest reaches and I have G-spot orgasms in the numers of six-seven per fuck And when you know how to practice Tantra, you can self-hypnotize to perceive everything as multiplied ten times (it has side effects, like the noise of a fly can thunders in your ears making hard to have sex serenely) So when I cum, I froth and almost faint, it is like being born or completely disemboweled
  21. I agree absolutely To be more precise, what I meant is that our computations allow entities much more evolved than us to prey upon us, without being labeled as criminals or evil What makes an entity more or less evolved is how healthy is his mind: a demon is full of hatred and desgusting, a predatorial alien from the Sixth dimension would be honourable and yet ferocious, like humans are perceived by the animals we eat, very differen from a fucker who tortures animals for fun
  22. Ok first of all this is hot as fuck I am usually quite silent, morbid and in-trance When I cum is another story, I bring down walls
  23. I go even further: I state that if a law or a morality point messes up with that idea, that law or morality point is wrong In Witchcraft, we state that when a thing is Balanced, it is RIGHT even if it is perceived as wrong I want to be feared for my intensity and headlong devotion, loved for my love toward Others, followed for my loyalty toward the cause of teaching Others to need no Teachers, and stepped on unless I live up to my best I treat Others accordingly Love those who love Help those who are nasty Forgive those who are evil Destroy motherfucke
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