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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. This is not a common thread I rarely saw a non-pee thread so loved It is cute and intimate and we all love this
  2. You misunderstood my words I meant that as long as science hadn't yet offered proofs that a thing is impossible, there is room for believing it to be possible I do not believe in already debunked things: but scientists said that the depths of the Loch are of similar composition to that mixed water which can be found where sweet waters of rivers ended up in the ocean, and the Elasmosaurus were known to fish in the nearbies of those places if the Loch really have tunnels connecting it to the oceans and live in the seas and come in the Loch just to spawn, then it would NOT AT ALL b
  3. No, Witches are only good Evil occultists summons demons or practice lower forms of magick Witchcraft is absolutely white magick, is just that our white is not exactly what people would consider as harmless Our motto is "The only defense against an evil force is a good guy skilled in using force to solve otherwise unconquerable problems" But we only and Always act for the Greater good
  4. First I must study this boy, and see if he upholds my power… as soon as he gives me green light, I will go But when I play, I am mild and cautious and yet accept no refusal So be sure before I go, as to play with me is like making a pact with the Devil
  5. Not into wetting, though some friends both male and female in this site opened my eyes to the hot and intimate truth of this reality I still use my urine as a hormonal message so I consider it less useful, for my purpose, to wet, as it would be like telling my message to myself, I already know my message so now it's time to transcend Beyond me and tell it to the world, thus I piss freely and claim this right with vengeful strenght, because to me being prevented from pissing exactly whenever and wherever I want is nothing short from being gagged with some kind of device to prevent me from
  6. The black one is Art at its purest I'd sell my soul to the Devil if He existed, to have a dress like this one I once wore a bride's dress during the Wedding of a dear friend, in her cultural background the bridesmaid is supposed to dress like a bride too, and I got a handmaiden appointed to me for my every need… included squatting next to me to keep my dress up (it was RENTED) while I peed on the ground… I wrote of it somewhere… I was REALLY NASTY with her... Ahahahahha a macho like you keeping my dress up while I piss… it has been a while (since my v
  7. Amazing Marvellous Thank you... WOW that is impressive The love that emanates from you as you speak of it somehow flows through the screen and touches our hearts
  8. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them, once I tried to cuddle them but I just had them running away!!! So sad!!! But I learnt a lesson: if you run toward them screaming "YUUUHUUUUU WHO WANNA BE CUDDLED???" they will run away HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
  11. Holy fuck!!! Do you rent them or do they belong to you? It's enormously expensive!!!
  12. We are trying to create such a world at least here in Peefans!!! And I am NOT joking!!!
  13. Marvellous I reflect on them everyday Thank you for posting them
  14. That during History, people exploring these subjects had been burned as heretics or simply killed to make them shut up, and thieves murdered each other to steal books or diaries from the most recent possessor, only to be in turn killed by someone else Occult knowledge had Always been fought against by evil humans, who never shunned homicide to eliminate their opposers Think of the Inquisition for example, or evil Freemasons (not all Freemasons are good… some are evil) that wants knowledge all for themselves... These subjects are stuff for HEROES
  15. Everytime I visit this thread I SLOBBER ahahahahahah It makes me SO happy!!!
  16. What matters is that you are careful, fine and equipped by now Hugs
  17. I agree I think that the core of what Fanny meant is that, in his mind, something completely lawful is something people bothered by it should shove it up their asses and keep quiet since "it's lawful" He prefers othering things to be kept such that if they I would like to state that in my opinions, even the most lawful of things should be ass-kicked by police if it turns out to be a serious problem for any reasons Public order and security should Always come #1 above&beyond what is allowed
  18. No offtopics here One comment is obviously funny but these threads are stuff people killed and died for
  19. I think this should work for EVERYTHING
  20. @steve25805 Weekly questions should generate more controversies ahahahahahahah Who could argue with what you wrote?????? I am on 100%
  21. It did not happen to me, but I am HONOURED that this thread can houses such kind of honourable complainings from other users wanting more ETHIC among people that are indeed supposed to be friends Yes guys, whoever read this, add it to your mind WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU TO THINK YOU OWE SOMETHING TO US We are just commenting about how to be more mature humans after all!!! At a certain point a thread DIES, it's NORMAL, yet there is a great difference between Death and ghosting
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