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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Blackie knows I never endorsed the degree of self-love she has… it's too small!!! She should love herself more!! She deserves that!!!
  2. People judges because they take out unto Others their inner anxieties I judge nobody I even pity paedophiles (I had them arrested anyway when I was a vigilante) and even petty criminals (yet some of them deserved the clubbing we gave them) We can be free not to endorse (for example I do not endorse your lack of self confidence, you are AMAZING and should be more in love with yourself in my opinion) even WITHOUT judgement as ATTITUDE!!! We can simply disagree, yet with love!!!
  3. It hurt me, I cannot deny that Without Alex I am not ashamed to admit I would have fallen
  4. Without that hell there would have been not resurrection I would have been superficial in the use of my violent character, lacking the first-hand perception of how awful it is to SUFFER violence By now I am more mature and responsible
  5. Touching Sincerily I can dig the drinking stuff, let's just say I drink 24/7 so it can't be an ADD when I am sad ahahahah
  6. Everything you just wrote was both hot and lovely!!! ... I am happy for you You surely deserve the love you got I... well… maybe deserved it too… I just had been unlucky somebody would say... ...but I believe in Karma. My inner aggressiveness called on me aggressive people. The problem is that they did NOT master their lot and took it out on me I am Mastering mine so I won't be like them
  7. Darling feel serene We are just caring for you, it's not pity, is our style, we have a philosophy here about banding together, so you are just experiencing our hugging attitude, not at all pity, nor that kind of sympathy/help We are just amazed of the viscerality of your writing style
  8. Enormous question Holy fuck I would introduce a different taxation system that is based on people's belongings, not on crude earning I would also impose limits to salary, nobody would be ever authorized to earn more than 15,000 per month, and nobody, not even part-time, less than 1000 Then I would legalize cannabis and perform a heavy taxation on it, dealing mercilessly with those still producing it at home (The State must use legalization of cannabis to cut hands to the Mob, so personal ways of obtaining it must be discouraged) Same said for pros
  9. Mmmh I love these subtle and personal questions Regular? Complicated The answer closer to truth is "no", yet "yes" is also fitting, let me explain I consider smoking (mainly Caribbean cigars) an undisputed portion of my life, I adore Tobacco also on a spiritual stance and adore to smoke But the time that can pass between two chances is so long, and so lacking any kind of addiction, that I could go on for a month without tobacco and almost miss to notice
  10. What a great story Anyway I would have seen your light even if hidden under a pile of "you" You are too amazing
  11. Shorts, ponytail, top squishing my tits, and BARE FUCKING HANDS Training with Alex once I made him to bleed, and he survived knife-fights and potential shootouts so believe me he's not a pussy And yet he was surprised by my strenght Poor boy, he had that black spot for a week ahahahah For you guys loving me... OH GODDESS YOU MADE ME TO CRY!!! Your french translation is correct anyway, I read it, it's fine
  12. @Blackinksoul30 Meditation, and personal reflection To a smaller degree, porn and physical training, aggressive stuff like boxing I also exorcise my shadow and my repressed anger by reading memories of very evil humans like serial killers and nazi torturers For the second question, I am outcasted even currently by my family for my beliefs The only loving me are my grandparents
  13. I would erase the Collective Unconscious, a hub of electricity connecting human brains but in a negative way, keeping us in fetter making as think in circle like stereotypes Then humans would be free to think in new, free and enthusiastical unconventional ways Later, I would demonstrate to everybody everything I already know, so to make people know what to do AFTER MY SUPERPOWERS EXPIRED Indeed, it would be stick to Scientifical and Psychology exploration, to embetter life, and stop to look for materialistical bullshit preferring (careful now, I LOVE
  14. It CAN happen The truth is that (unless it would have not being dirty) that she was a friend and I KNEW she was underage I just was drunk as hell (and I have my personal morality and people should stop illuse I am harmless) and she was too and she LOOKED like 20 so I mean she was HOT (Young-looking girls are not hot, only people with problems find them hot)
  15. Aaaah… a marvellous question to start with I had powers since a child, like reading people's mind or sensing events at distance with embarassing abilities Also, I used to hear not voices, but… presences… and since my family was really evil (police had been involved) I couldn't tell anybody I started to study the occult during teenage but I was skeptical, all those symbolical bullshit wasn't my cup of thea, until I met Alex, who was the leader of a group (let's serenely call it a sect) and was involved into secret scientifical experiments to find the proof of the existence of psy
  16. Like everything we build when we are inspired We are but the shadows of our future selves, summoned back up to the future
  17. spywareonya


    I edited it too, great work
  18. I could quote a song from a band I love... "...and all it faded in the bleakness of the past, not even fog and ashes remain..." Ahahahaha those parties are over, guess why I joined the site only in 2017 if I knew it since 3 years before… I just had no time when those parties were still available
  19. Ooooooh here are my boys… muscles and cocks and HEARTS My Column Holders… Joakin and Boaz… Longsightedness and Fury...
  20. Check some VIP parties, girls are peeing on the floor (or unto other partecipants) even if it is NOT a piss party By the morning, the floor is decorated with used condoms...
  21. There are places like that, my friend, they are just ruled by Mafia ahahahaha Don't ask how I know
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